40 Economists Agree: The GOP Is In Fiscal La-La Land

Let me lay it out for ya Conservaderps...so you can ignore the logic and continue to spew crap....

A man is making 1000 a week. He and his wife and child live OK...not great...but nicely.
He loses his job and now is collecting 500 a week unemployment.
It is a struggle. No9 more dinners out..no more movie night...no more 1 week away at the shore.
A year of living this way and they are surviving...struggling....but surviving.....intermitant use of credit cards helps with the unexpected....like a refrigerator repair.

Now, thanks to stimulus...he gets a job making 650 a week. He is aware it is temporary becuase it is for a project...as most of the stimulus jobs were.

Now...what do you think he will do?

a) Take that extra 150 a week (above what he got on unemployment) and spend it on goodies

b) realize his job can end any day so he takes that 150 a week extra and pays off debt with 50 and puts the other 100 away for when he is back on the 500 a week unemployment

It was this exact premise as to why the GOP said the stiumulus would not work. They never said it would not help people get on a payrol. They said it will not stimulate the economy.


Ha ha ha ha. Oh fantasies. They're fun.

really? What seems like a fantasy in what I wrote?

Because you have NOTHING but conjecture you're building your opinion on, dummy.
The best way to help the poor is to make them suffer more

“I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” - Benjamin Franklin

I'm sorry, but I really don't look to 18th century philosphers to be experts on 21st century sociology

Ben Franklin was pre Charles Dickens in his views on poverty
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AHHAHAHAHA...He's looking for any way to ignore the information. Next he'll ask them to provide college records

Don't forget their birth certificates.
IOW, neither of you two drips can tell us specifically who these alleged "conservative" economists are, or how they got deemed to be "conservative".


And you cant tell us specifically where they are wrong. Because you have no idea, your forte is smear. How can you smear people who identity you dont even know? :lol:
40 Economists Say The GOP Has Abandoned Economic Reality | ThinkProgress

Before the Conservadopes scream "HATE SITE" and plug their fingers, note the first fucking sentence in the article:

A survey of forty economists from across the ideological and partisan spectrum has concluded that on some of its most cherished issues, the Republican Party has simply taken leave of economic reality.

You really have no clue how media bias works, do you?

You completely failed to notice that Think Progress left out those survey questions in which the economists agree with the GOP.

For instance, school vouchers: Poll Results | IGM Forum

And Too Big Too Fail: http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_agBycSk9IdTStso

And free trade: http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_0dfr9yjnDcLh17m

And opposition to rent controls: http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_6upyzeUpI73V5k0

And to the harm caused by employer provided health care breaks: http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel/poll-results?SurveyID=SV_6Gw7RTJefXPg0o4

So your Think Progress buddies are guilty of the most blatant bias there is: cherry picking.

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The IGM Forum has another survey, it says this:

" Long run fiscal sustainability in the U.S. will require cuts in currently promised Medicare and Medicaid benefits and/or tax increases that include higher taxes on households with incomes below $250,000. "

Guess it depends on who you ask, hmm?
Ha ha ha ha. Oh fantasies. They're fun.

really? What seems like a fantasy in what I wrote?

Because you have NOTHING but conjecture you're building your opinion on, dummy.


So what I wrote is not what you would deem normal responsible human behavior?

Then why is it exactly what happened?

Forget it. You just want to be right. You have absolutely no interest in learning or understanding anything.
The Bush Tax Cuts have been in place for 10 years now. Where are all the jobs it was supposed to create? I mean, besides the 28 straight months of private sector under OBAMA's watch.

Well let's see, if the stimulus gets to count anywhere from 1 - 9 billion jobs "created" or "saved" then why can't the same be applied to the Bush ear tax cuts?

That's fine. But then you'd have to give the 700k+ jobs a MONTH we were losing in the last year or so of Bush's second term. You okay with that?

Seeing as I'm not, never was or ever will be a Bush fan because he is a progressive I'd say yes, Bush deserves what he got. Bush did huge programs, huge welfare programs, stimulus and TARP... Wars and torture.

Now, can you admit that I just gave a list that is 100% the same as what Obama has done? So how can you claim Bush destroyed an economy yet claim Obama saved an economy while doing the exact same policies?

If you want to make a case that Obama and Bush have different polices you would first have to show me where Obama and the Dems repealed Bush era polices, seeing as Obama/Dems simply kept or expanded near all of Bush/Reps policies, including the Bush era tax cuts, wars, homelands security, TARP, stimulus and so on.

See, Republicans are the same as Dems, they both cut taxes and then spend to much. I can see this, in fact I can prove this... why can't you see this?
The best way to help the poor is to make them suffer more

“I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” - Benjamin Franklin

I'm sorry, but I really don't look to 18th century philosphers to be experts on 21st century sociology

Ben Franklin was pre Charles Dickens in his views on poverty

And that's part of the problem, you look to older failed social structures that Ben learned from but you resist. It's sad to see an answer to a problem that is as old as society itself but you attack it because the answer was figured out long ago.

More or less you are claiming the theory of evolution no longer applies due to how long ago Darwin discovered his theory.

For instance, can you prove where welfare lifts more people out of poverty at a rate faster than people that poverty level is growing?

You have seen this no?
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The best way to help the poor is to make them suffer more

“I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” - Benjamin Franklin

I'm sorry, but I really don't look to 18th century philosphers to be experts on 21st century sociology

Ben Franklin was pre Charles Dickens in his views on poverty

Won't be the first mistake you've made.

Or the last.
“I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” - Benjamin Franklin

I'm sorry, but I really don't look to 18th century philosphers to be experts on 21st century sociology

Ben Franklin was pre Charles Dickens in his views on poverty

And that's part of the problem, you look to older failed social structures that Ben learned from but you resist. It's sad to see an answer to a problem that is as old as society itself but you attack it because the answer was figured out long ago.

More or less you are claiming the theory of evolution no longer applies due to how long ago Darwin discovered his theory.

For instance, can you prove where welfare lifts more people out of poverty at a rate faster than people that poverty level is growing?

You have seen this no? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg98BvqUvCc&feature=fvwrel]OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS... - YouTube[/ame]

Sorry, but Franklin lived in an era where slavery was acceptable, women were property, royalty was treasured, class of society was everything

I don't accept his views on how a modern democracy should function in terms of how we treat our people. We do a much better job of taking care of our people than Franklins peers did

Ive seen that video many times and it does not say what you think it does
Things the Think Progress bozos in the OP link did not tell you:

The GOP believes in school vouchers. How do the economists feel?


The GOP believes government support of TBTF institutions actually contributed to their problems. Do the economists agree or disagree?


The GOP believes free trade is good for the economy, despite Democratic complaints of outsourcing. Do the experts agree or disagree?


The GOP believes rent controls do not improve living conditions for the poor. Do the experts agree or disagree with rent controls?

I'm sorry, but I really don't look to 18th century philosphers to be experts on 21st century sociology

Ben Franklin was pre Charles Dickens in his views on poverty

And that's part of the problem, you look to older failed social structures that Ben learned from but you resist. It's sad to see an answer to a problem that is as old as society itself but you attack it because the answer was figured out long ago.

More or less you are claiming the theory of evolution no longer applies due to how long ago Darwin discovered his theory.

For instance, can you prove where welfare lifts more people out of poverty at a rate faster than people that poverty level is growing?

You have seen this no? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg98BvqUvCc&feature=fvwrel]OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS... - YouTube[/ame]

Sorry, but Franklin lived in an era where slavery was acceptable, women were property, royalty was treasured, class of society was everything

I don't accept his views on how a modern democracy should function in terms of how we treat our people. We do a much better job of taking care of our people than Franklins peers did

Ive seen that video many times and it does not say what you think it does

Is your head in the sand..our up your ass.

Either way.....it's typical of the left.
“I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” - Benjamin Franklin

I'm sorry, but I really don't look to 18th century philosphers to be experts on 21st century sociology

Ben Franklin was pre Charles Dickens in his views on poverty

Won't be the first mistake you've made.

Or the last.

Yes, lets bring back public flogging
I'm sorry, but I really don't look to 18th century philosphers to be experts on 21st century sociology

Ben Franklin was pre Charles Dickens in his views on poverty

Won't be the first mistake you've made.

Or the last.

Yes, lets bring back public flogging

Why not ?

Seems we had this discussion about the kid they were going to cane in Malaysia for doing something (can't recall). All I know is that many people were surprised at how effective a deterent it was on kids who otherwise might get into mischief.

Of course, the left has never been about consequences.

You can spout off all you want about treating people better.....but the peeps from your bellybutton (as you talk from inside your ass) don't sound very convincing. And it is further backed by your policies that have kept people in poverty for a long time.
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Things the Think Progress bozos in the OP link did not tell you:

The GOP believes in school vouchers. How do the economists feel?


The GOP believes government support of TBTF institutions actually contributed to their problems. Do the economists agree or disagree?


The GOP believes free trade is good for the economy, despite Democratic complaints of outsourcing. Do the experts agree or disagree?


The GOP believes rent controls do not improve living conditions for the poor. Do the experts agree or disagree with rent controls?


No post all the ones where the experts STRONGLY disagreed with GOP financial philosophies. Go on. I dare ya.
Well let's see, if the stimulus gets to count anywhere from 1 - 9 billion jobs "created" or "saved" then why can't the same be applied to the Bush ear tax cuts?

That's fine. But then you'd have to give the 700k+ jobs a MONTH we were losing in the last year or so of Bush's second term. You okay with that?

Seeing as I'm not, never was or ever will be a Bush fan because he is a progressive I'd say yes, Bush deserves what he got. Bush did huge programs, huge welfare programs, stimulus and TARP... Wars and torture.

Now, can you admit that I just gave a list that is 100% the same as what Obama has done? So how can you claim Bush destroyed an economy yet claim Obama saved an economy while doing the exact same policies?

If you want to make a case that Obama and Bush have different polices you would first have to show me where Obama and the Dems repealed Bush era polices, seeing as Obama/Dems simply kept or expanded near all of Bush/Reps policies, including the Bush era tax cuts, wars, homelands security, TARP, stimulus and so on.

See, Republicans are the same as Dems, they both cut taxes and then spend to much. I can see this, in fact I can prove this... why can't you see this?

So why do you support Romney if Obama is the same as Bush and Romney has already said he's going back to "Bush on steroids"?

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