300 Million Americans haven’t gotten Covid

You do realize that 3 to 3.5 million Americans die a year right FOOL? The ones who died from covid had underlying conditions that made them good bets on not living much longer anyway.
What? Because people die in the normal course of life… we’re supposed to accept ADDITIONAL DEATHS due to Covid?

That makes sense to you?

Between 2019 and 2020, there were 400,000 more deaths in the USA than in previous years. With the number of deaths from the top two causes, heart disease and cancer UNCHANGED. These deaths were in addition to other deaths, not just a shift of how they were characterized.
CDC changed those number two months ago but it does not fit into your emotional drivel agenda,
From what source in your alternate universe did you get THAT one?

As of this moment, from the CDC, the number is 647,461 dead.

What the number is in your universe, I don't know. Maybe it's zero.

From what source in your alternate universe did you get THAT one?

As of this moment, from the CDC, the number is 647,461 dead.

That's because they don't consider people who die of complications from COVID, to be attributed to COVID.
How many times do folks have to be told, the vaccine does not stop the spread of the virus.
How many times have you been told that's not why it was developed. It was developed to save lives. COVID spreads before either natural immunity or a vaccine can kick in.
...go practice your goosetepping
MOST Americans don't get Covid--UNDENIABLE-FACT ..except to brainwashed hitlerjugend
Maybe the scientists and healthcare workers know more than you do, and you are an ignorant moron on this.

Has that ever crossed your mind?
And cancer is the number two cause.

Did you notice that COVID became the 3rd biggest killer of Americans in 2020?
..I've got a thread on how you can't go around GORGING yourself with food and being lazy/etc and think there will be no consequences
.....the fatties are paying for it now

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