30 years ago...guess which NYT headline has become the real problem: global warming or immigration?!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

As always, the left flip flops on truth/deception as conditions warrant
Of course, Global Warming is the REAL crisis, and the GOP is using Immigration as a deflection so they can continue to screw up the environment, and steal our wealth.

As always, the left flip flops on truth/deception as conditions warrant
I don't understand this post. You cite an article on GW, then go on a rant about 'the left' flip-flopping on truth deception. Can you explain to me as a 'child of a lesser god"?
Of course, Global Warming is the REAL crisis, and the GOP is using Immigration as a deflection so they can continue to screw up the environment, and steal our wealth.
Doubt you’ve got much worth stealing but no worries. Whatever scraps are left after we kill you with our dirty air and dirty water we’ll get. Oh, and thanks.

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