30 injured, 4 Dead in a mass shooting in Brooklyn neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
There has been a mass shooting in the 800 block of Gretna Avenue, Baltimore, early Sunday morning

Shooting happened at what police described as "Community gathering" shortly before 1am.

Baltimore Police are currently at the scene after a mass shooting incident reportedly occurred at a large community gathering.

It's not guns that do this. Its CULTURE. Put that culture WITH guns and this is what you get. Oh, and add in the non arrests of that culture as they rob, loot, destroy, have fits in fast food joints, and do drive bys. To coin Jeff on Naked and Afraid "THIS IS WHAT WE LIVE FOR!"

Sit around in a "community gathering", make babies, scream for reparations. No wonder they sold each other off to the ones with money..which they now blame instead of their own that did the selling.

Meh. Anyone that lives in a big city that houses such cultures is flat out insane.
The previously great state of Maryland just signed Draconian Style gun control in May.

Didn't work.

Maybe its time for libs to look for a different strategery, like "constitutional carry"? You don't see this kind of slaughter in places like Idaho and Montana.
There has been a mass shooting in the 800 block of Gretna Avenue, Baltimore, early Sunday morning

Shooting happened at what police described as "Community gathering" shortly before 1am.

Baltimore Police are currently at the scene after a mass shooting incident reportedly occurred at a large community gathering.

Clicked on the first thread on this topic, and it was closed after 1 comment.. Wonder why that was ?

Anyway so I came to this thread on the topic and it was open.

Hate to say this, but the recent history on group's gathering for parties like that or even going to club's into today's volatile time, has turned out to be a bad, bad, bad idea.
Clicked on the first thread on this topic, and it was closed after 1 comment.. Wonder why that was ?

Anyway so I came to this thread on the topic and it was open.

Hate to say this, but the recent history on group's gathering for parties like that or even going to club's into today's volatile time, has turned out to be a bad, bad, bad idea.

The key thing people should get out of this entire report is that in 2023, if you decide to attend a big hubbub in the middle of the night in the Ghetto, make sure you map your exit strategy out in advance, just in case things get out of hand like they did at the Gretna Ave. party last night.
The previously great state of Maryland just signed Draconian Style gun control in May.

Didn't work.

Maybe its time for libs to look for a different strategery, like "constitutional carry"? You don't see this kind of slaughter in places like Idaho and Montana.
The only thing that will work is to correct this before it can get it's legs and walk, and that means this country helping Mr. Kennedy to stop what he is fighting against right here. It has to be done. Leftist liberals cannot be trusted period.

Purdy much explains a lot, because you can go back and watch confirmation hearing after confirmation hearing with these leftist liberals, and it's always the same with them. It's really insanity on display.
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The key thing people should get out of this entire report is that in 2023, if you decide to attend a big hubbub in the middle of the night in the Ghetto, make sure you map your exit strategy out in advance, just in case things get out of hand like they did at the Gretna Ave. party last night.
Key thing is to stay home, and live longer.
Trash laying everywhere, looks like your typical black hood.
Full 2nd Amendment in action in a third world country.

Surprised it wasn't in a school.

No.....gang members, who have been arrested over and over, and then released by the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians...

Balitmore has been under total democrat party control since 1967...........
Full 2nd Amendment in action in a third world country.

Surprised it wasn't in a school.

Please........address these facts........


In the 1920s, they began the process of registering guns....to make their people safer. That was the lie. by the mid 1930s, the socialists in Germany began the process of banning and confiscating guns, and the same for the countries they defeated......

By 1939, the German socialists began to murder 15 million people....in 6 years.....men, women and over 1 million children.

6 years, 15 million murdered citizens..not war dead, innocent people rounded up and murdered in camps and forests....

15 million in 6 years.

In the United States, gun murder for our entire 246 year history?

Around 2,460,000

Europe.... 15 million in 6 years.

U.S..... 2,460,000 in 246 years.

Now the math part...get out your pencil....

How many hundreds of years will it take the U.S. to catch up with the number of Europeans murdered by their governments.....

Show your work.
The previously great state of Maryland just signed Draconian Style gun control in May.

Didn't work.

Maybe its time for libs to look for a different strategery, like "constitutional carry"? You don't see this kind of slaughter in places like Idaho and Montana.

They have had democrat party control in Balitmore since 1967.........that is the problem.
The section of Baltimore this happened in, Brooklyn Homes, is Baltimore's answer to "The Projects" that are seen elsewhere
Nothing wrong with a project housing development for the poor folks, but where it all goes wrong is when young black youth are interested in gang culture, and they begin to join gang's, do drugs, sell drugs etc at young ages, and so they fully adopted gang culture, and then they use it in the Hood's like it's a badge of honor or something.

Not having anti-gang policies tied to project qualifications before the people are to occupy a dwelling is a serious mistake. What are the rules for qualifications to live in government assisted or subsidized housing, and are those rules and laws being held up ? Undoubtedly not.
More proof that guns make you safer.
Anyone cross my fence with intent to do harm to me and my family, and they'll find out why personal protection that resides in the right hands does save the lives of the innocent, while ending the perps life instead which is absolutely normal.

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