3 teens steal 50 guns from gun store, at least one used in murder....democrat party judge lets them off.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We do not have gun crime because normal American own and carry guns for self defense........

Americans who are law abiding and own guns do not become criminals simply because they own guns.

95% of the gun crime in this country is committed by repeat fun offenders....gun offenders who have been captured by the police, over and over again, and then they are released by democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians...

Here we have 3 teens...they stole 50 guns from a gun store and supplied them to other criminals..so far, at least one of the guns was used to murder an 87 year old woman, and you can bet the rest are being used for murder and other crimes as well...

Instead of punishing these criminals.....the democrats keep letting them out.

The 3 teens? Also released by this judge...

In Michigan, simply carrying a firearm without a concealed carry license can result in a mandatory minimum two-year prison sentence, but three teens who broke into a gun store in Saginaw could avoid prison time altogether despite pleading guilty to fifteen felony charges.

Remy M. Delgado, Preston W. O’Leary, and Travontis D. Miller are all adults now, but they were 17-years old when they broke into the Showtime Guns & Ammo store on August 2nd, 2019 and stole approximately 50 firearms. Most of those haven’t been recovered, though police have traced one of those guns to the murder of an 87-year old woman last December. Despite the laundry list of felony offenses and the violent crime associated with their theft, however, Judge Andre R. Borrello told the teens back in June that he would sentence all three of them under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act, which allows a judge to divert defendants to probation. If they successfully complete their probationary term, their record is wiped clean.

On Thursday, the three men appeared before Borello for sentencing, but the public isn’t allowed to know what sentences were actually handed down.

So...a normal American carrying a legal gun for self defense will face 2 years in prison....simply for not jumping through the hoops, and going through the red tape to get a piece of paper...

Meanwhile, these 3 criminals who supplied 50 guns to actual criminals? Will go free........

And yes...the judge is a democrat...

Judge Borello, who once chaired the Saginaw County Democratic Committee before he was appointed to the bench by then-Gov. Jennifer Granholm,
Again, we don't have the room in prison to lock up the murderers and rapists, much less someone who commits petty property crimes.

But if you want to charge these guys for selling a gun that was used in a murder. I'm all fine with that. Then we can charge all the gun stores and manufacturers for the guns they sell that are used in murders.

Works for me.
Again, we don't have the room in prison to lock up the murderers and rapists, much less someone who commits petty property crimes.

But if you want to charge these guys for selling a gun that was used in a murder. I'm all fine with that. Then we can charge all the gun stores and manufacturers for the guns they sell that are used in murders.

Works for me.

You are still an idiot....the court just ruled the federal government can't be sued for the gun used to kill Kate Steinle...it was stolen from a federal officer...you doofus...your dream of punishing innocent people is evaporating.
Again, we don't have the room in prison to lock up the murderers and rapists, much less someone who commits petty property crimes.

But if you want to charge these guys for selling a gun that was used in a murder. I'm all fine with that. Then we can charge all the gun stores and manufacturers for the guns they sell that are used in murders.

Works for me.

Hey...shitface......these teens stole the guns...you idiot.
You are still an idiot....the court just ruled the federal government can't be sued for the gun used to kill Kate Steinle...it was stolen from a federal officer...you doofus...your dream of punishing innocent people is evaporating.

You can't sue the government at all... that's the point.

Hey...shitface......these teens stole the guns...you idiot.

Yes, the gun industry makes sure enough guns get "stolen" to keep the fear up.

Seems to me that if three teenage numbnuts could steal 50 guns, then those guns weren't well secured.
You can't sue the government at all... that's the point.

Yes, the gun industry makes sure enough guns get "stolen" to keep the fear up.

Seems to me that if three teenage numbnuts could steal 50 guns, then those guns weren't well secured.

You have been and still are an idiot....you blame normal people while refusing to hold actual criminals in prison....
We do not have gun crime because normal American own and carry guns for self defense........

Americans who are law abiding and own guns do not become criminals simply because they own guns.

95% of the gun crime in this country is committed by repeat fun offenders....gun offenders who have been captured by the police, over and over again, and then they are released by democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians...

Here we have 3 teens...they stole 50 guns from a gun store and supplied them to other criminals..so far, at least one of the guns was used to murder an 87 year old woman, and you can bet the rest are being used for murder and other crimes as well...

Instead of punishing these criminals.....the democrats keep letting them out.

The 3 teens? Also released by this judge...

In Michigan, simply carrying a firearm without a concealed carry license can result in a mandatory minimum two-year prison sentence, but three teens who broke into a gun store in Saginaw could avoid prison time altogether despite pleading guilty to fifteen felony charges.

Remy M. Delgado, Preston W. O’Leary, and Travontis D. Miller are all adults now, but they were 17-years old when they broke into the Showtime Guns & Ammo store on August 2nd, 2019 and stole approximately 50 firearms. Most of those haven’t been recovered, though police have traced one of those guns to the murder of an 87-year old woman last December. Despite the laundry list of felony offenses and the violent crime associated with their theft, however, Judge Andre R. Borrello told the teens back in June that he would sentence all three of them under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act, which allows a judge to divert defendants to probation. If they successfully complete their probationary term, their record is wiped clean.

On Thursday, the three men appeared before Borello for sentencing, but the public isn’t allowed to know what sentences were actually handed down.

So...a normal American carrying a legal gun for self defense will face 2 years in prison....simply for not jumping through the hoops, and going through the red tape to get a piece of paper...

Meanwhile, these 3 criminals who supplied 50 guns to actual criminals? Will go free........

And yes...the judge is a democrat...

Judge Borello, who once chaired the Saginaw County Democratic Committee before he was appointed to the bench by then-Gov. Jennifer Granholm,
So is law enforcement our friends or are adversaries? We back them to degrees and many seem to protect their fiefdoms while arresting citizens who protect themselves. The truth is there. Respecting the law many of us do. The crazy times we live in seems to be quite fuzzy and there are a lot of Non Progs arrested.
Again, we don't have the room in prison to lock up the murderers and rapists, much less someone who commits petty property crimes.

But if you want to charge these guys for selling a gun that was used in a murder. I'm all fine with that. Then we can charge all the gun stores and manufacturers for the guns they sell that are used in murders.

Works for me.

much less someone who commits petty property crimes.


on average, a firearm runs $300-$400 apiece.

times 50?


That would fall into grand larceny.
Again, we don't have the room in prison to lock up the murderers and rapists, much less someone who commits petty property crimes.

But if you want to charge these guys for selling a gun that was used in a murder. I'm all fine with that. Then we can charge all the gun stores and manufacturers for the guns they sell that are used in murders.
Put them in jail for stealing the guns

even a lib should understand that

but all you want to do is punish honest American gun owners
You have been and still are an idiot....you blame normal people while refusing to hold actual criminals in prison....

There are 100 million Americans with a police record. We can't lock them all up, Dick Tiny.

We already lock up 2 million people. That costs us 90 Billion a year.

on average, a firearm runs $300-$400 apiece.
times 50?
That would fall into grand larceny.

YOu are kind of making my point. If the guns were that valuable, they shouldn't have been that easy to steal. You should need an Ocean's 11 kind of heist to steal that much.

Point is, we can't lock up everyone. We already lock up 2 million people, and it costs us 90 Billion a year. If you want to do what Dick Tiny wants to do and lock up everyone, we couldn't afford it.

Put them in jail for stealing the guns
even a lib should understand that
but all you want to do is punish honest American gun owners

Two issues. First, "honest American Gun" owners are a big part of the problem. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents. So, yeah, making it harder to get a gun would probably cut those numbers down, a lot.

Second, putting kids in jail is really not a workable solution. The idea is to keep them from becoming career criminals. Given them a criminal record at 17 is going to make that less likely, not more likely.
Again, we don't have the room in prison to lock up the murderers and rapists, much less someone who commits petty property crimes.

But if you want to charge these guys for selling a gun that was used in a murder. I'm all fine with that. Then we can charge all the gun stores and manufacturers for the guns they sell that are used in murders.

Works for me.
More stupidity we don't need.

We would have plenty of room to lock up real criminals if we didn't lock up so many people who are guilty of nothing but holding a little weed.
There are 100 million Americans with a police record. We can't lock them all up, Dick Tiny.
Your number is meaningless

the cops do not arrest nor do the courts convict 100 million felons in a year
We already lock up 2 million people. That costs us 90 Billion a year.
Thanks to liberal judges agreeing with the ACLU that we must pander to criminals in prison

it costs a lot of money to run comfy hotels with bars on the windows for criminals
Near Melbourne Florida there was a shootout between a filthy ass Negro thug and a couple of deputies.

The deputies pulled him over for a routine traffic violation and he opened fired on them. Fortunately the shithead was killed. One of the deputies was shot but it is not life threatening.

The Negro had 40 charges against him over the years. Most of them violent crimes. However, a stupid judge let him out on bail after his last arrest. Why?


on average, a firearm runs $300-$400 apiece.

times 50?


That would fall into grand larceny.
There are 100 million Americans with a police record. We can't lock them all up, Dick Tiny.

We already lock up 2 million people. That costs us 90 Billion a year.

YOu are kind of making my point. If the guns were that valuable, they shouldn't have been that easy to steal. You should need an Ocean's 11 kind of heist to steal that much.

Point is, we can't lock up everyone. We already lock up 2 million people, and it costs us 90 Billion a year. If you want to do what Dick Tiny wants to do and lock up everyone, we couldn't afford it.

Two issues. First, "honest American Gun" owners are a big part of the problem. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents. So, yeah, making it harder to get a gun would probably cut those numbers down, a lot.

Second, putting kids in jail is really not a workable solution. The idea is to keep them from becoming career criminals. Given them a criminal record at 17 is going to make that less likely, not more likely.

Moron....the democrats are releasing violent gun offenders, before they even go to jail.......we don't have an under incarceration problem...we have a democrat party releasing the known, violent, repeat gun criminal problem....these criminals do almost all of our shootings and they keep letting them go.
There are 100 million Americans with a police record. We can't lock them all up, Dick Tiny.

We already lock up 2 million people. That costs us 90 Billion a year.

YOu are kind of making my point. If the guns were that valuable, they shouldn't have been that easy to steal. You should need an Ocean's 11 kind of heist to steal that much.

Point is, we can't lock up everyone. We already lock up 2 million people, and it costs us 90 Billion a year. If you want to do what Dick Tiny wants to do and lock up everyone, we couldn't afford it.

Two issues. First, "honest American Gun" owners are a big part of the problem. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents. So, yeah, making it harder to get a gun would probably cut those numbers down, a lot.

Second, putting kids in jail is really not a workable solution. The idea is to keep them from becoming career criminals. Given them a criminal record at 17 is going to make that less likely, not more likely.

The suicides don't count...Japan has almost zero access to guns, only their criminals and police have guns and they have a higher suicide rate than we do...and before you try to lie, 2019 was the only year we had a higher rate....

The domestic violence you talk about is again, the violent gun criminals released by the democrats shooting their baby mama's, and other family members....they are not normal people who shoot each other over burned dinners...you idiot.


600 million guns, over 19.4 million Americans legally carry their guns in public...

330 million Americans.

How many accidental gun deaths in the U.S....?


You moron.

More stupidity we don't need.

We would have plenty of room to lock up real criminals if we didn't lock up so many people who are guilty of nothing but holding a little weed.

Moron....the democrats are releasing violent gun offenders, before they even go to jail.......we don't have an under incarceration problem...we have a democrat party releasing the known, violent, repeat gun criminal problem....these criminals do almost all of our shootings and they keep letting them go.

We lock up two million people. That's 737 out of 100,000 people.

By comparison, Communist China locks up 1.5 million people. But they have four times as many people as we do, so that number actually works out to 118 per 100K.

But if you look at other industrialized democracies, we come off really bad. The UK only locks up 80K people. (148 per 100K). Japan 79,000. (62 per 100K) . They have nowhere near our crime rates. Oh, wait, what's that thing they also do.


The idea we could totally get this crime thing under control by locking up more people is silly.

We need to make guns harder to get. Period. Full stop.
We lock up two million people. That's 737 out of 100,000 people.

By comparison, Communist China locks up 1.5 million people. But they have four times as many people as we do, so that number actually works out to 118 per 100K.

But if you look at other industrialized democracies, we come off really bad. The UK only locks up 80K people. (148 per 100K). Japan 79,000. (62 per 100K) . They have nowhere near our crime rates. Oh, wait, what's that thing they also do.


The idea we could totally get this crime thing under control by locking up more people is silly.

We need to make guns harder to get. Period. Full stop.
How many times do you have to be told


We let people who break gun laws go but keep a kid who is accused of stealing a book bag in jail for 3 years waiting for a fucking trial. ( he was innocent BTW)

There's a ton of shit wrong with our so called justice system that you just want to ignore because like the fucking retard you are you blame all crime on guns

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