3 people dead after gunman targeted Black people in Jacksonville

Um, sure looks like they were protesting police brutality to me.

But you live in your own world where swimming pools are more dangerous than guns.
Yep they were, but of course the demokkkrats won't let a good crisis go to waste, so they quickly turned it all political (Biden and Harris being the worst offenders), trying to hurt their political rivals by using hyperbole and gaslighting over a bad cops action's that played right into the Democrats politically greased hands.
The democrat party was and still is the party of racism….bull conner has simply been replaced by the leaders of blm and antifa…the new kkk groups of the democrat party….

Please stop trying to whitesplain anything.
Yep they were, but of course the demokkkrats won't let a good crisis go to waste, so they quickly turned it all political (Biden and Harris being the worst offenders), trying to hurt their political rivals by using hyperbole and gaslighting over a bad cops action's that played right into the Democrats politically greased hands.

Um, quite the contrary.

You see, before Obama left, his DOJ engaged big police departments with consent decrees to make sure they were doing things to get guys like Chauvin off their police forces, or at least retrain police forces to realize that sort of thing was bad.

Trump turned around, abandoned all those efforts, and openly encouraged police to be more brutal to suspects.

People ONLY Riot when all other avenues of redress have been exhausted. Sorry to say, White people kind of suck and we only really fix things when black people threaten to break our stuff.

Trump closed off those avenues of redress. He owns what happened.
Okay, I'll take a big truck mass murder every seven years over a small mass shooting every day, thank you.

No....you prefer the gang violence that is 95% of all gun murder in our country because it gives you the emotional blackmail you need to stampede uninformed Americans into giving you power.....
Um, quite the contrary.

You see, before Obama left, his DOJ engaged big police departments with consent decrees to make sure they were doing things to get guys like Chauvin off their police forces, or at least retrain police forces to realize that sort of thing was bad.

Trump turned around, abandoned all those efforts, and openly encouraged police to be more brutal to suspects.

People ONLY Riot when all other avenues of redress have been exhausted. Sorry to say, White people kind of suck and we only really fix things when black people threaten to break our stuff.

Trump closed off those avenues of redress. He owns what happened.

those consent decrees were the leading edge of the end of the police doing their jobs......the brown shirts of the democrat party destroying our cities for a year finalized that process.....

The people didn't riot.....democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa burned, looted and murdered in our cities because the democrats wanted to hurt Trump.
those consent decrees were the leading edge of the end of the police doing their jobs......the brown shirts of the democrat party destroying our cities for a year finalized that process.....

The people didn't riot.....democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa burned, looted and murdered in our cities because the democrats wanted to hurt Trump.
burning looting and killing is rioting., and yes they did cause they wanted to take over the asylum. had nothing to do with trump. all blm, anitifa and dems. cops were the ones being murdered by blm.
Um, quite the contrary.

You see, before Obama left, his DOJ engaged big police departments with consent decrees to make sure they were doing things to get guys like Chauvin off their police forces, or at least retrain police forces to realize that sort of thing was bad.

Trump turned around, abandoned all those efforts, and openly encouraged police to be more brutal to suspects.

People ONLY Riot when all other avenues of redress have been exhausted. Sorry to say, White people kind of suck and we only really fix things when black people threaten to break our stuff.

Trump closed off those avenues of redress. He owns what happened.
only when there black check out africa . all black accomplished was making themselves look like a bunch of animals that no one wants to be around and i know not all black agreed with it. there are about 32 percent that are decent.
Not sure what you are saying here. The question is, why aren't the feds doing these kinds of background checks, which should override HIPAA requirements.

The government is only allowed to check his form. That's it.
If they had talked to him, if they had talked to his neighbors, they'd have found out he was crazy. Heck, even if they checked his social media postings.

But our whole system is based on the bad guys filling out the forms honestly.
So what's restraining government from doing their Jobs, otherwise that's based upon the very adequate laws that are already on the books ? I say that leftist liberals is what has government all screwed up, and to the point that government is terrorized about doing it's job anymore. Proven daily now.
So what's restraining government from doing their Jobs, otherwise that's based upon the very adequate laws that are already on the books ? I say that leftist liberals is what has government all screwed up, and to the point that government is terrorized about doing it's job anymore. Proven daily now.
here here
Um, quite the contrary.

You see, before Obama left, his DOJ engaged big police departments with consent decrees to make sure they were doing things to get guys like Chauvin off their police forces, or at least retrain police forces to realize that sort of thing was bad.

Trump turned around, abandoned all those efforts, and openly encouraged police to be more brutal to suspects.

People ONLY Riot when all other avenues of redress have been exhausted. Sorry to say, White people kind of suck and we only really fix things when black people threaten to break our stuff.

Trump closed off those avenues of redress. He owns what happened.
Why do you lie so much ? Oh I know, it's because you are a leftist.
those consent decrees were the leading edge of the end of the police doing their jobs......the brown shirts of the democrat party destroying our cities for a year finalized that process.....

The people didn't riot.....democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa burned, looted and murdered in our cities because the democrats wanted to hurt Trump.
Never let a crisis miss a political appointment eh ? That's the leftist Demoncrat way.
No....you prefer the gang violence that is 95% of all gun murder in our country because it gives you the emotional blackmail you need to stampede uninformed Americans into giving you power.....

We've been over this. Only 13% of homicides are gang related.

The gang violence gets the splashy headline. The guy who shoots his wife because she burned the pot roast doesn't.

  • These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13 percent of all homicides annually.
  • Highly populated areas accounted for the vast majority of gang homicides: nearly 67 percent occurred in cities with populations over 100,000, and 17 percent occurred in suburban counties in 2012.
So what's restraining government from doing their Jobs, otherwise that's based upon the very adequate laws that are already on the books ? I say that leftist liberals is what has government all screwed up, and to the point that government is terrorized about doing it's job anymore. Proven daily now.

The laws aren't adequate at all, that's the problem.

Only cost me $11.00 to get a FOID card in IL. Now, I don't have a history of crime or drug abuse. My sanity is more or less legally sufficient. But how could the State have really figured that out for $11.00?
only when there black check out africa . all black accomplished was making themselves look like a bunch of animals that no one wants to be around and i know not all black agreed with it. there are about 32 percent that are decent.
So, double that of useful white people in red states.
We've been over this. Only 13% of homicides are gang related.

The gang violence gets the splashy headline. The guy who shoots his wife because she burned the pot roast doesn't.

  • These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13 percent of all homicides annually.
  • Highly populated areas accounted for the vast majority of gang homicides: nearly 67 percent occurred in cities with populations over 100,000, and 17 percent occurred in suburban counties in 2012.

And that is a lie....

Gangs and Violence

Armstrong: Let’s turn to questions of where crime is coming from in our country. How much violent crime takes place in the subset of the population we would typically associate with the gang culture?


In places like Chicago or Los Angeles, it’s a huge fraction of it. It varies enormously from place to place. It may well be that half or more of the gun homicides in those cities are gang related. But in most places in America, it’s a somewhat more modest fraction.
We don’t have national figures that are of any use.

For what it’s worth, in the FBI uniform crime reports data, they do have a category for the circumstance in which the crime was committed. One possible box that local police can check in filling out the homicide reports for the FBI could indeed be for gang-related. But the problem is that the FBI forms require police to check just one circumstance. So if a guy belongs to a gang, and he was selling drugs, and he has a dispute with his customer over the price, and then they get into an argument and one shoots the other, that could go into any of three or four different categories, only one of which is gang-related. So those data are useless.

What we’re stuck with are local estimates, and, as I say, it varies enormously from one locality to another. It’s a huge percentage in a couple of cities. Chicago and Los Angeles have really bad street-gang problems. On the other hand, in Peoria it’s probably a relatively small fraction, certainly well under half.

The laws aren't adequate at all, that's the problem.

Only cost me $11.00 to get a FOID card in IL. Now, I don't have a history of crime or drug abuse. My sanity is more or less legally sufficient. But how could the State have really figured that out for $11.00?

You are right the laws aren't adequate......they don't take into account the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians constantly releasing the most violent criminals over and over again......no matter how many felonies these monsters rack up in their lives....only 5% of criminals commit murder......but the democrats keep releasing this dangerous group of criminals....why? Likely because they need them out there murdering people, so the democrat can push gun control.

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