2nd Invasion Force Already Forming in Honduras


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Second migrant caravan gathering in Guatemala, report says

"A second migrant caravan is forming at the Honduran border and is expected to follow the larger caravan of more than 7,000 from Central America towards the U.S.-Mexico border"

"Guatemalan authorities on Sunday estimated the new group -- which gathered in a Guatemalan city near the border of Honduras -- to be at 1,000. But the group appears to be growing. The Journal, citing estimates from church-run charities and activists, reported that the group is now made up of about 2,500."

As predicted, a 2nd caravan / invasion force has already started to form.

If this 1st one is not shut down / denied entry this will become the NEW NORM ... a constant, non-stop, steady stream of illegals flowing into the US, becoming a 3rd World nation because we lack the courage / will to secure and control our own borders.
Does anyone else recognize that the Dems activist hands in this were willing to risk getting these people killed just to regain power and control them as their base?
Dems are not these people's friends by sending them to the lions den and line of posible fire. The Dems are wishing for violence to use in the elections and I wouldn't be surprised if they paid gunman to start the riots like Soros instigated the Greek riots.
Dems think so much of Hispanics that they use them as disposables, risking their lives and manipulating the unsuspected, instead of working on policies thst would empower them in stabilizing & progressing their own nations.
Second migrant caravan gathering in Guatemala, report says

"A second migrant caravan is forming at the Honduran border and is expected to follow the larger caravan of more than 7,000 from Central America towards the U.S.-Mexico border"

"Guatemalan authorities on Sunday estimated the new group -- which gathered in a Guatemalan city near the border of Honduras -- to be at 1,000. But the group appears to be growing. The Journal, citing estimates from church-run charities and activists, reported that the group is now made up of about 2,500."

As predicted, a 2nd caravan / invasion force has already started to form.

If this 1st one is not shut down / denied entry this will become the NEW NORM ... a constant, non-stop, steady stream of illegals flowing into the US, becoming a 3rd World nation because we lack the courage / will to secure and control our own borders.
I wonder what interesting events might take place, if one were to supply a cache of arms, and ammuntion to, or in the path of this convoy...?
Does anyone else recognize that the Dems activist hands in this were willing to risk getting these people killed just to regain power and control them as their base?
Dems are not these people's friends by sending them to the lions den and line of posible fire. The Dems are wishing for violence to use in the elections and I wouldn't be surprised if they paid gunman to start the riots like Soros instigated the Greek riots.
Dems think so much of Hispanics that they use them as disposables, risking their lives and manipulating the unsuspected, instead of working on policies thst would empower them in stabilizing & progressing their own nations.
Whatt a simpleton you are! What a fucking liar you are. People do not leave thier homes in the thousands and partake in hundreds of mile marches to effect an election else where dumb fuck. They do it only when they fear for thiere lives where they are. I guess truth and common sense have no where in todays republican party or at least in the party you want, real republicans cry over your dastardly deeds. Humans with any respect for common sense abhor you.
Second migrant caravan gathering in Guatemala, report says

"A second migrant caravan is forming at the Honduran border and is expected to follow the larger caravan of more than 7,000 from Central America towards the U.S.-Mexico border"

"Guatemalan authorities on Sunday estimated the new group -- which gathered in a Guatemalan city near the border of Honduras -- to be at 1,000. But the group appears to be growing. The Journal, citing estimates from church-run charities and activists, reported that the group is now made up of about 2,500."

As predicted, a 2nd caravan / invasion force has already started to form.

If this 1st one is not shut down / denied entry this will become the NEW NORM ... a constant, non-stop, steady stream of illegals flowing into the US, becoming a 3rd World nation because we lack the courage / will to secure and control our own borders.
/----/ How long will Mexico house these invaders?
People do not leave thier homes in the thousands and partake in hundreds of mile marches to effect an election else where dumb fuck.

They don't have Netflix in Honduras so ... what else do they have to do?
People do not leave thier homes in the thousands and partake in hundreds of mile marches to effect an election else where dumb fuck.

They don't have Netflix in Honduras so ... what else do they have to do?
I was stationed there for a little over eight months back in 1987. My battalion was building roads and bridges in very mountainous areas which are typical terrain though out the county. You do not embark on a march of this nature if the situation is not dire. The terrain alone will kill you. In terms of reality without being funny about it you do not embark on a journey of this nature when another choice is available. The coordination it took to take the US military in the area that is literally built for setting up in hostile environments was huge. These people cannot logically be a political stunt. They have to be desperate to undertake this journey. Further more it is unlikely they will be shot at our border as the current policy is to arrest and deport them. This is not the way successfull illegals are getting here. Most of them come legally and them over stay their visas. Seems to me the best way to track and deport them is not with a border wall but a computer system.
Does anyone else recognize that the Dems activist hands in this were willing to risk getting these people killed just to regain power and control them as their base?
Dems are not these people's friends by sending them to the lions den and line of posible fire. The Dems are wishing for violence to use in the elections and I wouldn't be surprised if they paid gunman to start the riots like Soros instigated the Greek riots.
Dems think so much of Hispanics that they use them as disposables, risking their lives and manipulating the unsuspected, instead of working on policies thst would empower them in stabilizing & progressing their own nations.
Whatt a simpleton you are! What a fucking liar you are. People do not leave thier homes in the thousands and partake in hundreds of mile marches to effect an election else where dumb fuck. They do it only when they fear for thiere lives where they are. I guess truth and common sense have no where in todays republican party or at least in the party you want, real republicans cry over your dastardly deeds. Humans with any respect for common sense abhor you.
Having a bad day are you?
YOUR PROBLEM is your news sources fail to inform you.
The initial caravan was for 80-100 people then slightly larger but the SURGE CAME FROM being offered a false stated claim for assistance that these Dem run activist groups offered. Furthermore the liberal tabloid news revelled in the Caravan getting out of hand and promoted it.
Ad Hominem responses and cursing in your posts does not become intellectually honest nor educate you, nor does it serve your purpose.
Cause and affect, this cattle call is gonna and is already backfiring and to you personally it's making you stressed & angry which affects your health mentally and physically. The left is destroying America and it's own flock from the inside out.
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Does anyone else recognize that the Dems activist hands in this were willing to risk getting these people killed just to regain power and control them as their base?
Dems are not these people's friends by sending them to the lions den and line of posible fire. The Dems are wishing for violence to use in the elections and I wouldn't be surprised if they paid gunman to start the riots like Soros instigated the Greek riots.
Dems think so much of Hispanics that they use them as disposables, risking their lives and manipulating the unsuspected, instead of working on policies thst would empower them in stabilizing & progressing their own nations.
Whatt a simpleton you are! What a fucking liar you are. People do not leave thier homes in the thousands and partake in hundreds of mile marches to effect an election else where dumb fuck. They do it only when they fear for thiere lives where they are. I guess truth and common sense have no where in todays republican party or at least in the party you want, real republicans cry over your dastardly deeds. Humans with any respect for common sense abhor you.
Having a bad day are you?
YOUR PROBLEM is your news sources fail to inform you.
The initial caravan was for 80-100 people then slightly larger but the SURGE CAME FROM being offered a false stated claim for assistance that these Dem run activist groups offered. Furthermore the liberal tabloid news revelled in the Caravan getting out of hand and promoted it.
Ad Hominem responses and cursing in your posts does not become intellectually honest nor educate you, nor does it serve your purpose.
Cause and affect, this cattle call is gonna and is already backfiring and to you personally it's making you stressed & angry which affects your health mentally and physically. The left is destroying America and it's own flock from the inside out.
Really please in form me of this false stated claim for assistance. What was it and how was it false?
The coordination it took to take the US military in the area that is literally built for setting up in hostile environments was huge.

All do respect to the Military, they don't always take advantage of local knowledge when it comes to logistics. Someone with local knowledge and a minimal foot print can be much more effective on the ground than taking a mechanized bludgeon to the local environment.


What might seem impossible to us, might seem quite natural to someone born to the environment.
This will continue until November 6th, the midterm election. The Dems are all over this.
Does anyone else recognize that the Dems activist hands in this were willing to risk getting these people killed just to regain power and control them as their base?
Dems are not these people's friends by sending them to the lions den and line of posible fire. The Dems are wishing for violence to use in the elections and I wouldn't be surprised if they paid gunman to start the riots like Soros instigated the Greek riots.
Dems think so much of Hispanics that they use them as disposables, risking their lives and manipulating the unsuspected, instead of working on policies thst would empower them in stabilizing & progressing their own nations.
Whatt a simpleton you are! What a fucking liar you are. People do not leave thier homes in the thousands and partake in hundreds of mile marches to effect an election else where dumb fuck. They do it only when they fear for thiere lives where they are. I guess truth and common sense have no where in todays republican party or at least in the party you want, real republicans cry over your dastardly deeds. Humans with any respect for common sense abhor you.
Having a bad day are you?
YOUR PROBLEM is your news sources fail to inform you.
The initial caravan was for 80-100 people then slightly larger but the SURGE CAME FROM being offered a false stated claim for assistance that these Dem run activist groups offered. Furthermore the liberal tabloid news revelled in the Caravan getting out of hand and promoted it.
Ad Hominem responses and cursing in your posts does not become intellectually honest nor educate you, nor does it serve your purpose.
Cause and affect, this cattle call is gonna and is already backfiring and to you personally it's making you stressed & angry which affects your health mentally and physically. The left is destroying America and it's own flock from the inside out.
Really please in form me of this false stated claim for assistance. What was it and how was it false?
The original organizer who used social media said themselves that someone mistated they would be assisted and it got out of hand after that. The borders can only
process 50-100 a day and that's
why the original concept was enough to get processed. Details of the promised assistance I have not heard. Just that this was the triggering point on twitter and elsewhere.
Ironically the original organizer got arrested & deported back already.
Not like he had controll of his sheep anyway. I wonder if screaming free assistance into a crowd can be under the screaming fire in a crowded theater law especially if people get hurt, will those people falsely screaming fire be held responsible?
We are only as good as our news source and information sources, that's why biased news and tabloid news is undermining our nation.
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Many were interviewed and they said it had nothing to do with violence in their countries.
Does anyone else recognize that the Dems activist hands in this were willing to risk getting these people killed just to regain power and control them as their base?
Dems are not these people's friends by sending them to the lions den and line of posible fire. The Dems are wishing for violence to use in the elections and I wouldn't be surprised if they paid gunman to start the riots like Soros instigated the Greek riots.
Dems think so much of Hispanics that they use them as disposables, risking their lives and manipulating the unsuspected, instead of working on policies thst would empower them in stabilizing & progressing their own nations.
Whatt a simpleton you are! What a fucking liar you are. People do not leave thier homes in the thousands and partake in hundreds of mile marches to effect an election else where dumb fuck. They do it only when they fear for thiere lives where they are. I guess truth and common sense have no where in todays republican party or at least in the party you want, real republicans cry over your dastardly deeds. Humans with any respect for common sense abhor you.
The coordination it took to take the US military in the area that is literally built for setting up in hostile environments was huge.

All do respect to the Military, they don't always take advantage of local knowledge when it comes to logistics. Someone with local knowledge and a minimal foot print can be much more effective on the ground than taking a mechanized bludgeon to the local environment.


What might seem impossible to us, might seem quite natural to someone born to the environment.
Agreed! The military is a very large organization steeped in tradition and pride. These organizations have a tendency to feel as though they can accomplish any thing and to be frank for good reason. We deployed over 1300 troops in the area to do very dangerous construction work comp0leted our mission and no one died. What I am trying to convey here is that we had jeeps,trucks, cargo planes, helicopters, and all the upto date equipment of the time and it was a miserable eight months. We had all this equipment and orgnaization to cary the food and potable water needed to survive sitting in one spot. Do you have any idea what that food and potable water weighed. We had petro doing a good percent of the work reducing the need for food and water. Marching this distance will be done on calories and muscle. This significantly ups the amount of needed food and water uping the weight of food and water . Most Americans are miserable walking over to change the tv channell. Marching all these miles aacross that terrain is an act of desparation any way you slice it.
Does anyone else recognize that the Dems activist hands in this were willing to risk getting these people killed just to regain power and control them as their base?
Dems are not these people's friends by sending them to the lions den and line of posible fire. The Dems are wishing for violence to use in the elections and I wouldn't be surprised if they paid gunman to start the riots like Soros instigated the Greek riots.
Dems think so much of Hispanics that they use them as disposables, risking their lives and manipulating the unsuspected, instead of working on policies thst would empower them in stabilizing & progressing their own nations.
Do you have any proof of your allegations about the Dems?
Many were interviewed and they said it had nothing to do with violence in their countries.
Did you expect any to confess to being Drug Cartel, MS13, or terrorist members, to having robbed / raped / murdered people?
Second migrant caravan gathering in Guatemala, report says

"A second migrant caravan is forming at the Honduran border and is expected to follow the larger caravan of more than 7,000 from Central America towards the U.S.-Mexico border"

"Guatemalan authorities on Sunday estimated the new group -- which gathered in a Guatemalan city near the border of Honduras -- to be at 1,000. But the group appears to be growing. The Journal, citing estimates from church-run charities and activists, reported that the group is now made up of about 2,500."

As predicted, a 2nd caravan / invasion force has already started to form.

If this 1st one is not shut down / denied entry this will become the NEW NORM ... a constant, non-stop, steady stream of illegals flowing into the US, becoming a 3rd World nation because we lack the courage / will to secure and control our own borders.

Regan destroyed and interfered in Central America, I guess they want to come here to roost.
Do you have any idea what that food and potable water weighed.

I have, in fact, humped. I know exactly what it weighs. Not a fun job. On the other hand, I'm presuming no one was shooting at you at the time?
Do you have any proof of your allegations about the Dems?

It's obviously midterm election, and the Democrats know they have no shot at winning. So, I believe that they drummed up this "caravan" scenario to push a political "last minute" push.
It has all the making of a Democrat agenda.

(No, I am sure there will be proof today! The MSM obviously are hiding the true story on this. They are only reporting what they want YOU to hear/read.)
This will continue until November 6th, the midterm election. The Dems are all over this.

Sounds to me the only ones to benefit are the Gop and Trump. So coincidental this happens 2 weeks before the elections.

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