279k Excess Deaths in USA, but only 200k Attributable to COVID19


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Have 80k people died from the lockdowns?

It doesn’t take a sophisticated statistical model to see that the coronavirus pandemic is causing substantially more deaths than would have otherwise occurred. Mortality in 2020 is clearly different from the previous years’ regular patterns, with substantial increases and unusual trends.
The number of deaths the CDC officially attributed to COVID-19 in the United States was 200,499 through Oct. 3.
Some people who are skeptical about the impact of the coronavirus suggest these deaths would have occurred anyway, perhaps because COVID-19 is particularly deadly for the elderly. Others believe that, because the pandemic has changed life so drastically, the increase in COVID-19-related deaths is probably offset by decreases from other causes. But neither of these theories is true.
In fact, the number of excess deaths in the U.S. currently exceeds the number attributable to COVID-19 by at least 23,674 and likely up to 79,201. What’s behind those additional deaths is not yet clear. It could be that COVID-19 deaths are being undercounted, or the pandemic could also be causing an increasing number of deaths due to other causes. What we are starting to learn is that it is probably some of both.
A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that COVID-19 was documented as a cause of death in 67% of excess deaths between March and July in the U.S. But the researchers also identified increased mortality rates due to heart disease, as well as two spikes for deaths related to Alzheimer’s disease/dementia. Some people are delaying medical treatments for fear of getting infected with the coronavirus.
Another JAMA study found that the 2020 excess death rate is higher in the U.S. than in other countries hard-hit by COVID-19. That difference is likely the result of multiple factors, including inconsistent public health guidance, a decentralized and sometimes conflicting governmental response, and disruptions triggered by the pandemic.

Keep trying to pretend Trump didn't fuck this up.
Pretending not needed.

Then you'll spend the next four years complaining about how you got cheated.
I don't know.. Up till the pandemic I was really happy with what was happening... Except for he's not pro-choice and his stance on "Net Neutrality"...

For the life of me I can't figure out why they aren't HAMMERING Net Neutrality against Trump.
They are manipulating the data for an explicit agenda.

While although some deaths are actually caused by this cold virus, and it is perhaps slightly more deadly than the annual corona virus, it does not warrant the new bio-security paradigm that the World Economic Forum is rolling out, thus, the world's health authorities have been given new disease coding instructions to manipulate excess death stats.

It is pretty clear if you have been paying attention.
Keep trying to pretend Trump didn't fuck this up.
Pretending not needed.

Then you'll spend the next four years complaining about how you got cheated.
I don't know.. Up till the pandemic I was really happy with what was happening... Except for he's not pro-choice and his stance on "Net Neutrality"...

For the life of me I can't figure out why they aren't HAMMERING Net Neutrality against Trump.
I'll tell you why. Because the whole thing is staged, they WANT what is going to happen to happen.

When FCC Chairman Ajit Pai finally institutes rules that will completely control what you can read, and what you can put on the internet, indeed, some even speculate an ID pass account to get onto the internet, the left will be just fine with it. Folks like the Chinese authoritarians already tightly control theirs, this is where we are headed, and what this whole controversy is really about, and why the media, cultural, and policy elites have no problem with Ajit Pai. . .

You are blind to the fact that both parties are essentially the same and are taking us to the same end point.


FCC Head and Internet’s Most Hated Man Ajit Pai Just Vowed to Kill First Amendment Rights Online

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has vowed to reinterpret Section 230 of the Communications Act on President Trump’s orders in a move that threatens to curb what’s left of Americans’ first amendment rights online.

" . . .
While still at Verizon in 2003, Pai and another colleague produced an amateur skit comedy video where they plot to install a puppet at the FCC. The video, which Pai himself played at the annual FCC Chairman’s Dinner in 2017, led Gizmodo to file a FOIA for “any communications records from within the chairman’s office referencing the event or the Verizon executive,” which the FCC has yet to release.

Pai’s FCC has a long history of stonewalling FOIA’s and being generally opaque about its moves in what is perhaps the most pivotal moment for the future of the Internet. As the power of the tech giants grows by leaps and bounds, reinterpreting Section 230 to make social media companies liable for the content on their platforms may seem like a check on said power, but it is only another restriction on the voice of the people, who are the ones creating the very content lining their shareholders’ pockets and the ones who will ultimately face the brunt of any laws designed to muzzle the first amendment rights of all Americans.. . . "

Why are you showing me that?

Do you think I need learned or something?

The point here, is that the whole scandal is a cyber false flag from the outset.

The corporate oligarchy really do not give a shit about whether Trump or Biden win, the BIG COUP for them here, will be having the government get complete control over what citizens are able to read and share with each other on-line after the dust settles from the 2020 election. . .

The oligarchs in the interlocking directorate have bigger plans than whether a billionaire ass clown or a pervert dementia crook win the presidency. . . this scandal will give them the excuse they need for the bureaucracy to seize control of the internet in the US, much as China controls theirs.

This was predicted, years ago. There was a great Press for Truth video by Dan Dicks, it was deleted off of Youtube, I would post it, it has been burned by the fascists.

Most of the deaths are from eating unhealthy foods like GMO"s foods. GMO's destroys your immune system. Like for once, it has large amount of pesticide chemicals in it, that it destroys the gut bacteria causing all sort of problems, especially candida overgrowth. and candida overgrowth is the main cause of Alzheimer. Because it builds up fungus all throughout the body, especially in the brain. It restrict the blood from flowing and causing calcium in the blood to build up that create clots.
Your body needs these good bacteria to keep balance. But destroying these bacteria in your gut throws off everything causing some yeast to grow rapidly and spread throughout the body. And candida overgrowth accelerates the aging process as well.
The body needs balance. And one problem can set everything off. And that is why you should not put anything unnatural in the body. Because it may throw everything.






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