2019 Dems Would Want to Impeach Teddy Roosevelt Over Panama Canal


May 23, 2014
TR the “American Lion” took executive initiative and acquired the Canal Zone. He went around the do nothing Congress to do it. Today’s Democrats would hold impeachment hearings on Teddy Roosevelt...one of our greatest Presidents...just as they now do with Donald J Trump over perceived slights and abuses of power.
After a century, the Panama Canal still symbolizes executive power - National Constitution Center
They would want to impeach Thomas Jefferson over Louisiana Purchase. Both the Canal and the Purchase considered today to be great Presidential moves.
The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s constitutional gamble - National Constitution Center
TR the “American Lion” took executive initiative and acquired the Canal Zone. He went around the do nothing Congress to do it. Today’s Democrats would hold impeachment hearings on Teddy Roosevelt...one of our greatest Presidents...just as they now do with Donald J Trump over perceived slights and abuses of power.
After a century, the Panama Canal still symbolizes executive power - National Constitution Center
They would want to impeach Thomas Jefferson over Louisiana Purchase. Both the Canal and the Purchase considered today to be great Presidential moves.
The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s constitutional gamble - National Constitution Center
America now has two big enemies--the press and the Democrats. They're one and the same, focused on expropriating United States citizens tax money over to giving it away to foreign people, killing babies, and raising the false narrative to an art form based on evil-spirited people who have no love and no mercy to hard working, tax-poor American citizens.
TR the “American Lion” took executive initiative and acquired the Canal Zone. He went around the do nothing Congress to do it. Today’s Democrats would hold impeachment hearings on Teddy Roosevelt...one of our greatest Presidents...just as they now do with Donald J Trump over perceived slights and abuses of power.
After a century, the Panama Canal still symbolizes executive power - National Constitution Center
They would want to impeach Thomas Jefferson over Louisiana Purchase. Both the Canal and the Purchase considered today to be great Presidential moves.
The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s constitutional gamble - National Constitution Center
America now has two big enemies--the press and the Democrats. They're one and the same, focused on expropriating United States citizens tax money over to giving it away to foreign people, killing babies, and raising the false narrative to an art form based on evil-spirited people who have no love and no mercy to hard working, tax-poor American citizens.
I agree 100%...they hate America.
As well they should. After Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. the result of American imperialism sure hasn't shown itself worth the price.
None of those were examples of “imperialism” Che.
As well they should. After Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. the result of American imperialism sure hasn't shown itself worth the price.
Democrats are most welcome to go live in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. The result would be an end to their calumny, and that would be a win-win situation.
As well they should. After Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. the result of American imperialism sure hasn't shown itself worth the price.
Democrats are most welcome to go live in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. The result would be an end to their calumny, and that would be a win-win situation.
Absolutely. They scream and cry about “imperialist” United States. I’m from the “realist” school of foreign policy. We should always act in best interest of the United States. I’m an “American” first and an “earthling” about last.
As well they should. After Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. the result of American imperialism sure hasn't shown itself worth the price.
Democrats are most welcome to go live in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. The result would be an end to their calumny, and that would be a win-win situation.

I see a win-win-win solution as the Democrats picking between Korea or Vietnam to go live while the Republicans choosing between Afghanistan and Iraq.
TR the “American Lion” took executive initiative and acquired the Canal Zone. He went around the do nothing Congress to do it. Today’s Democrats would hold impeachment hearings on Teddy Roosevelt...one of our greatest Presidents...just as they now do with Donald J Trump over perceived slights and abuses of power.
After a century, the Panama Canal still symbolizes executive power - National Constitution Center
They would want to impeach Thomas Jefferson over Louisiana Purchase. Both the Canal and the Purchase considered today to be great Presidential moves.
The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s constitutional gamble - National Constitution Center
This fails as a strawman fallacy.
TR the “American Lion” took executive initiative and acquired the Canal Zone. He went around the do nothing Congress to do it. Today’s Democrats would hold impeachment hearings on Teddy Roosevelt...one of our greatest Presidents...just as they now do with Donald J Trump over perceived slights and abuses of power.
After a century, the Panama Canal still symbolizes executive power - National Constitution Center
They would want to impeach Thomas Jefferson over Louisiana Purchase. Both the Canal and the Purchase considered today to be great Presidential moves.
The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s constitutional gamble - National Constitution Center
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

I agree your wrongheaded application of the fallacy principle shows once again that you are nothing more than a factual posturer.

The op is correct, today's democrat congress people have lost their collective minds and are clearly a domestic enemy.
TR the “American Lion” took executive initiative and acquired the Canal Zone. He went around the do nothing Congress to do it. Today’s Democrats would hold impeachment hearings on Teddy Roosevelt...one of our greatest Presidents...just as they now do with Donald J Trump over perceived slights and abuses of power.
After a century, the Panama Canal still symbolizes executive power - National Constitution Center
They would want to impeach Thomas Jefferson over Louisiana Purchase. Both the Canal and the Purchase considered today to be great Presidential moves.
The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s constitutional gamble - National Constitution Center
False equivalence.

Try again.
TR the “American Lion” took executive initiative and acquired the Canal Zone. He went around the do nothing Congress to do it. Today’s Democrats would hold impeachment hearings on Teddy Roosevelt...one of our greatest Presidents...just as they now do with Donald J Trump over perceived slights and abuses of power.
After a century, the Panama Canal still symbolizes executive power - National Constitution Center
They would want to impeach Thomas Jefferson over Louisiana Purchase. Both the Canal and the Purchase considered today to be great Presidential moves.
The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s constitutional gamble - National Constitution Center
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

I agree your wrongheaded application of the fallacy principle shows once again that you are nothing more than a factual posturer.

The op is correct, today's democrat congress people have lost their collective minds and are clearly a domestic enemy.

Bullshit. Trump is violating the constitution and you know it. But you don't care just as long as you have your white racist president.
As well they should. After Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. the result of American imperialism sure hasn't shown itself worth the price.
Democrats are most welcome to go live in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. The result would be an end to their calumny, and that would be a win-win situation.
Why don't you go live in N. Korea with Trumps lover.
TR the “American Lion” took executive initiative and acquired the Canal Zone. He went around the do nothing Congress to do it. Today’s Democrats would hold impeachment hearings on Teddy Roosevelt...one of our greatest Presidents...just as they now do with Donald J Trump over perceived slights and abuses of power.
After a century, the Panama Canal still symbolizes executive power - National Constitution Center
They would want to impeach Thomas Jefferson over Louisiana Purchase. Both the Canal and the Purchase considered today to be great Presidential moves.
The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s constitutional gamble - National Constitution Center
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

Democrata would impeach FDR and John Kennedy in today time and let not even discuss Truman or LBJ because they would also be impeached and sent to the Hague in today political climate...

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