2016: The Coming Train Wreck

Thank you Guno, for the article. It was your best post yet...1) you said nothing and 2) you fetched an article that was really interesting--about internal Democrat fretting.

Democrats only think about what is good for Democrats.

There are Americans left who think about what's good for Americans.

Trump will cause a great deal of trouble....but he will do it by expressing his free beliefs...unfettered by Politcal Correctness...and that will force a legitimate discussion about the issues that plague this country.

That is always good for America.
Democrats only think about what is good for Democrats.
I sure hope that is not a serious statement. I have known both in some pretty flattering positions in both parties. Some try to do what is best overall for everyone and some do not. Partisan politics at this point does no one in this country any good. It is up to each individual to try and look past the bullshit and start voting for people willing to look at the whole picture not just grab what you can while the gettin's good. If leaders are unwilling to do for the people in this country first from top to bottom and bottom to top the country will keep going down.

A guano thread titled "Train Wreck".

I found it novel since most guano threads are train wrecks.

I remember "Anyone but Hitlary" stickers way back in 2005, but I don't think anyone envisioned the disaster that has manifested in the moonbat messiah.

Anyone with their synapses firing on time should be rocking stickers that say " No One But Cruz".

An Interesting article on the 2016 elections, all isn't quite on the western front for democrats either

The Republican demolition derby is worrying. But even more worrying is where that leaves the Democrats.

2016: The Coming Train Wreck
Interesting article. Biden, Clinton and Sanders. Trump Bush and Kasich How long will this Olympic season go with no true winners? Interesting stuff for all of us to get into!

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