2010 Congressional Election Plans

How are you going to vote

  • Im going to vote against all incumbents, regardless of party

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • i'm going to vote against incumbents in the "other" party only

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • i'm going to vote against incumbents in "my" party only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • i'm re-electing all my representatives, they are doing a good job

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • I dont vote/dont care

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • I'm voting for 3rd party candidates because the DNC and RNC suck

    Votes: 4 16.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
America's Home Town
I plan on voting against every single one of these dirtbags that call themselves representatives.

Our congress, be it the house or senate, are a bunch of non-representing representatives.

Its as if the British Red Coats were in charge once again doing whatever is best for themselves irregardless of the consitution.

I say kick them all out of office, and then do it again every election for the next several cycles until they get the hint.


Am I the only one or are some of you feeling like this too?

I'm not a Republican, I'm not a democrat, I AM AN AMERICAN!!!!! Start respecting my country, my consitution, and our national heritage or get fired/voted out.

Add your 2 cents people.
I'll have a Senator to vote for along with my Representative, and Senator Voinovich is not running in 2010 so I'll luckily have more options to vote for. So far there are 3 candidates in the race that I'm aware of, and I'm not impressed by any of them. But hopefully somebody good pops up that I can support. As far as my Representative goes, I can't wait to vote against him.
Add your 2 cents people.

Be pragmatic. If your Rep. has represented you well, vote for his re-election. Throwing out the whole congress will produce a bunch of know-nothings, at least as to how to get things done in there; it's akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

It would be foolhardy to lose for symbolism. The lib side will not do that.....but they would try to convince us to do just that! Crap!

Our congressman Steve Buyer has done a superb job, and I'll vote to keep him in office
The congressman just south of our district (Rep Baron Hill) is a true libtard (you should see the letter he wrote me in answer to my opposing Cap and Trade) and even though I can't vote for his opponent I'll donate a 100 $ to whoever it is and talk to everyone in his district to try to take away votes to him - just like I promised in my recent letter to him re: C&T

Our only Senator up for re-election, Senator Evan Bayh, in the first term (98-04) voted 80% of the time against small business, which is my acid test. In the last term (04-10) he has turned that exactly around, and voted 80% for small business. Now I want to see what he does on C&T. I'll do my best to convince him on that with threats of support of his opponent, an unknown person presently.

Senator Lugar has voted consistently 80% for small business during his tenure, but he has become too much a part of the same crowd as Colin Powell, the Washington dinner and wine set. I voted against him because of that in the 06 primary, and did not vote for him in the general even though he is a member of my party of record.
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Add your 2 cents people.

Be pragmatic. If your Rep. has represented you well, vote for his re-election. Throwing out the whole congress will produce a bunch of know-nothings, at least as to how to get things done in there; it's akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


Unfortunately, there are few instances of "represented you well" on the whole. And I fail to see the logic of "will produce a bunch of know-nothings" since we have a system in place that is supposed to ensure that they don't sit and atrophy in their chairs while they're getting nothing done. The same applies for the office of President, except there are is a term limit that ensures some new blood at least every 8 years. The problem is that the people are too damned lazy to do their research -- to find out if they're being represented, to find out if the bath water needs to be changed, to find out what type of water is appropriate for the replacement.
you left off one option

i'm planing to vote for some 3rd party candidate because both the GOP and DNC SUCK
I'm from MA guys.

My representatives include the likes of John Kerry, Barney Frank, and Teddy "chappaquiddick" Kennedy.

Not exactly the cream of the crop so i'm voting em out. If I had any republican representatvies i'd vote them out too as my state is 2 billiion in debt.

Now if ANY of my representatives voted against the bailouts, TARP, the auto takeover, or the house's cap and trade bill I would re-elect them....but they all voted for this garbage.

What about your representatives? Are they fighting all this irresponsible legislation?
I'll vote for Roskum for House or Senate, his decision. In reality being IL, we'll keep him in the 6th.

I'll vote against Durbin. Problem really is Burris. I'd vote against him, however we need a Republican other than Mark Kirk, that voted for cap & trade.
you left off one option

i'm planing to vote for some 3rd party candidate because both the GOP and DNC SUCK

Your option is the first option Voting them all out regardless of party ;)
nope, that option has you voting for one of the two party's to vote out the incumbent

Nah it doesn't specify who your voting for, only that you are voting against any sitting congress person.

You could be voting for donald duck instead of your incumbent under option 1 ;)

But i'll see if i can edit an option for 3rd parties for you anyway?
i will vote republican. if republicans controlled the house we would not have cap and tax.
I'm from MA guys.

My representatives include the likes of John Kerry, Barney Frank, and Teddy "chappaquiddick" Kennedy.

Not exactly the cream of the crop so i'm voting em out. If I had any republican representatvies i'd vote them out too as my state is 2 billiion in debt.

Now if ANY of my representatives voted against the bailouts, TARP, the auto takeover, or the house's cap and trade bill I would re-elect them....but they all voted for this garbage.

What about your representatives? Are they fighting all this irresponsible legislation?

And? I'm from NJ. What do you suppose the chances are of ME voting out the Dems? About the same as YOUR chances of voting the out, doncha think? Especially since two of the three easily recognizable names -- hell, one even was coaxed out of retirement because good 'ol "Torch" f*ked up so bad he HAD to resign. Imagine that.... I just remembered a Dem who resigned in disgrace!

Best shot I've got here is for a change in leadership in the State House. That might (note I said might) start to turn the tide and wake some sleepers up to what's going on down in Washington, but I don't consider it likely. The majority seem to think THEIR rep(s) are doing a dandy job while thinking it's EVERYONE ELSE'S that sucks.
Add your 2 cents people.

Be pragmatic. If your Rep. has represented you well, vote for his re-election. Throwing out the whole congress will produce a bunch of know-nothings, at least as to how to get things done in there; it's akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


Unfortunately, there are few instances of "represented you well" on the whole. And I fail to see the logic of "will produce a bunch of know-nothings" since we have a system in place that is supposed to ensure that they don't sit and atrophy in their chairs while they're getting nothing done. The same applies for the office of President, except there are is a term limit that ensures some new blood at least every 8 years. The problem is that the people are too damned lazy to do their research -- to find out if they're being represented, to find out if the bath water needs to be changed, to find out what type of water is appropriate for the replacement.

You are right of course, about the need to know who your representative is, but also it's important to know how other representatives in your state congressional delegation are voting. Some "safe districts" can't be influenced, these are hard Ds. If we threw out everyone (even if we could - which we can't) without examining their voting record, the ones who would not get thrown out would be the reps in the "safe" districts, leaving the ones which we might have a chance of influencing to get thrown out.

Notice we have some soft Ds in our state. In Indiana we are generally represented well. Here are our representatives their party affiliation and how they voted on H.R.2454: American Clean Energy and Security Act - Cap and Trade
Voted against
1st d. Pete Visclosky (D)
2d Joe Donelly (D)
3d Mark Sowder (R)
4th Steve Buyer (R)
5th Dan Burton (R)
6th Mike Pence (R)
8th Brad Ellsworth (D)

Voted for
7th d. André Carson (D)
9th d. Baron Hill (D)

I donate money to representatives or opponents of representatives outside my own district, for their campaigns. I write my congressman and both my US Senators periodically, letting them know what I think about their votes and activities. I talk politics every chance I get with my associates, doing my best to inform and influence, especially the younger novice, and concentrate most heavily on the "never have" voter. They particularly need help in forming opinions. Whenever possible I disrupt idealism as a non funtioning non productive philosophy. They need to understand what is do-able and not do-able. They also need to consider what is in their long range good. Generally, what is good for the country and it's economy is good for the people as a whole.
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I don't vote 'against' anyone. I vote 'for' the best candidate for the job, regardless of political affiliation (unless, of course, they are un-American, like Libtards and Neocons). Since none of the incumbents in my district will get my vote, I guess you could say I'm voting 'against' them, but I'm still not comfortable with that term.
Tennessee has no senators up for re-election this time so I only have our 6th district congressman to vote against. Bart Gordon, who claims to be a fiscally conservative BlueDog democrat, has been nothing but a rubber stamp for Pelosi since 2006. I have included him in the "Give The Senate Some Balls" campaign, because I'm pretty sure that Nancy has Bart's in a jar on her desk. I already called his office after the cap and tax vote and told them that I'll donate every dollar I can spare and my time to who ever runs against him.
Im not sure who im voting for in the congressional race. still not sure who is running yet. Chances are ill support one of the Republicans.

As for Senate, Im voting against Specter. Id be doing that even if he stayed with the Republicans.
i just moved to another district so i have do my research on my current representative. no senate elections there here in my state.

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