2009 air to ground assault against Taliban called weak / 2019 invite Taliban to USA is STRONG. Why?


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Obama’s first year in office saw him direct the launch of the largest air to ground military assault (since Vietnam) against the Taliban in Helmand and Khandahar. Those who surely since then who’ve become TrumpO’s base, loved to refer to Obama as a weak president,

Now on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks from Taliban controlled soil, TrumpO invites murdering terrorist Taliban leaders to Camp David and not a peep from Team Trump surrender monkey types.

Can you TrumpO explain why Obama was weak to you but TrumpO is strong.
Obama’s first year in office saw him direct the launch of the largest air to ground military assault (since Vietnam) against the Taliban in Helmand and Khandahar. Those who surely since then who’ve become TrumpO’s base, loved to refer to Obama as a weak president,

Now on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks from Taliban controlled soil, TrumpO invites murdering terrorist Taliban leaders to Camp David and not a peep from Team Trump surrender monkey types.

Can you TrumpO explain why Obama was weak to you but TrumpO is strong.
Obama bought off allies and enemies-that is weak. Trump meets them face to face and calls out bullshit if he sees it-that is strong. Boots on the ground is a lazy way out-ask LBJ about VietNam.
Because Obama permitted the Islamists to ram their collective penis up his ass, and paid them to do it. His attacks upon the outliers were solely to maintain credibility in the West. Those burned were expendable.

Obama was Fredo. Trump is Michael. Grok?
Third Party, post: 23138610
Obama bought off allies and enemies-that is weak.

Bought Off? Wtf is that?

You say this is weak ‘bought off’ :


While you say inviting the original hosts of the 9/11 attackers (who continue killing and terrorizing American troops and soldiers and civilians in our coalition in Afghanistan) to US soil at Camp David on the weekend of September 11 2019 ... is STRONG.

TrumpO owns your mind. It is obvious you are no longer connected to any semblance of reality.
Third Party, post: 23138610
Obama bought off allies and enemies-that is weak.

Bought Off? Wtf is that?

You say this is weak ‘bought off’ :

View attachment 279963

While you say inviting the original hosts of the 9/11 attackers (who continue killing and terrorizing American troops and soldiers and civilians in our coalition in Afghanistan) to US soil at Camp David on the weekend of September 11 2019 ... is STRONG.

TrumpO owns your mind. It is obvious you are no longer connected to any semblance of reality.

Poor little butthurt twerp. I'll make it easy for you...ISIS while your hero the obummer was in power took over a significant amount of land and had oil fields producing 500 million bucks a year, at least.

Obummer the pussy did nothing. Trump, the tough guy released our military and within months ISIS was reduced to being an insurgency again.

That good enough for you? Dumbass...
westwall, post: 23139329
Trump, the tough guy released our military and within months ISIS was reduced to being an insurgency again.

You are a liar and are avoiding the OP.

Isis was surrounded and under siege for months in its last holdout city in Iraq when TrumPo was inaugurated.

All TrumpO did was let the US military and the coalition that Obama assembled to fight on the ground finish the job.

One of the few things TrumPo didn’t screw up because he didn’t change the ongoing operation at all.

westwall, post: 23139329
Obummer the pussy did nothing.

If Obama did nothing the US military did nothing.

You are deplorable for spreading the lie that the US military did nothing to help rid Iraq and Syria of ISIS until February 2017.

If you are not lying show us the date that TrumpO ‘released’ the US military to engage ISIS in a way they had never done before.
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“housands of Iraqi soldiers, Kurdish fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen, assisted by US-led coalition warplanes and military advisers, took part in the offensive, which began in October 2016.How the battle for Mosul unfolded

Tell me westeall why you think TrumpO was President in October 2016. The actual US led siege of Mosul began long before October 2016.

westwall, post: 23139329
I'll make it easy for you...ISIS while your hero the obummer was in power took over a significant amount of land

You fool. Obama was not the President of Iraq ir Syria. No US Land was invaded and controlled by ISIS.

Back to Taliban being invited to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11.

Is that invite to ongoing killers ‘weak’ in a Trump duped mind?

Wouid it have been weak if Obama had done it?
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BillyBilly_Kinetta, post: 23138631
Because Obama permitted the Islamists to ram their collective penis up his ass, and paid them to do it. His attacks upon the outliers were solely to maintain credibility in the West. Those burned were expendable.

Obama ordered more Islamist killed than any US president in history.

Your perverted fantasy about collective dead Islamist penises is not based on anything factual or connected to reality.

I See how you have fallen in love with s liar like TrumpO?
Obama’s first year in office saw him direct the launch of the largest air to ground military assault (since Vietnam) against the Taliban in Helmand and Khandahar. Those who surely since then who’ve become TrumpO’s base, loved to refer to Obama as a weak president,

Now on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks from Taliban controlled soil, TrumpO invites murdering terrorist Taliban leaders to Camp David and not a peep from Team Trump surrender monkey types.

Can you TrumpO explain why Obama was weak to you but TrumpO is strong.
Obama bought off allies and enemies-that is weak. Trump meets them face to face and calls out bullshit if he sees it-that is strong. Boots on the ground is a lazy way out-ask LBJ about VietNam.
H3 likes terrorists and dictators for sure.
Obama’s first year in office saw him direct the launch of the largest air to ground military assault (since Vietnam) against the Taliban in Helmand and Khandahar. Those who surely since then who’ve become TrumpO’s base, loved to refer to Obama as a weak president,

Now on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks from Taliban controlled soil, TrumpO invites murdering terrorist Taliban leaders to Camp David and not a peep from Team Trump surrender monkey types.

Can you TrumpO explain why Obama was weak to you but TrumpO is strong.

Obama’s first year in office saw him direct the launch of the largest air to ground military assault (since Vietnam) against the Taliban in Helmand and Khandahar. Those who surely since then who’ve become TrumpO’s base, loved to refer to Obama as a weak president,

Now on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks from Taliban controlled soil, TrumpO invites murdering terrorist Taliban leaders to Camp David and not a peep from Team Trump surrender monkey types.

Can you TrumpO explain why Obama was weak to you but TrumpO is strong.
Obama bought off allies and enemies-that is weak. Trump meets them face to face and calls out bullshit if he sees it-that is strong. Boots on the ground is a lazy way out-ask LBJ about VietNam.

Who did Obama buy off?
westwall, post: 23139329
Trump, the tough guy released our military and within months ISIS was reduced to being an insurgency again.

You are a liar and are avoiding the OP.

Isis was surrounded and under siege for months in its last holdout city in Iraq when TrumPo was inaugurated.

All TrumpO did was let the US military and the coalition that Obama assembled to fight on the ground finish the job.

One of the few things TrumPo didn’t screw up because he didn’t change the ongoing operation at all.

westwall, post: 23139329
Obummer the pussy did nothing.

If Obama did nothing the US military did nothing.

You are deplorable for spreading the lie that the US military did nothing to help rid Iraq and Syria of ISIS until February 2017.

If you are not lying show us the date that TrumpO ‘released’ the US military to engage ISIS in a way they had never done before.

That is complete and total bullshit. Only a moron such as yourself could come up with something so provably untrue.
BillyBilly_Kinetta, post: 23138631
Because Obama permitted the Islamists to ram their collective penis up his ass, and paid them to do it. His attacks upon the outliers were solely to maintain credibility in the West. Those burned were expendable.

Obama ordered more Islamist killed than any US president in history.

Your perverted fantasy about collective dead Islamist penises is not based on anything factual or connected to reality.

I See how you have fallen in love with s liar like TrumpO?

Once again. More complete crap from the person with the most poo between their ears on the planet
Obama called ISIS the "JV" and allowed them to be a significant terrorist force. Then he rewarded Iran who back ISIS with a boat load of CASH and a sweetheart NUKE deal which ensured they could make nuclear weapons in the future. Obama was bought and paid for by these turds. Just ask Valerie Jarrett.
westwall, post: 23139439
That is complete and total bullshit. Only a moron such as yourself could come up with something so provably untrue.

Let’s try again shall we;

If you are not lying show us the date that TrumpO ‘released’ the US military to engage ISIS in a way they had never done before.

Why didn’t you show us the date/release that backs your claim? Why just the impish insult?

Here is evidence that Obama and the US Miitsry did something prior to TrumpO getting inaugurated. This was 2016 Mosul mind you:
  • In the centre of the city, four of the five main bridges were put out of action in October and November by coalition air strikes, with the aim of limiting the jihadists' ability to resupply or reinforce their positions in the east. How the battle for Mosul unfolded

Mosul was the last and final ISIS stronghold in Iraq. All other cities and areas in Iraq were mostly liberated.under Obama.

So I’m pointing out that the following is a lie:

westwall, post: 23139329
Obummer the pussy did nothing.

What can you point to that shows Obama and the US military did nothing until after January 2017 when TrumpO shows up and liberated Iraq and Syria with some kind of ‘release’ if the military that defeats ISIS in a few months.

But you can’t show us the ‘release’.

Is tangible evidence a problem for you?
Third Party, post: 23138610
Obama bought off allies and enemies-that is weak.

Bought Off? Wtf is that?

You say this is weak ‘bought off’ :

View attachment 279963

While you say inviting the original hosts of the 9/11 attackers (who continue killing and terrorizing American troops and soldiers and civilians in our coalition in Afghanistan) to US soil at Camp David on the weekend of September 11 2019 ... is STRONG.

Hey ISIS-Obama put us in the WEAK Paris Accord and GAVE Iran the money to fund terrorism-that's weak and cowardly. Blowing people up is not strong-it is the last resort of cowards. Don't bother drsgging Trump into this-I don't support him and Obama has to answer for being a weak president on his own. Kids in cages? Obama invented it? Or do you like that? That is the ONE thing that shows strength-not being afraid of public opinion to do the right thing.
Third Party, post: 23138610
Obama bought off allies and enemies-that is weak.

Bought Off? Wtf is that?

You say this is weak ‘bought off’ :

View attachment 279963

While you say inviting the original hosts of the 9/11 attackers (who continue killing and terrorizing American troops and soldiers and civilians in our coalition in Afghanistan) to US soil at Camp David on the weekend of September 11 2019 ... is STRONG.

TrumpO owns your mind. It is obvious you are no longer connected to any semblance of reality.
You have no brains-reread my post
Obama’s first year in office saw him direct the launch of the largest air to ground military assault (since Vietnam) against the Taliban in Helmand and Khandahar. Those who surely since then who’ve become TrumpO’s base, loved to refer to Obama as a weak president,

Now on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks from Taliban controlled soil, TrumpO invites murdering terrorist Taliban leaders to Camp David and not a peep from Team Trump surrender monkey types.

Can you TrumpO explain why Obama was weak to you but TrumpO is strong.
Obama bought off allies and enemies-that is weak. Trump meets them face to face and calls out bullshit if he sees it-that is strong. Boots on the ground is a lazy way out-ask LBJ about VietNam.
H3 likes terrorists and dictators for sure.
Your picture says you like Gumby-is that true?

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