1st Repub to Win Senate CT District in 40 years

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Even in a special election a 17 point win is pretty convincing. He also campaigned that he would have voted against the recent gun controls bills that just passed in the state. Perhaps folks in Connecticut are finally getting fed up with oppressive, big government policies of the leftists that have dominated the politics in their state for some time. One can only hope people are seeing the errors of their ways.

"The people in our district and, I think, the people across the state, are mad,'' Belsito said. "The [legislature] raised our taxes so much. They passed the gun control legislation and people are mad about that. And they just can't believe the state legislature is spending money we don't have, financing day to day expenses and doing more bonding. They are doing everything that's harmful to the state of Connecticut.''

For GOP, The Comeback Begins In Tolland - Courant.com

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