1991 Cease Fire, 1998 Liberation of Iraq SIGNED by Clinton saved 1.7m kids--But LIPs are ignorant!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A prior thread title:
"Republicans spent a trillion in taxpayer money to create an army in Iraq? How'd that work out?"

Low Information people (LIPs) don't seem to recall that Saddam agreed to all the terms when the 1991 Cease Fire was signed BUT he ignored the terms.
LIPs don't know that Bill Clinton signed The 1998 Liberation of Iraq authorized by Congress' Resolution of 2002 (Public law 107-243, 116 Stat. 1497-1502) "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq " "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling .
"It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."
On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated Operation Desert Fox, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.
In spite of that Saddam allowed In five years 576,000 children to starve BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

Given then the following Democrats called for Clinton to do something that because of the death of 3,000 people on 9/11 Bush followed through by accomplishing the mission of Liberating Iraq!
"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs"Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001

BUT you LIPs have either no knowledge that this was going on as you were still in diapers playing with the contents OR you have no knowledge because your educators called it the "Invasion of Iraq" a negative concept and in your naiveté totally don't comprehend the facts!


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