16 year-old mauled to death in fenced-in backyard, no charges filed

Can't help but notice the breed of dog was not mentioned. That means they were pit bulls.

I haven't ever noticed that particular pattern, not that I've looked. I immediately assumed pits based on the use of the word, "mauled". I'll have to keep an eye out for how actual mentions of the breed appear or don't. Those sorts of tendencies in modern journalism always fascinate me in the most macabre of ways.

Pit bulls have well funded advocacy groups trying to rehabilitate their image and cast dispersion on the statistical fact that they're far and away the most vicious breed. The press is very PC when it comes to reporting on the breed, it's very similar to the way they defend islam or other groups prone to violence.
Here's an interesting documentary that deals with the subject.

One of the sweetest and most gentle dogs I ever had was a Pit. She was a stray I found on the side of the road. I brought her home and she blended in well with the rest of the pack... an Irish Setter, two German Shepherds, a Chihuahua, a Poodle, and two cats (I was living on a small ranch). When the neighbor's two German short hair pointers came down the hill, there were problems... needless to say, they never came back to 'visit". This was back in the early '80s.

They can be very sweet and gentle, friendly and goofy. Came across one with just that kind of personality in a local pet store recently, I think her owner was shocked I would approach the dog, much less get down and interact with her. He seemed very appreciative that I hadn't judged her just because of her breed.

All that being said, I would not bring one into my home these days unless it was a very young pup. There is just no telling how their former person raised them. I frequently visit the local shelters with a mind to adopt, but, sadly, most of the dogs I see there are Pit Bulls or some mix with a Pit and all are beyond the age I'm willing to bring into the fold.
Just watch yourselves if you decide to jump my fence these days...


Vicious creatures... vicious I tell you...
dogs are animals--you never know how they will react
no--no charges plain and simple
If the kid jumped off a bridge would you blame the bridge? Any teen knows a fence is there to keep him out. Give him a Darwin award and move on.

If the dogs get loose or a small child gets mauled, that's on the owner for being irresponsible.

As I said in my OP, should it be tantamount to a death sentence for jumping a fence into someone's backyard? Look, I get that the kid was in the wrong, but I disagree that he deserved to be mauled to death. Obviously, most here don't share my view.
it's not a death sentence--but a ''bad'' situation/etc
bad things happen--they are not death sentences --bad analogy
Can't help but notice the breed of dog was not mentioned. That means they were pit bulls.

I haven't ever noticed that particular pattern, not that I've looked. I immediately assumed pits based on the use of the word, "mauled". I'll have to keep an eye out for how actual mentions of the breed appear or don't. Those sorts of tendencies in modern journalism always fascinate me in the most macabre of ways.

Pitbulls ain't no worse than any other kind of dog.

Agreed, I was only referring to what I've personally noticed in terms of how the deaths are reported. Been a dog person all my life, had/have a lot of friends that are dog people. Known a lot of pit bulls, most of which were absolute sweet hearts. Aggressively friendly, if anything. The most vicious dog I've ever encountered was a short haired German shepherd. It's all in how you raise 'em.

I like leopards but you won't see me pretending that they're not dangerous animals. Pit bulls were bred for fighting, it's in their nature. It's no coincidence they are responsible for the majority of mauling deaths. Even the ones who are "raised right" have snapped and killed people.

Oh wow, shocker. They were pit bulls after all.

Teen, 16, dies after being mauled by three pit bulls in Dallas, police say

Of course they're dangerous, and they're not alone there. I don't see this story as representative of a problem, though. The dogs we've got at my home these days are German shepherds, but they're lovers. That said, about four years back and for a decade prior there were 6 shepherd-rottweilers roaming my back yard, 3 of which were some of the largest male dogs I've ever seen. All from the same litter, grew up like a pack. Loved me, loved my family, but when they foraged out into the back yard, they were very much a pack of wild dogs. We've got high fences and put in redundant layers of gates and fencing to make absolutely sure these dogs would never accidently get out of the yard, and they never did. But I guarantee you that anyone who was silly enough to hop into my yard during the tenure of those magnificent beasts would have found themselves, for all intents and purposes, fending off a feral hunting pack.

The area I live in has been descending into shitty for a couple decades, so I honestly tend to write off such unintended intruder deaths as the collateral cost of effective home defense. Everybody doesn't live in a gated community, and I've spent time in a lot of places where the assumption that a 16 year old hopping your fence at 4 AM is an existential threat to your family and person, is not an unreasonable one. Let's not get bent out of shape about the responsible owners of guard dogs. If those pitbulls get off that guy's property and THEN hurt someone, talk to me then.
Do you agree? I'm not sure that I do. It seems inconsistent.

So a 16 year-old climbs a fence to get into someone's back yard. He is attacked by three dogs and later dies from his wounds. From what I've read elsewhere, the owner won't be charged because the dogs were secured in his backyard.

Ok, I get that.

However, should jumping into someone's backyard be tantamount to a death sentence by mauling? In my view and experience, dogs that will attack like that should NOT be out loose, even in one's backyard. After all, what if the dog gets loose? What if a small child, somehow, gets into the yard with the dog(s)?

I guess I'm of the opinion that the owner should be charged. Now, if he had broken into the guy's home, that's a different story. How about you?

Police: Teen Killed After Gruesome Dog Attack

He should not have been there.

But we don't even get to ask him why he was there, do we? The dogs tore his throat out as well as other various parts of his body
If the kid jumped off a bridge would you blame the bridge? Any teen knows a fence is there to keep him out. Give him a Darwin award and move on.

If the dogs get loose or a small child gets mauled, that's on the owner for being irresponsible.

As I said in my OP, should it be tantamount to a death sentence for jumping a fence into someone's backyard? Look, I get that the kid was in the wrong, but I disagree that he deserved to be mauled to death. Obviously, most here don't share my view.

holding up a liquor store with a handgun usually isn't a death sentence either if the person is convicted, however a person has a right to use deadly force to protect themselves in threatening situations, and the burden of proof of "threatening" usually isn't that high.

The kid put his life into his own hands going into a yard, more so if it was a yard with dogs in it.
If the kid jumped off a bridge would you blame the bridge? Any teen knows a fence is there to keep him out. Give him a Darwin award and move on.

If the dogs get loose or a small child gets mauled, that's on the owner for being irresponsible.

As I said in my OP, should it be tantamount to a death sentence for jumping a fence into someone's backyard? Look, I get that the kid was in the wrong, but I disagree that he deserved to be mauled to death. Obviously, most here don't share my view.
He didn't deserve to be mauled but dog owner didn't deserve to be punished either.
He deserved to be mauled. No different than if he was discovered by the homeowner and shot.

Being mauled and being shot is not the same, if you don't believe me look up videos of pit bull maulings,. I would much rather be shot. Being mauled by a pit is probably like being eaten alive.
If the kid jumped off a bridge would you blame the bridge? Any teen knows a fence is there to keep him out. Give him a Darwin award and move on.

If the dogs get loose or a small child gets mauled, that's on the owner for being irresponsible.

As I said in my OP, should it be tantamount to a death sentence for jumping a fence into someone's backyard? Look, I get that the kid was in the wrong, but I disagree that he deserved to be mauled to death. Obviously, most here don't share my view.

holding up a liquor store with a handgun usually isn't a death sentence either if the person is convicted, however a person has a right to use deadly force to protect themselves in threatening situations, and the burden of proof of "threatening" usually isn't that high.

The kid put his life into his own hands going into a yard, more so if it was a yard with dogs in it.

The kid did not deserve the torture and terror he went through. By the way, for all of you that is passing judgement on the kid. He was homeless. Was a thief? Maybe. Does that mean he deserved this horrible mauling? NO

One more thing, the owner is a backyard pit bull breeder. Maybe he deserves the same judgement.
Did you guys happen to hear about the one guy that had the pit bull, that was his best friend for 10 years? Well, when he had a seizure guess what his best friend did?
An obvious intruder jumped our six foot fence around 3:45 AM once. Rod was out of state and a lot of people knew I was there alone. I turned the dogs out and the intruder made his way hastily back over the fence and I heard their feet beating down the street running away. The dogs were not vicious dogs but would or could have been if they felt there home or me was threatened in any manner. If they had caught the intruder I would have had no sympathy for any injuries that happened to him in his quest to gain access where he did not belong.

Simple don't jump over a large fence where you know people have dogs. Any sixteen year old knows better and if they don't well that is still the chance they take when entering into someone else's property in the wee hours of the morning or at night.
On another note, it's highly likely that NOBODY will insure that guy's property.

I'm on my way over right now to burn a cross on the guy's yard and demand he sell his home and move out of the community. Hell, even the state! There are no unfortunate accidents in today's world---- every contingency must be thought of, people must be perfect and there is no room for mistakes, accidents or second chances. Every little thing must be painstakingly litigated for years in court at great cost. Hopefully his employer will get wind of this incident and fire him from his job as well.

So if a little kid accidentally throws his ball into a fenced-in yard and jumps the fence to get it and gets mauled to death, it's "too bad" for the kid? I don't share that view.

Just watch yourselves if you decide to jump my fence these days...

View attachment 274103

Vicious creatures... vicious I tell you...

Papillions, really?
Chows were bred as warring dogs and go for the throat, Pyrenees are bred to kill predators so will you say people should not own these breed because of their historical breeding?
This is why people should not trespass
Dogs are natural protectors.

Pit bulls are natural killers. But wait, they torture you first., so may I suggest that they are natural psychopaths, bred by humans to be just that.


Ol' Musk Daddy Woompa Doompa was a fantastic dog.

Yes he showed his ass to his dad.

Yes, the neighborhood dogs used to want him to come out to play.
He was still kickass.

Yes my other dog tried to kill him over popcorn.
Oh, but he'd sleep by my feet every night.
He was a sweet feller. :fu:
Also he was a garbage can
It should be easy for a healthy adult to fight off a dog.
That guy must have been weak or sick.
Dogs are brave, they will protect their master.

dog vs bear
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This is why people should not trespass
Dogs are natural protectors.

Pit bulls are natural killers. But wait, they torture you first., so may I suggest that they are natural psychopaths, bred by humans to be just that.


Ol' Musk Daddy Woompa Doompa was a fantastic dog.

Yes he showed his ass to his dad.

Yes, the neighborhood dogs used to want him to come out to play.
He was still kickass.

Yes my other dog tried to kill him over popcorn.
Oh, but he'd sleep by my feet every night.
He was a sweet feller. :fu:

You only have to be wrong once. Most of the killer beasts were loved and all cute and stuff in all their previous pictures until they weren't. I dare you guys to watch this, we are coming for your beasts the" pittie"
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