145 Democrats vote against bill to deport migrants who commit sexual assault

Yes, this bill will make changes. Needed changes which is why 60 Democrats in the House voted for it. If it changes nothing, why would Democrats vote against it? There is something in that bill that those hundred some-odd Democrats do not want to happen.

It's an ammendment, to another bill:

It deems

Any alien who has
been convicted of, who admits having com-
mitted, or who admits committing acts which
constitute the essential elements of a sex of-


And that'


Also renders the alien inadmissible.
The ammendment adds language that

Any alien who has
been convicted of a sex offense (as such term is
defined in section 111(5) of the Adam Walsh
Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (345
U.S.C. 20911(5))) or a conspiracy to commit
such an offense, is deportable.’

"Deportation" has become the bogeyman of the woke left, which is why so many Democrats voted against this amendment.

Conviction is not required by this bill, before deportation, and that is illegal.
Conviction is not required by this bill, before deportation, and that is illegal.

More to the point, we already have 1.5 million undocumented immigrants who have orders of deportation against them, but they aren't going anywhere because their home countries won't take them or we don't have the flights/resources available to remove them.
More to the point, we already have 1.5 million undocumented immigrants who have orders of deportation against them, but they aren't going anywhere because their home countries won't take them or we don't have the flights/resources available to remove them.

Mostly because we have no idea where they are actually at.
More to the point, we already have 1.5 million undocumented immigrants who have orders of deportation against them, but they aren't going anywhere because their home countries won't take them or we don't have the flights/resources available to remove them.
Hopefully many (more) will self-deport before ICE catches up with them.
Conviction is not required by this bill, before deportation, and that is illegal.

‘‘(J) SEX OFFENSES .—Any alien who has8
been convicted of,
‘‘(G) SEX OFFENSES .—Any alien who has2
been convicted of a sex offense
Hopefully many (more) will self-deport before ICE catches up with them.

That's wishful thinking.

Here's how you deter undocumented immigration.

YOu go after the white people who hire them in the first place.

You raid the farm.
you raid the sweatshop
you go after the rich yuppies who can't be bothered to raise their own kids.
You stop the guy who picks up a bunch of day-Laborers at the Home Depot to finish that DIY project.

We won't do that, because we want the benefits of undocumented labor... we just don't want to deal with the human parts.
More to the point, we already have 1.5 million undocumented immigrants who have orders of deportation against them, but they aren't going anywhere because their home countries won't take them or we don't have the flights/resources available to remove them.
Odd, Biden found flights / resources to import them.
I'm sure it will. So many issues and Congress spends it time passing redundant bills and you cheer.
Not to worry. The GOP congress, senate and president will get to them.

And it isn't redundant.

The Biden administration is not deporting sex offenders, and not turning them away at the border.

That needs to change, and it will.
That's wishful thinking.

Here's how you deter undocumented immigration.

YOu go after the white people who hire them in the first place.

You raid the farm.
you raid the sweatshop
you go after the rich yuppies who can't be bothered to raise their own kids.
You stop the guy who picks up a bunch of day-Laborers at the Home Depot to finish that DIY project.

We won't do that, because we want the benefits of undocumented labor... we just don't want to deal with the human parts.
Oh, dear. It’s those evil white people.

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