*11K Russians Dead A Month 2 Months In*

Sorry bout that,

1. So we can just take Mexico now?
2. You was waiting for that I bet?
3. Russia takes Ukraine and now we take Mexico, hell why not Canada too, they are sitting flat footed as hell?
4. We got the power to do both.

Sorry bout that,

1. So we can just take Mexico now?
2. You was waiting for that I bet?
3. Russia takes Ukraine and now we take Mexico, hell why not Cananda too?
4. We got the power to do both.

We already took Mexico once, instead of keeping it we did the smart thing and gave it back.

How about instead of either of those options we secure our own border and maybe put enough pressure on Mexico to force theme to finally secure their own southern border by such means as putting a revolving door at every port of entry on our southern border to immediately return those who enter the US illegally?
He got defensive when I said “fuck Russia” and he implied that he wants Russia to win the war.
I did neither.

I mocked you for getting emotionally involved in something that the US people had no national interest in.

I mocked you for being brainwashed.
Sorry bout that,

1. Expand our borders right?
2. *Might Makes Right*, right?
3. Them bastards deserve it anyway right?
4. Sending all those highly skilled personnel when they might be better fit staying put in Mexico and Canada, and helping their own Nation, no they came here.
5. Just wonderful of them to want to help us here.

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So I’m an ignoramus suggesting that it’s a good idea to allow me to invade your home, kill your family, take your stuff, and for you to just be ok with all that?

This video must be propaganda. The Ukrainians are kicking Russian ass. Ask any American? They know.
The video embedding on that was hard to view. .

". . . When you watch that video, it’s hard not to wonder where all that military hardware came from previously, and how long the buildup of that particular Kharkiv weapons depot had been happening. There are thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition in that video.

Additionally, Russia’s defense ministry said on Saturday that its forces had shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 fighter jet and destroyed three MI-8 helicopters at an airfield in Ukraine’s Kharkiv region. There was no immediate reaction from Ukraine regarding the Russian claims.. . ."
I did neither.

I mocked you for getting emotionally involved in something that the US people had no national interest in.

I mocked you for being brainwashed.

American people are interested in what’s happening over there.

Apparently expressing disapproval with something means getting emotional. Why do my posts make you emotional, comrade?
We already took Mexico once, instead of keeping it we did the smart thing and gave it back.

How about instead of either of those options we secure our own border and maybe put enough pressure on Mexico to force theme to finally secure their own southern border by such means as putting a revolving door at every port of entry on our southern border to immediately return those who enter the US illegally?
Sorry bout that,

1. But if we take Mexico, then any illegal who gets into Mexico will now be in USA.
2. 51st. State, then keep them in Mexico as a buffer zone, never to allow them up North into USA proper.
3. What is in Mexico stays in Mexico.
4. Only allow those in whom are hired in, they having a job and place to live already.
5. Ofcourse we can go freely to Mexico, to take vacations etc. business.

American people are interested in what’s happening over there.

Apparently expressing disapproval with something means getting emotional. Why do my posts make you emotional, comrade?
Because he's paid to push Russian propaganda
So just let Russia do whatever they want because you’re a spineless coward or you kiss Putin’s ass. No thanks.
If Victoria Nuland and her band of corrupt corporate neo-cons had never started messing around in Ukraine, and NATO membership had never been extended to Ukraine? Yep, none of this would have transpired. . .

Those are the facts. Russia would not have done shit. You know it, I know it, so stop with the hyperbole and lies already.

Suck on them facts, long and hard.
1. So we can just take Mexico now?
If China engineers a coup and an "Orange revolution," in Mexico. .

. . . and then starts agitating and funding Neo-technocrat Marxists there. . who overthrow the government?

Count on it.
If Victoria Nuland and her band of corrupt corporate neo-cons had never started messing around in Ukraine, and NATO membership had never been extended to Ukraine? Yep, none of this would have transpired. . .

Those are the facts. Russia would not have done shit. You know it, I know it, so stop with the hyperbole and lies already.

Suck on them facts, long and hard.
Did Putin personally explain this to you?
Peace would be wonderful...and achieved by Putin pulling his murdering forces out of Ukraine
He will, he has offered several peace deals to the government in Kiev.

Ukraine and NATO don't want peace. . . Ukraine WANTS this war. . .stooge.
I wouldn’t expect you to see the connection.
No, actually, I'm the one that studied logic, and it is I that won't even begin to explain how many logical fallacies you have committed with such an asinine argument. I know you are fairly intelligent person, but you can't really expect any reasonably intelligent person to take that argument seriously.


Sorry bout that,

1. I say we grab Mexico.
2. Send troops down the eastern coast, kill anything that moves.
3. Letting them know we are serious.
4. Then we send troops up the west side of Canada, again killing anything that moves.


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