*11K Russians Dead A Month 2 Months In*

Please there is no need for you to keep proving you’re an ignoramus.
So I’m an ignoramus suggesting that it’s a good idea to allow me to invade your home, kill your family, take your stuff, and for you to just be ok with all that?

The absurd difficulty in getting people to realize that most of their beliefs about the world are propaganda-implanted lies is their unexamined assumption that if mass-scale propaganda operations were happening in their country, they would have read about it in the news. @caitoz
This video must be propaganda. The Ukrainians are kicking Russian ass. Ask any American? They know.
Oh the dumb American chimes in. Everything reverts back to Hitler. Lol. You go fight kill and die for the Nazi regime in Ukraine. Go boy go!
Not everything "reverts to the Nazis"...but some things do...like Putin's agression.

And I'll continue to support Ukraine regardless of you or any Putin sock puppets
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm a Texas looking for a simple solution to end this war.
2. *Glass Onions* are what I came up with.
3. What you got?
4. Sure I'm willing to pay for the gas, its my idea have you, thats only fair, but the truck and explosives are on the Ukrainians accounts.
5. Just trying my best to help to end this useless war.

The only "simple" answers are surrender and appeasement.

Neither are solutions that will benefit Ukraine, Europe, or the rest of the world in the long run.

The only viable choice is to keep finding ways to aid the Ukrainians as long as they are willing to carry on the fight.

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