11 Facts For National Hispanic Heritage Month

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Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
11 facts for National Hispanic Heritage Month
By Jens Manuel Krogstad1 comment

Here are 11 facts that look at Latinos in the U.S. by age, geography and origin groups.

1 The U.S. Hispanic population now stands at over 54.1 million, making them the nation’s second-largest racial or ethnic group. Today Hispanics make up 17% of the U.S. population, up from 5% in 1970.

2 People of Mexican origin account for two-thirds (34 million) of the nation’s Latinos. Those of Puerto Rican origin are the next largest group at 4.9 million (with another 3.5 million on the island of Puerto Rico). There are five other Hispanic origin groups with more than 1 million people each: Cubans, Salvadorans, Dominicans, Guatemalans and Colombians.

3 There is diversity among Latino origin groups in major metro areas. Mexicans make up 78% of Latinos in the Los Angeles area but, in the New York City area, Puerto Ricans (28%) and Dominicans (21%) are the largest groups. Meanwhile, Salvadorans (32%) are most numerous in the Washington, D.C., metro area, and Cubans (54%) are the largest group in Miami.

4 The share foreign born among Hispanics varies by origin group. Just one-third (34%) of Mexican-origin Hispanics are foreign born. That’s far lower than among the other major groups – Cuban (56% foreign born), Salvadoran (60%), Dominican (56%), Guatemalan (65%) and Colombian (63%). (Most Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens at birth.)

5 As the population of U.S.-born Latinos booms and the arrival of new immigrants slows, the share of Hispanics who are immigrants — as opposed to those who are born here — is on the decline. From 2007 to 2012, the number of Latino immigrants increased slightly, from 18 million to 18.8 million. But they constituted a smaller overall share of the Latino population — decreasing from 40% to 36% over the same time period.

6 Latinos are the youngest of the major racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. At 27 years, the median age of Latinos is a full decade lower than that of the U.S. overall (37 years). Among Latinos, there is a big difference in median age between the U.S.-born (18 years) and foreign-born (40 years).

7 The number of young Latinos has rapidly increased. From 1993 to 2013, the number of Latinos younger than 18 in the U.S. more than doubled (107% increase), compared with an 11% increase among the general U.S. population younger than 18, according to Census Bureau data. In any given year, more than 800,000 young Latinos turn 18.

8 Latinos make up the largest group of immigrants in most states, mostly because Mexico is the biggest source of immigrants in 33 states. In some states, though, other Hispanic groups are the largest: El Salvador is the top country of birth among immigrants in Virginia and Maryland, the Dominican Republic leads in New York and Rhode Island and Cuba is the top place of birth for immigrants in Florida.

9 A majority of Latino adults (55%) say they are Catholic, while 16% are evangelical Protestants and 5% are mainline Protestants. The share who say they are Catholic has declined from 67% in 2010. Mexicans and Dominicans are more likely than other Hispanic origin groups to say they are Catholic. Meanwhile, Salvadorans are more likely to say they are evangelical Protestants than Mexicans, Cubans and Dominicans.

10 A record 25.2 million Hispanics are eligible to vote in 2014, up from 21.3 million in 2010. But during the last midterm election, the voter turnout rate of Hispanics (31%) lagged behind whites (49%) and blacks (44%).

11 More than 35 million Latinos speak Spanish at home. About 38% say Spanish is their dominant language, compared with 25% who are English-dominant and 36% who are bilingual, according to the Pew Research Center’s 2013 National Survey of Latinos.

1, 7 and 10 should scare the shit out of republicans come election day.
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This is the bad news about 7

3.7 million voted in 1988
12.5 million estimated for 2012....

If you go by the 2.9 million growth of each election since 2004...You're talking about 15.4 million for the 2016 election. The percentage of whites are decreasing at the same time as the asian and Hispanic vote is going up fast.

An Awakened Giant The Hispanic Electorate is Likely to Double by 2030 Pew Research Center s Hispanic Trends Project
Nonetheless, the potential impact of the Latino vote is rising. There are more than 25 million Latinos who are at least 18 years of age and a U.S. citizen in 2014, up from 21.3 million in 2010 (though not all are registered to vote). These gains largely reflect the growing number of young Latinos who turn 18 each year, about 800,000 in 2012, and who are often first time voters. In addition, three-quarters of Latino eligible voters live in just seven states — California, Texas, Florida, New York, Arizona, New Jersey and Illinois. Only Texas, Illinois and New Jersey have Senate elections this year, none of which are close.
Latino vote is small in nearly all states with hot Senate races Pew Research Center
Cubans vote republican, and so do a boatload of Mexicans depending on the issue. My county is 61% Hispanic (officially, but it's probably higher than that). We just kicked out our Mexican congressman on the last go-around, a democrat, and replaced him with a republican Anglo businessman. The Mexican was a race-baiter. We don't like that here.
I've always felt "Hispanic" is an artificial ethnic designation.

What happens in two or three generations when they all speak English and fully assimilate?

The real problem republicans have is that Hispanics and blacks see through their shit that they are only working for rich people. And they just can't fool enough White people anymore.
I've always felt "Hispanic" is an artificial ethnic designation.

What happens in two or three generations when they all speak English and fully assimilate?

The real problem republicans have is that Hispanics and blacks see through their shit that they are only working for rich people. And they just can't fool enough White people anymore.
By the time they fully assimilate, they'll be voting Republican in droves. Unlike you and most blacks, they seem to have a healthy work ethic and are less inclined to sponge off the state.
I've always felt "Hispanic" is an artificial ethnic designation.

What happens in two or three generations when they all speak English and fully assimilate?

The real problem republicans have is that Hispanics and blacks see through their shit that they are only working for rich people. And they just can't fool enough White people anymore.
By the time they fully assimilate, they'll be voting Republican in droves. Unlike you and most blacks, they seem to have a healthy work ethic and are less inclined to sponge off the state.

Uh, no, guy. Frankly, I don't see any of them ever voting for people who compared their parents to terrorists and said some of the horrible shit Republicans have said trying to appeal to racist turds like you.
I've always felt "Hispanic" is an artificial ethnic designation.

What happens in two or three generations when they all speak English and fully assimilate?

The real problem republicans have is that Hispanics and blacks see through their shit that they are only working for rich people. And they just can't fool enough White people anymore.
By the time they fully assimilate, they'll be voting Republican in droves. Unlike you and most blacks, they seem to have a healthy work ethic and are less inclined to sponge off the state.

Uh, no, guy. Frankly, I don't see any of them ever voting for people who compared their parents to terrorists and said some of the horrible shit Republicans have said trying to appeal to racist turds like you.
You know Joey, if you ever got a job, paid taxes and stopped sponging off the state, you might even vote Republican
[E]You know Joey, if you ever got a job, paid taxes and stopped sponging off the state, you might even vote Republican

Dude, I did vote Republican.

And at the end of Bush's second term, I had a busted 401K, an Underwater Mortgage, and a 20% reduction in pay after getting let go from my last job for running up too many medical bills.

That's what voting Republican gets you if you are a working guy.
[E]You know Joey, if you ever got a job, paid taxes and stopped sponging off the state, you might even vote Republican

Dude, I did vote Republican.

And at the end of Bush's second term, I had a busted 401K, an Underwater Mortgage, and a 20% reduction in pay after getting let go from my last job for running up too many medical bills.

That's what voting Republican gets you if you are a working guy.
Have you tried getting a job? Mental disabilities are not a laughing matter, but if not acute, you could work.
[E]You know Joey, if you ever got a job, paid taxes and stopped sponging off the state, you might even vote Republican

Dude, I did vote Republican.

And at the end of Bush's second term, I had a busted 401K, an Underwater Mortgage, and a 20% reduction in pay after getting let go from my last job for running up too many medical bills.

That's what voting Republican gets you if you are a working guy.
Have you tried getting a job? Mental disabilities are not a laughing matter, but if not acute, you could work.

Guy, i currently work two jobs ( A full time one and a small business.) I was working a third job for a while there, but I had to make some changes.

Of course, I wouldn't HAVE to do this if Bush hadn't fucked up the economy six ways to Sunday.
Cubans vote republican, and so do a boatload of Mexicans depending on the issue. My county is 61% Hispanic (officially, but it's probably higher than that). We just kicked out our Mexican congressman on the last go-around, a democrat, and replaced him with a republican Anglo businessman. The Mexican was a race-baiter. We don't like that here.
i hear ya Tom.....we have Mexicans where i am at that vote against Mexicans evey election.....a Mexican i worked with said ...."we dont trust the basterd,he is a Mexican,we know how we are".....
I've always felt "Hispanic" is an artificial ethnic designation.

What happens in two or three generations when they all speak English and fully assimilate?

The real problem republicans have is that Hispanics and blacks see through their shit that they are only working for rich people. And they just can't fool enough White people anymore.
i got news for you Joe....they see through the Democrats bullshit too.....they are considered the so-called "lessor of 2 evils".....they know that people like Pelosi dont want them moving next door....they get that.....when they take over that Party,and they eventually will,you watch all the rich White Democrats head for the door.....things will be different ....those rich white people will have a lot less say....they wont like that....."the Brownie telling me what is what?"....
i got news for you Joe....they see through the Democrats bullshit too.....they are considered the so-called "lessor of 2 evils".....they know that people like Pelosi dont want them moving next door....they get that.....when they take over that Party,and they eventually will,you watch all the rich White Democrats head for the door.....things will be different ....those rich white people will have a lot less say....they wont like that....."the Brownie telling me what is what?"....

It's about time a republican admitted that racists flee to their party.
i got news for you Joe....they see through the Democrats bullshit too.....they are considered the so-called "lessor of 2 evils".....they know that people like Pelosi dont want them moving next door....they get that.....when they take over that Party,and they eventually will,you watch all the rich White Democrats head for the door.....things will be different ....those rich white people will have a lot less say....they wont like that....."the Brownie telling me what is what?"....

It's about time a republican admitted that racists flee to their party.

Republican?......where was a Republican in those posts?...
A tangent, if you please: For those who claim that Bush43 fucked up the economy and cost them their jobs, savings, sanity, or whatever, please provide an example of what ANY DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT EVER has done to promote real job growth.

And keep in mind, adding government jobs is not real job growth - it's creating obligations for the taxpayer.

Seriously (and don't change the subject), name one thing that any Democrat President has ever done to promote job growth.
11 facts for National Hispanic Heritage Month
By Jens Manuel Krogstad1 comment

Here are 11 facts that look at Latinos in the U.S. by age, geography and origin groups.

1 The U.S. Hispanic population now stands at over 54.1 million, making them the nation’s second-largest racial or ethnic group. Today Hispanics make up 17% of the U.S. population, up from 5% in 1970.

2 People of Mexican origin account for two-thirds (34 million) of the nation’s Latinos. Those of Puerto Rican origin are the next largest group at 4.9 million (with another 3.5 million on the island of Puerto Rico). There are five other Hispanic origin groups with more than 1 million people each: Cubans, Salvadorans, Dominicans, Guatemalans and Colombians.

3 There is diversity among Latino origin groups in major metro areas. Mexicans make up 78% of Latinos in the Los Angeles area but, in the New York City area, Puerto Ricans (28%) and Dominicans (21%) are the largest groups. Meanwhile, Salvadorans (32%) are most numerous in the Washington, D.C., metro area, and Cubans (54%) are the largest group in Miami.

4 The share foreign born among Hispanics varies by origin group. Just one-third (34%) of Mexican-origin Hispanics are foreign born. That’s far lower than among the other major groups – Cuban (56% foreign born), Salvadoran (60%), Dominican (56%), Guatemalan (65%) and Colombian (63%). (Most Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens at birth.)

5 As the population of U.S.-born Latinos booms and the arrival of new immigrants slows, the share of Hispanics who are immigrants — as opposed to those who are born here — is on the decline. From 2007 to 2012, the number of Latino immigrants increased slightly, from 18 million to 18.8 million. But they constituted a smaller overall share of the Latino population — decreasing from 40% to 36% over the same time period.

6 Latinos are the youngest of the major racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. At 27 years, the median age of Latinos is a full decade lower than that of the U.S. overall (37 years). Among Latinos, there is a big difference in median age between the U.S.-born (18 years) and foreign-born (40 years).

7 The number of young Latinos has rapidly increased. From 1993 to 2013, the number of Latinos younger than 18 in the U.S. more than doubled (107% increase), compared with an 11% increase among the general U.S. population younger than 18, according to Census Bureau data. In any given year, more than 800,000 young Latinos turn 18.

8 Latinos make up the largest group of immigrants in most states, mostly because Mexico is the biggest source of immigrants in 33 states. In some states, though, other Hispanic groups are the largest: El Salvador is the top country of birth among immigrants in Virginia and Maryland, the Dominican Republic leads in New York and Rhode Island and Cuba is the top place of birth for immigrants in Florida.

9 A majority of Latino adults (55%) say they are Catholic, while 16% are evangelical Protestants and 5% are mainline Protestants. The share who say they are Catholic has declined from 67% in 2010. Mexicans and Dominicans are more likely than other Hispanic origin groups to say they are Catholic. Meanwhile, Salvadorans are more likely to say they are evangelical Protestants than Mexicans, Cubans and Dominicans.

10 A record 25.2 million Hispanics are eligible to vote in 2014, up from 21.3 million in 2010. But during the last midterm election, the voter turnout rate of Hispanics (31%) lagged behind whites (49%) and blacks (44%).

11 More than 35 million Latinos speak Spanish at home. About 38% say Spanish is their dominant language, compared with 25% who are English-dominant and 36% who are bilingual, according to the Pew Research Center’s 2013 National Survey of Latinos.

1, 7 and 10 should scare the shit out of republicans come election day.

Census: Minority babies are now majority in United States :ack-1::itsok:

Census Minority babies are now majority in United States - The Washington Post
Cubans vote republican, and so do a boatload of Mexicans depending on the issue. My county is 61% Hispanic (officially, but it's probably higher than that). We just kicked out our Mexican congressman on the last go-around, a democrat, and replaced him with a republican Anglo businessman. The Mexican was a race-baiter. We don't like that here.

After decades of GOP support, Cubans shifting toward the Democratic Party :laugh2::laugh2:

After decades of GOP support Cubans shifting toward the Democratic Party Pew Research Center
11 facts for National Hispanic Heritage Month
By Jens Manuel Krogstad1 comment

Here are 11 facts that look at Latinos in the U.S. by age, geography and origin groups.

1 The U.S. Hispanic population now stands at over 54.1 million, making them the nation’s second-largest racial or ethnic group. Today Hispanics make up 17% of the U.S. population, up from 5% in 1970.

2 People of Mexican origin account for two-thirds (34 million) of the nation’s Latinos. Those of Puerto Rican origin are the next largest group at 4.9 million (with another 3.5 million on the island of Puerto Rico). There are five other Hispanic origin groups with more than 1 million people each: Cubans, Salvadorans, Dominicans, Guatemalans and Colombians.

3 There is diversity among Latino origin groups in major metro areas. Mexicans make up 78% of Latinos in the Los Angeles area but, in the New York City area, Puerto Ricans (28%) and Dominicans (21%) are the largest groups. Meanwhile, Salvadorans (32%) are most numerous in the Washington, D.C., metro area, and Cubans (54%) are the largest group in Miami.

4 The share foreign born among Hispanics varies by origin group. Just one-third (34%) of Mexican-origin Hispanics are foreign born. That’s far lower than among the other major groups – Cuban (56% foreign born), Salvadoran (60%), Dominican (56%), Guatemalan (65%) and Colombian (63%). (Most Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens at birth.)

5 As the population of U.S.-born Latinos booms and the arrival of new immigrants slows, the share of Hispanics who are immigrants — as opposed to those who are born here — is on the decline. From 2007 to 2012, the number of Latino immigrants increased slightly, from 18 million to 18.8 million. But they constituted a smaller overall share of the Latino population — decreasing from 40% to 36% over the same time period.

6 Latinos are the youngest of the major racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. At 27 years, the median age of Latinos is a full decade lower than that of the U.S. overall (37 years). Among Latinos, there is a big difference in median age between the U.S.-born (18 years) and foreign-born (40 years).

7 The number of young Latinos has rapidly increased. From 1993 to 2013, the number of Latinos younger than 18 in the U.S. more than doubled (107% increase), compared with an 11% increase among the general U.S. population younger than 18, according to Census Bureau data. In any given year, more than 800,000 young Latinos turn 18.

8 Latinos make up the largest group of immigrants in most states, mostly because Mexico is the biggest source of immigrants in 33 states. In some states, though, other Hispanic groups are the largest: El Salvador is the top country of birth among immigrants in Virginia and Maryland, the Dominican Republic leads in New York and Rhode Island and Cuba is the top place of birth for immigrants in Florida.

9 A majority of Latino adults (55%) say they are Catholic, while 16% are evangelical Protestants and 5% are mainline Protestants. The share who say they are Catholic has declined from 67% in 2010. Mexicans and Dominicans are more likely than other Hispanic origin groups to say they are Catholic. Meanwhile, Salvadorans are more likely to say they are evangelical Protestants than Mexicans, Cubans and Dominicans.

10 A record 25.2 million Hispanics are eligible to vote in 2014, up from 21.3 million in 2010. But during the last midterm election, the voter turnout rate of Hispanics (31%) lagged behind whites (49%) and blacks (44%).

11 More than 35 million Latinos speak Spanish at home. About 38% say Spanish is their dominant language, compared with 25% who are English-dominant and 36% who are bilingual, according to the Pew Research Center’s 2013 National Survey of Latinos.

1, 7 and 10 should scare the shit out of republicans come election day.

Census: Minority babies are now majority in United States :ack-1::itsok:

Census Minority babies are now majority in United States - The Washington Post

And you think third world people replacing us is a good thing? The entire world is going to look like Haiti by 2100 if you keep this up.
I've always felt "Hispanic" is an artificial ethnic designation.

What happens in two or three generations when they all speak English and fully assimilate?

The real problem republicans have is that Hispanics and blacks see through their shit that they are only working for rich people. And they just can't fool enough White people anymore.
By the time they fully assimilate, they'll be voting Republican in droves. Unlike you and most blacks, they seem to have a healthy work ethic and are less inclined to sponge off the state.

assimilate? To what? Here in so. cal, they dont have to. mex are the majority.
And I dont care about their work ethic. They take jobs from citizens, drive down wages, drive down working conditions, drive down benifits while increasing the amount of work hours am employer requires. Not to mention turning huge neiborhoods into a third world like area. We simply dont need any kind of imigration.
Close the gates tight.
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