1000 Threads


Senior Member
Sep 28, 2003
Rocky Mountains
US Message Board View New Posts
Members: 346, Threads: 1,000, Posts: 10,235

This is pretty cool:cool: .
Thanks to Jim and the mods for a great site. Keep up the good work.
I'd say it is...:)

I also like the ring of the site having an investigative reporter/writter....That part of the site will really stick out having our own articles......I think that's really gona make an impact....:)
Our member Dan is going to be writing for the board! he loves to write and I think that it will add something here!!!!

Congrats on the board Jim! Jeff, I understand you hit the 10,000! where is your door prize??? :)
What's really cool about it..is the guy's a writter,and has credentials....He has college background for this type of work,and gona major for it....I look foward to it also...and glad he accepted the responsibility for the job....:)

Any website..or news agency needs writters & reporters....This guy reminds me of driving down hot dusty roads in 100 degree weather to get the story & the facts......Also takes a huge burden of the site for copyright bologna......The U.S. Message Board has an honest writter who'll say it like it is..and put heart into the story........This is a great thing....:)

Thanks Dan...:)
US Message Board View New Posts
Members: 346, Threads: 1,000, Posts: 10,235

This is pretty cool:cool: .
Thanks to Jim and the mods for a great site. Keep up the good work.
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