100 Facts

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FACT #49: The Constitution was written by and for ‘We the people” and dedicated to "ourselves and our posterity," All of the 55 delegates that met in Philadelphia to draft the Constitution and all of the members of the 13 state conventions that ratified it were of the White race.

Here we go with the capital W again. :rolleyes:

It's not surprising that all 55 of the delegates nor all 13 of the ratifiers were white, since blacks were either slaves or dismissed as second-class citizens at the time. Note that they were most likely all male too - again not surprising, since women were also regarded as inferior to men and were expected to be subservient to men up until very recently.
Big D just continues to demonstrate a significant ignorance of history and human progress.

The United States was formed by Europeans who brought with them the cultural norms from their countries, including subjugation of women and slavery. That doesn't make those good things - it was just the way of the world at that time.

Here is where the U.S. is different. Our Founders identified and codified a set of values which enabled the progress of Individual Rights. It is because of The Consitution that the legal basis was laid out to abolish slavery and expand voting rights to women and minorities. Just because we had to get from "there" to "here" doesn't justify that "there" was an idealized version representing pure consistency with The Constitution.
WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY OF 1828 defines Posterity as: POSTERITY. 1. Descendants; children, children's children, etc. indefinitely; the race that proceeds from a progenitor. 2. In a general sense, succeeding generations; opposed to ancestors. . .

By that definition, Jefferson's children by his slave/mistress Sally Hemings qualify as "posterity", even though they remained slaves until he freed them in his will.
FACT #50: ... The intent of the 14th Amendment is repugnant to the original U.S. Constitution...

So is the sixteenth amendment, and yet we all file income tax returns every year without questioning it.
FACT #75-77: On Jan. 31, 1977, Martin Luther King's FBI records were sealed by court order until the year 2027 because, as his wife said, "its release would destroy his reputation" These records are rumored to contain instances of bizarre sexual perversion and homosexuality, and proof that King was under the direct orders of Soviet spies and financed by the Communist Party.

"... are rumored to contain...." We won't know for sure until 2027 exactly what those records contain, will we? The statement made by King's wife is her opinion. The only fact among these three (?) is that the records were sealed by court order.
Big D - yes slavery and abuse of women are practised around the world. This is why I support the promotion of Western Values. But the victims of these vile practises are human beings just like the rest of us - their skin color doesn't justify the treatment they receive. We have seen Europeans commit equally vile acts - ie, the Holocaust. The cause is not DNA - it is rather based upon collectivist ideologies which destroy individual rights and liberty.

SM - again well done. I was going to step in with an assist, but I think you can handle this perfectly well all on your own.

Originally posted by SinisterMotives
"... are rumored to contain...." We won't know for sure until 2027 exactly what those records contain, will we? The statement made by King's wife is her opinion. The only fact among these three (?) is that the records were sealed by court order.

The fact, like you said, was the sealing of the records. It's rarely a good thing when an individual has their record sealed by the FBI. And the plagiarism part was pitiful too. I just don't think there should be a federal holiday in this guys name when there are MANY more deserving people out there.
FACT #81: The entire continent of Africa, perhaps Earth's richest land, accounts for only 3% of world trade.

African cultures tend to live in harmony with nature rather than exploiting it for monetary gain. Do you think maybe the ordinary African has a real life and doesn't need to own status symbols, be constantly amused with irrelevant Hollywood drivel, or gorge himself with mass-produced crap in order to validate his existence? Ridiculing another culture because it doesn't conform to our ethnocentric ideas about culture is a non-argument.
Originally posted by jimnyc
The fact, like you said, was the sealing of the records. It's rarely a good thing when an individual has their record sealed by the FBI.

Nevertheless, our Western standard of justice asserts that we must assume he is innocent until proven guilty.

EDIT: And bear in mind that the records were sealed by court order, and not on the FBI's own initiative. Moreover, the sense I get from this document is that they were ordered sealed at his wife's request.
Originally posted by wonderwench
Big D - yes slavery and abuse of women are practised around the world.
Slavery and abuse of women are not practiced around the world, only in certain parts, could you just imagine what women would be treated like without European men in the world?


Although I do appreciate your attempt, you seem to be avoiding any fact that points out the differences between blacks and whites.
Originally posted by Big D
Slavery and abuse of women are not practiced around the world, only in certain parts, could you just imagine what women would be treated like without European men in the world?

Too gross of a generalization. Some European Men burned independent women at the stake justifying the treatment with accusations of witchcraft.

Again, you persist in ignoring the relevant points. The differentiating factor in life affirming vs. life destroying cultures is the Belief System. It is not a battle of black vs. white - the battle is Individualism vs. Collectivism. Your racial politics feed Collectivism - and that hurts us all.
Originally posted by Big D

Although I do appreciate your attempt, you seem to be avoiding any fact that points out the differences between blacks and whites.

I am well aware that differences exist between members of different races. What I am challenging is the notion that genetic or physical differences are the cause of economic and social disparity among races within the U.S.

As I've shown so far, many of the 100 facts cited in the document are either outright non-facts or may be more correctly attributed to other causes than the ones cited. Frankly, I'm finding it ridiculously easy to poke holes in this sophomoric document and have lost interest in it. I think I've gone far enough to make my case, although I had wanted to address a few other points.
Originally posted by Big D
You would think that with Africans being on earth hundereds of thousands of years long before Europeons evolved that Africans would have had some kind of civilization created.

I am sure that whatever kind of proof that you can find to back up your statement (if you can) will pale in comparison to the achivements of Europeons at that time.

As for the rest of your statement, you are basically saying you can not prove any of the 100 facts incorrect, so you make a personal attack on the writer.

Like all things, civilizations die. Unfortunately, stupidity seems to live on...as demonstrated by the racist bent of the author so avidly support. And yes, it is an attack on the writer. The utter rubbish he spouts should be soundly attacked, because it is unfounded. Its only advocates are those who still cling to the arguments made by eugenicists in this country in the 19th century which came to full fruition in Hilter's Germany, and we all know where that led.
Originally posted by Big D
Testosterone has been linked to aggressive and violent behavior, this is why it is belived that men commit more violent crime then females:


Blacks have a much higher level of testosterone then do any other groups:


Could this be the reason that blacks commit violent crime at such a high rate?

There's no question that testosterone is linked to aggressive behavior. Where your argument falls flat is that you're trying to tie it up in a neat little bundle by ascribing a purely physiological cause to crime. You ignore the possibilty that the perpetrator may have himself been a victim of child abuse for many years and/or grew up in a situation in which all his role models were engaged in criminal activities; that he may be frustrated by his economic or social circumstances and has finally decided that he isn't going to get anywhere playing by the rules or that he is justified in lashing out at those whom he perceives as responsible for his predicament; or any number of sociological factors. I'm not saying that any of these factors are either the sole cause of, or an excuse for, the behavior, but simply that they may help push the individual with a higher testosterone level over the edge.

The problem is further exaccerbated by our modern notions that we are all descended from lesser animals and therefore our behavior is entirely predetermined by biochemical processes; that it is psychologically unhealthy to supress our animal instincts; and that any effort to control our base impulses by will is essentially futile.

Short answer: testosterone level is one of many determining factors in violent crime.

You write
"he may be frustrated by his economic or social circumstances and has finally decided that he isnt going to get anywhere by playing by the rules and that he is justified in lashing out at those whom he perceives as responsible for his perdicament"

If your theory is correct, then black males perceive women to be responsible for there perdicament.

Black males are only 6% of the U.S population, black males commit over 45% of all rapes in the U.S.
The amount of violent crime that black males commit against women is:


You wrote:

Testosterone level are just one of the many determining factors in violent crime.

Are you then in agreement that because blacks have a higher level of testoserone that they are biologically more prone to violent behaviour?
Originally posted by Big D
If your theory is correct, then black males perceive women to be responsible for there perdicament.

Black males are only 6% of the U.S population, black males commit over 45% of all rapes in the U.S. The amount of violent crime that black males commit against women is:


Nice try, but you're characterizing rape as the only type of crime in which the perpetrator may feel he is lashing out at a responsible party, and women as the only parties which the perpetrator might blame for his predicament. Further, lashing out at someone whom the perpetrator blames for his problems is only one example of any number of rationalizations he might employ, as I stated. I know this is tough for you to accept, but the behavior of black people is just as complex as that of white people. Please quit trying to oversimplify it.

Originally posted by Big D
Are you then in agreement that because blacks have a higher level of testoserone that they are biologically more prone to violent behaviour?

The question is ludicrous because human beings have a non-biological component which other animals don't have. We are more than the sum of the chemicals from which our physical bodies are assembled. I do not agree that human beings are controlled by hormones to such an extent that they cannot consciously modify their behavior if they so will.
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