10 years ago the Progressive Masters walked out on the lawn of the Capital daring the US citizens to react to....Obamacare...


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da

Most of you with intelligence remember this stupid bitch moaning the words. Then when it was all said and done they came out on the lawn and dared any US citizen to react to their treachery. Some ugly black prog said she was spat upon, but even with $100,000 to paid for any evidence of this spittle, not one person was able to prove the spit. Since then , the arrogance of the left has gotten worse, and their wonton attacks upon US, never seemed to have any pushback. Yesterday was that day. Will the Progs learn? I doubt it, they are going to double down and the end isnt going to go well for them..
hate to blurst yer bubble but the majority of those elected into Congress do not read the bills, their aide does and briefs them....

Most of you with intelligence remember this stupid bitch moaning the words. Then when it was all said and done they came out on the lawn and dared any US citizen to react to their treachery. Some ugly black prog said she was spat upon, but even with $100,000 to paid for any evidence of this spittle, not one person was able to prove the spit. Since then , the arrogance of the left has gotten worse, and their wonton attacks upon US, never seemed to have any pushback. Yesterday was that day. Will the Progs learn? I doubt it, they are going to double down and the end isnt going to go well for them..

Why do you morons always leave the last part of her sentence off? Answer? Disingenuous that's why. So here is her full statement. “But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy.”
And Republicans got quite a few amendments tucked into the bill...which was modeled on Romney's Mass health care plan. And then spent the next decade trying to tear it down..all without offering an alternative of their own. I wish you people would just stop with the lies.

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