10 Signs that indicate the Covid Vaxx is a bio-weapon

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020
#1. Autopsies of the Covid-vaccinated reveal billions of spike proteins throughout the vascular system, polluting vital cleansing organs and the brain.

#2. Nano-particle injections are causing myocarditis because the heart is straining to pump blood past all the microscopic “clots.”

#3. Healthy people, including athletes and military members, are dropping dead from “unidentifiable causes” within hours or days after getting the China Flu jabs.

#4. Vaccinated people are slowly and methodically losing their immune system function and suffering from antibody-dependence enhancement syndrome (ADE) and AIDS-like debilitation of white blood cells.

#5. The virus was made in a laboratory in Communist China and the vaccines are being pushed on the populace Nazi-style.

#6. Deaths from Covid-19 are still prominent among “fully vaccinated” people.

#7. Rare blood clots and aggressive cancer tumors are popping up in strange places in the Covid-vaccinated.

#8. The globalists who outwardly speak of depopulation using vaccines are the ones promoting the Covid jabs the most right now.

#9. The unvaccinated are being treated like the Jews of Nazi Germany; ostracized, blamed for everything that’s wrong, and deprived of jobs and normal living.

#10. Even the FDA and CDC admit the Covid vaccines do not keep you from catching Covid or transmitting it to others, so what’s their REAL purpose?

Want the best in truth news on your internet dial? Tune to Pandemic.news because it doesn’t take a scientist or doctor to see that Covid vaccines, Remdesivir, masks, ventilators and bad CDC advice are creating a pandemic of their own.

What a coincidence heh?
#1. Autopsies of the Covid-vaccinated reveal billions of spike proteins throughout the vascular system, polluting vital cleansing organs and the brain.

#2. Nano-particle injections are causing myocarditis because the heart is straining to pump blood past all the microscopic “clots.”

#3. Healthy people, including athletes and military members, are dropping dead from “unidentifiable causes” within hours or days after getting the China Flu jabs.

#4. Vaccinated people are slowly and methodically losing their immune system function and suffering from antibody-dependence enhancement syndrome (ADE) and AIDS-like debilitation of white blood cells.

#5. The virus was made in a laboratory in Communist China and the vaccines are being pushed on the populace Nazi-style.

#6. Deaths from Covid-19 are still prominent among “fully vaccinated” people.

#7. Rare blood clots and aggressive cancer tumors are popping up in strange places in the Covid-vaccinated.

#8. The globalists who outwardly speak of depopulation using vaccines are the ones promoting the Covid jabs the most right now.

#9. The unvaccinated are being treated like the Jews of Nazi Germany; ostracized, blamed for everything that’s wrong, and deprived of jobs and normal living.

#10. Even the FDA and CDC admit the Covid vaccines do not keep you from catching Covid or transmitting it to others, so what’s their REAL purpose?

Want the best in truth news on your internet dial? Tune to Pandemic.news because it doesn’t take a scientist or doctor to see that Covid vaccines, Remdesivir, masks, ventilators and bad CDC advice are creating a pandemic of their own.

What a coincidence heh?
Faux niwz thrives on gullible morons like you.
Why is the mortality rate so low?
lol, all i got was a lousy Tee shirt....


manon the street said:
how many other vaxxes have killed thousands in this small of time frame

that is a good question.

Read the info on the swine flu. 53 deaths and they shut it down. Actually i thought it was 3 to 9 deaths in 9 states and they shut it down. I just skimmed this article. I intend to read all of it.

Now medications have caused serious illness and death. Fosamax for one, Thalidomide OF COURSE. Those medications we are told were taken off the market and suits ensued. Many more i'm sure. Just remembered, certain powders, xanax, and i expect the HPV vaccine to fall into these categories at some point in the distant future..... injuries and falsifying the data.
The left has so much invested in this covid vaxx that they cannot and WILL NOT look at any evidence to the contrary of their own beliefs.....which is a shame because it may save their lives or the lives of their family members.
When i was in school we studied the history of WWII. I don't think schools teach that anymore so our american children are ignorant of that time period..public educated children that is, so they do not see the importance nor the similarities of what is happening now in this country and the world.

Many German people were as ignorant as the rest of the world, (NOT WORLD LEADERS such as FDR..he knew and he ignored) of the plight of Jews, schizophrenics, mentally ill patients, the disabled, gypsies and other undesirables including homosexuals. The unvaxxed today arebeing treated as the jews of germany of WWII time frame. Our so called leaders are pushing this scamdemic on their respective countries. Why would they do that? How does it benefit them? We are nothing to them...we're nothing....just collateral damage. Our so called leaders are like persons in the medical field who have been IN the business so long that they are cold hearted and unsympathetic. THeir patients are no longer human beings. They're subhuman. That's how our so called leaders see the masses. Ignorant expendable subhumans.
When i was in school we studied the history of WWII. I don't think schools teach that anymore so our american children are ignorant of that time period..public educated children that is, so they do not see the importance nor the similarities of what is happening now in this country and the world.

Many German people were as ignorant as the rest of the world, (NOT WORLD LEADERS such as FDR..he knew and he ignored) of the plight of Jews, schizophrenics, mentally ill patients, the disabled, gypsies and other undesirables including homosexuals. The unvaxxed today arebeing treated as the jews of germany of WWII time frame. Our so called leaders are pushing this scamdemic on their respective countries. Why would they do that? How does it benefit them? We are nothing to them...we're nothing....just collateral damage. Our so called leaders are like persons in the medical field who have been IN the business so long that they are cold hearted and unsympathetic. THeir patients are no longer human beings. They're subhuman. That's how our so called leaders see the masses. Ignorant expendable subhumans.
Damn..the stupid just rolls off of you like a funk!
evil eye said:
Damn..the stupid just rolls off of you like a funk!

well so you say. But you are only good for insults and never addressing the topic at hand. Far be it from me to overtax your strength or your intellect but why don't you all tell us your problem with that particular post.
When i was in school we studied the history of WWII. I don't think (Duh), schools teach that anymore so our american (Capital A perhaps? Did they teach English when you were in so-called school?) children are ignorant of that time period.
You want answers?
Pretty sure World History is STILL a part of the curriculum.
Even Factual PARTS you don't like. LOOOLLOL
So YES, WWII is still part of the Public School Curriculum.
and never addressing the topic at hand.
Topic at hand....... You provided ZERO support of evidence to discuss any of the claims you made.
Why Not?
Maybe because that was one of my majors in College?

and i'll add this. You THINK your kids are getting history in school. Maybe you ought to look a little deeper into that. It might be CALLED history. Few students can tell you who fought in the civil war, WWII, who America fought for its independence, WHY we celebrate independence day or even WHO the president or vice president is.
well so you say. But you are only good for insults and never addressing the topic at hand. Far be it from me to overtax your strength or your intellect but why don't you all tell us your problem with that particular post.

Not so very taxing, after all~
It is a less than average attempt at propaganda. You make assertions about horrible stuff..but forget to mention the frequency of occurrence. Or that there are often cogent counter-arguments supported by research.

Very typical conspiracy theory stuff.

No I'm not going to bother rebutting your lil screed--we both know that that just gives you energy.

Just saying that if you believe this is true..as you state it, you're an idiot....and if you don't believe it is true...then you are a different kind of idiot..for no-one believes this shit for a minute~

Well..no one save your fellow Q-berts.

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