10 Reasons Why The American Economy Is Awesome


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011
► GDP per capita sits in the top 5% in the world
► Abundant access to credit and capital
► Businesses operate efficiently and without degree of corruption seen elsewhere
► An inventive and daring population
► Unrivaled investor protections
► Tame inflation throughout the crisis
► Legal and contractual obligations are kept and enforced
► Even with rhetoric, political stability keeps markets functioning
► A people of diversity
► Stable population growth in the U.S.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider

Each of these facts speak for themselves and have hard numbers to back them. Anybody who can't make it in America is either the victim of extremely unusual circumstance or is a professional underachiever.
► GDP per capita sits in the top 5% in the world
► Abundant access to credit and capital
► Businesses operate efficiently and without degree of corruption seen elsewhere
► An inventive and daring population
► Unrivaled investor protections
► Tame inflation throughout the crisis
► Legal and contractual obligations are kept and enforced
► Even with rhetoric, political stability keeps markets functioning
► A people of diversity
► Stable population growth in the U.S.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider

Each of these facts speak for themselves and have hard numbers to back them. Anybody who can't make it in America is either the victim of extremely unusual circumstance or is a professional underachiever.

Wait just a minute, according to CIA Fact book, 1) the USA has the highest income in the world among major industrialized countries, 2) liberal beloved France has the per capita income of Arkansas, about our poorest state, and 3) America has about 80% of all recent medical patents which means everyone on earth owes their modern health care to our Republican capitalist creative society.

Moreover, we created the modern world in WW2, we are policemen to the world we created, and without us civilization would cease to exist in very short order.
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A better number to look at would be Debt to GDP Ratio. The US just went past 100%! That places us even higher on the list just behind Greece, Italy and Japan which is running 200% GDP to Debt Ratios and has been mired in an almost 2 decade long economic slump They're doomed. Yay!

A good article from your link:
You Can't Solve A Debt Problem With More Debt
The debt problem simply has to be addressed. There are four approaches to dealing with too much debt: saving and paying back, growing faster, debt restructuring and write-offs, and creating inflation.
But I do have an idea: How about we devalue the dollar to the point that it crashes and then foreign gov'ts and entities (corporations) can come here and buy everything on the cheap? Oh wait, that's already being done! :D

I'll keep buying Gold and/or Silver and taking physical delivery thank you. If the dollar doesn't crash and retains it's place as the world reserve currency I will happily, and I mean very happily say so on these boards!
...according to CIA Fact book, 1) the USA has the highest income in the world among major industrialized countries...
International data are always suspect, and getting them from the CIA makes it worse. This site says 2010 percapita income for the Swiss was $66,367, and the BEA says the US stat was only $36,436. Hard to compare considering that they're probably not talking about the same kinds of income, but there's no way around the fact that the US economy is awesome.
...If the dollar doesn't crash and retains it's place as the world reserve currency I will happily, and I mean very happily say so on these boards!
LOL --even if it means waiting a hundred years before admitting anything!
I think it is a very bad idea to underestimate America. And I believe a lot of people are doing so now.
Sometimes it seems worse than a mere mistake, that it's more a matter of intentionally searching for problems out of hatred for America and desiring failure.

Although I may be mistaken...
► GDP per capita sits in the top 5% in the world
► Abundant access to credit and capital
► Businesses operate efficiently and without degree of corruption seen elsewhere
► An inventive and daring population
► Unrivaled investor protections
► Tame inflation throughout the crisis
► Legal and contractual obligations are kept and enforced
► Even with rhetoric, political stability keeps markets functioning
► A people of diversity
► Stable population growth in the U.S.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider

Each of these facts speak for themselves and have hard numbers to back them. Anybody who can't make it in America is either the victim of extremely unusual circumstance or is a professional underachiever.

Yes the American economy is still quite large.

What a damned shame that it isn't serving most Americans at all well.
...facts speak for themselves and have hard numbers to back them. Anybody who can't make it in America is either the victim of extremely unusual circumstance or is a professional underachiever.
Yes the American economy is still quite large. What a damned shame that it isn't serving most Americans at all well.
Most Americans are doing well in the economy because the economy is by definition what most Americans are doing. That old 99%/1% song and dance falls apart the minute we seriously measure the financial stats for the actual majority of real life people.

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