10 reasons to oppose marriage equality

Sep 14, 2011

Anyone wanna vote for their fave?

What do your friends think about incestuous marriage and polygamy? Hard to say you support equality for all then want to deny people those rights

No problem with polygamous relationships. Though there would be mountains of legal work to go through regarding children and parents rights, tax laws, etc. And not to mention that under our current legal system after enough lawsuits polygamy would basically just lose it's place again.

Incest is irresponsible because of the risk of abnormalities in children and the psychological repercussions of multiple familial relations.

As for homosexuals? If they want to give a home to an orphan who would otherwise never have one and be able to visit each other in the hospital? I see no problem there.

So steve. What do you and your friends think of black people? And why would you support interracial marriage then?
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Interracial marriage is legal.

Incestuous marriage is illegal. Birth defects should be reason to deny people equality? What about people with genetic issues? Can you deny them marriage rights? I thought the argument for ss marriage is that marriage is not about children? Now you want to deny people marriage due to a health risk?
Interracial marriage is legal.

Incestuous marriage is illegal. Birth defects should be reason to deny people equality? What about people with genetic issues? Can you deny them marriage rights? I thought the argument for ss marriage is that marriage is not about children? Now you want to deny people marriage due to a health risk?

If disabled individuals or people with genetic issues have legal standing to make their own decisions then they can already get married. So that argument of yours fails.

Certainly tax benefits derived from marriage are about children. If a hetero couple doesn't want to have kids they still get those benefits. If a gay couple doesn't want to have kids they should also get those benefits because many gay couples will want to adopt children who will otherwise never have a home.
I don't support gay marriage. I support getting government out of the marriage arena entirely so people can marry who they want without having to ask some bureaucrat's permission.
I don't support gay marriage. I support getting government out of the marriage arena entirely so people can marry who they want without having to ask some bureaucrat's permission.

I've always that every should get civil unions. And if you want to call it a marriage find a church that will marry you. I mean think about it why in the world is the government declaring people married in the first place?
I don't support gay marriage. I support getting government out of the marriage arena entirely so people can marry who they want without having to ask some bureaucrat's permission.

I've always that every should get civil unions. And if you want to call it a marriage find a church that will marry you. I mean think about it why in the world is the government declaring people married in the first place?

1) Requiring licenses is a revenue stream.
2) Can't let the blacks and whites marry.
I don't support gay marriage. I support getting government out of the marriage arena entirely so people can marry who they want without having to ask some bureaucrat's permission.

But being in a monogamous sexual relationship should give you special perks that singles and polygamists don't have.

That is only common sense man!!

I'm sorry, what is the retarded talk about equality?

Of course.

All Americans support ALL equality.

So you support incestuous marriage and polygamy then

Between consenting adults ... its none of my business.

Its just plain creepy the way the right wants more and more laws to control everyone's private lives.

Get Big Government out of our bedrooms.

And out of my wallet and out of my gun safe and out of my doctor's office. Both parties are equally bad about using laws to push agendas.

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