10 companies that have promised to add jobs in the US since Trump was elected


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(Reported By Michael Snyder) One of the primary things that Trump’s presidency will be judged upon is his ability to encourage the creation of good paying jobs for American workers, and so far the results have been quite promising. Since Trump’s surprise election victory in November, a whole bunch of companies have either promised to bring jobs back into the country or have pledged to create new ones.
10 Companies That Have Promised To Add Jobs In The United States Since Trump Was Elected


The jobs, the jobs, the jobs so now that honest information comes through as " MORE JOBS" we have companies admitting to that fact.
Unlike Obama who sold bs lies to the public and kept his little herd of sheep believing it all , as many of them spewed their bs of how great he was doing it was anything but great. The statistics prove it, explain it and were not subjected to just one areas as the MSM likes to do in order to get their statistics.
Why do you patronize these whacko sites?..In one breathe they talk about the economics of Trump being good, in the other breathe they try to scam you to buy things for the upcoming economic disaster...

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