ICE delivers more than 5,200 I-9 audit notices to businesses across the US in 2-phase nationwide operation

Failure to follow the law can result in criminal and civil penalties. In FY17, businesses were ordered to pay $97.6 million in judicial forfeitures, fines and restitution, and $7.8 million in civil fines, including one company whose financial penalties represented the largest payment ever levied in an immigration case.

“Employers need to understand that the integrity of their employment records is just as important to the federal government as the integrity of their tax files and banking records. All industries, regardless of size, location and type are expected to comply with the law,” Benner said. “Worksite enforcement protects jobs for U.S. citizens and others who are lawfully employed, eliminates unfair competitive advantages for companies that hire an illegal workforce, and strengthen public safety and national security.”

Asplundh Tree Experts, Co. pays largest civil settlement agreement ever levied by ICE

Following the guilty plea hearing today, Asplundh was sentenced to pay a forfeiture money judgment in the amount of $80 million dollars and abide by an Administrative Compliance Agreement, as set forth by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Philadelphia. Pursuant to a separate Civil Settlement Agreement, Asplundh will pay an additional $15 million dollars to satisfy civil claims arising out of their failure to comply with immigration law.

The $95 million dollar recovery, including $80 million dollars criminal forfeiture money judgment and $15 million dollars in civil payment, represents the largest payment ever levied in an immigration case.
Businesses, especially in Agriculture have a LEGAL path to get temporary workers.......Yet they knowingly hire illegals ALL THE TIME............They do this to increase their profits..........and avoid paying the fees to hire foreigners to harvest their crops............

This is the program that by LAW they are required to follow.........

H-2B Program | U.S. Department of Labor

Under this law......foreign workers have rights.......when hired illegally......they have none....

Then I see this video........of businesses crying........we know they are hoo.......because they DON'T WANT to decrease their profits............

Wrong line of argument with me, champ.

No problem. I figured that might not get the message across.
Next time I'll steer clear of common sense, honesty and logic.

You usually do. Your posts almost always lack common sense, honesty and logic. I don't know for certain but you might just be a libtard plant!

Nah! Even libtard plants are smarter than that!
Why is it so hard for you to admit that your post made no sense because it had no subject for the sentences? If anyone understood what you said, it was pure guesswork on their part. post made no sense for whatever reason you say......

Now, why is it so hard to admit you're a whiny little bitch who can't get your own panties out of a wad ? :abgg2q.jpg:
You usually do. Your posts almost always lack common sense, honesty and logic. I don't know for certain but you might just be a libtard plant!

Yeah, right...I'm a Liberal. You finished snowflake?
Can we PLEASE drop the grammar police BS and continue with the thread Mr." I'm so pretty & perfect, and everyone else isn't" ?

You are a one clown, thread derailment machine. Sheeesh !!
No one else CARES if grammar isn't 100% correct all the time for God's sake.

Let me refresh your short memory of what this thread is about...
1 Million Man Deportation Force

Can you add anything to that without flipping out if someone misspells a word or leaves out an apostrophe?

Personally, I believe it's good that there's a crack down on illegal hiring or utilizing illegals.
But it will be extremely difficult to find Americans to fill those low paying, hard labor jobs. Work visas are available of course.
Maybe the answer lies in the prison system. Get those inmates out in those fields. They might actually prefer it who knows? Chain gangs.
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Yay! Bigger government.
Just for 6 months. Our Democracy and Elections are under attack by Leftists using Illegals to game the system.

Oh, I see. So we're gonna expand the government to a million more jackboots (and fund them) and the power to round people up using electronic databases and they're just gonna relinquish that power and go away afterward and everything will go back to the way it was afterward? lololol. Of course.

Our Republic....ahem...and elections, btw, are actually under attack by the very people running the nomination process and the very people who end up getting elected because of the rigged nomination process.
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Yay! Bigger government.
Just for 6 months. Our Democracy and Elections are under attack by Leftists using Illegals to game the system.

Oh, I see. So we're gonna expand the government to a million more jackboots (and fund them) and the power to round people up using electronic databases and they're just gonna relinquish that power and go away afterward and everything will go back to the way it was afterward? lololol. Of course.

Our Republic....ahem...and elections, btw, are actually under attack by the very people running the nomination process and the very people who end up getting elected because of the rigged nomination process.

Hell no.

Once we have that nifty electronic database? And those million jackboots?

They will force every citizen in the nation to get a chip implanted to track their carbon footprint. And make them pay for every single last thing they do.

You will get chipped – eventually

RFID Solution Enables Consumers to Manage Carbon Footprint at Stores - 2019-02-01 - Page 1 - RFID Journal

All so the US can be compliant and HARMonize with the rest of the global agenda 2030. . . . :71:

It's all a set up, and these folks are begging to be put in a cage. . . .

This is about way more than elections at this point. . ..
It's all a set up, and these folks are begging to be put in a cage. . . .

This is about way more than elections at this point. . ..

And isn't it quaint that our king just signed congress's legislation empowering them to put the electorate in those cages without charge nor trail?

Beale, were surrounded by downright morons. I was gonna say I can't believe they cheer for these tyrants. But then know....nothing is really surprising anymore.

Did you hear about that memo Bar sent out to police advising them on rounding up people they deem 'anti-government' and placing them into state run reeducation via involuntary commitment? I haven't seen anything mentioned about it on here, but then again they likely don't talk about that kinda thing on Watters' World, so. lol. Watters is the one on FOX with the haircut that looks like a toilet brush, you know who Im talking about? For some reason he's popular among Republican statists.

Anyway. Apparently they're gonna use government computer algorithms. He's asking tech companies for a backdoor to monitor all encrypted socal media, etc. The FBI memo mentioned that a belief in 'conspracy theories' is a sign that someone could be a domestic terrorist. Of course, that's an all-purpose smear that's usually used against anyone who questions the government's narrative on issues or events. This is really just an effort in criminalize opposing thought on things like climate policy, gun control, foreign policy, the federal reserve, etc. Of course, history has shown that people use political beliefs as a basis to classify people as mentally disturbed. History has also shown the FBI's history of harrassing civil rights and anti-war activists.
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Business does not want illegals deported. That is why they are not. "The left" does not control the justice department and it's their call. I would say that you are being lied to but you know what is what. It's not about deporting illegals.
The chamber of commerce is very pro illegal alien

they represent many but not all businesses

small business is often not affiliated with the Chamber and is more loyal to the rule of law

Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Dims are obstructing everything Trump tries to do.

I'm going to quit replying to those who intentionally reply in a dishonest manner.

Dems can't stop Trump from having the justice Dept go after the businesses hiring illegals .......and you know that.
Every time he does that call him Adolph Hitler.

Speaking of dishonesty, when are you going to quit pretending that you actually want to control illegal immigration?

I factually state what I want every time I reply on this subject.
Business does not want illegals deported. That is why they are not. "The left" does not control the justice department and it's their call. I would say that you are being lied to but you know what is what. It's not about deporting illegals.
The chamber of commerce is very pro illegal alien

they represent many but not all businesses

small business is often not affiliated with the Chamber and is more loyal to the rule of law

Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.

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