1 Killed After Truck Plows Into Crowd At Pride Parade In Florida, Mayor Calls Incident ‘Terrorist Attack Against LGBT’

Not to stray from the OP, but aren't "gay" and "men's chorus" kinda redundant?


It's in the first paragraph in the link:

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — A member of a men’s chorus group unintentionally slammed into fellow chorists at the start of a Pride parade in South Florida, killing one member of the group and seriously injuring another.

So how could this be an attack on gay people by other members of the same group that was supposedly attacked? Did they drink something that made them straight? If so, they should report what it is they drank so other gays can try it to straighten up.
I would say 6-9 months ago it was the extreme conservatives that would do this but as more and more illegal behavior has been forced upon us to accept, the more mainstream folks are becoming involved.
Leftwingers are trying to create murders and mayhem so they can use them to attack rightwingers.
That essentially what Jan 6th was all about.

If the MSM reported honestly, how many people do you think would buy their newspapers, go to their news sites, participate in their news blogs?

The MSM is a business just like any other. They earn their money by getting the most customers they can, even if they know the product they're selling is bullshit. They also know that leftists are like mindless drones who only follow orders, not think things out or look into them first.

The MSM made their money even if the truth cut it short. That's all they care about.

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