
The 4-foot "gallows" that couldn't support 40 pounds?

It's size isn't important to me, what is important is, DC is probably the most heavily surveilled place in the country, especially when the president and all of congress is going to he in town, and NOBODY can explain how it got there. Nobody is asking questions, even the J6 committee didn't even touch that subject......why??
A President, any President is like any other commander, ultimately responsible for any action taken by or under his command structure, whether he knows of it, or personally directed it, or not. I've been known to have to take abuse, of responsibility for actions below my lever, it coming with the territory. But, that is different than saying White 6 just did such and such. Same with Presidents, the difference being, at my lowly level, I could possibly have been held legally responsible or financially responsible, and due to Supreme Court, this summer, the President really cannot. So is Biden or any president responsible? Yes, but that linear responsibilty (whether doing or even knowing) cut both ways, across all Presidents. So, If the theory were that Trump's FBI committed acts against the country, the Republicans or anybody else, he is ultimately responsible for failing to control departments, supposedly under his control. That is pure military linear lines of responsibility logic. Do, I think for one minute, that reflects reality? No. I do know, I have had to answer inquiry of how I one of my sub-commands could have allowed private Joe Blow do something stupid, that had negative consequences? Absolutely, and had to specify what would be done as far at training or supervision to make sure there was no repeat, as shit rolled downhill. It is much the same in any command structure. Of course, on OER's got a measure of credit for the training and operational achievements attained by those under my command, so it more than balanced out, taking the good with the bad.
That's a lot of exposition unrelated to my comment. I simply said that the left will never hold biden or anyone else accountable for anything he did. This time, that is nothing either, as he cannot run again.
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It's size isn't important to me, what is important is, DC is probably the most heavily surveilled place in the country, especially when the president and all of congress is going to he in town, and NOBODY can explain how it got there. Nobody is asking questions, even the J6 committee didn't even touch that subject......why??

Nobody cared about a tiny prop.
Except the leftwing bedwetters.
That's a lot of exposition unrelated to my comment. I simply said that the left will never hold biden or anyone else accountable for anything he did.
Nobody will hold any president responsible again, for what is done as President. That ship sailed away forever, last summer. All they will do is vote them out of office.
That's a lot of exposition unrelated to my comment. I simply said that the left will never hold biden or anyone else accountable for anything he did.
Your orange bag O' shit hasn't been accountable for anything he's done as a former *pResident. :dunno:
Nobody will hold any president responsible again, for what is done as President. That ship sailed away forever, last summer. All they will do is vote them out of office.
Oh, I think it started long before last summer...

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