
Yes, you do. If a Republican is the victim of police violence, it's a righteous shoot. If a black man is the victim of police violence, cities must burn.

That about cover it?

What you're doing here, sir, is called projection.
Well, the MAGAts do hold Biden responsible for anything done my anybody in his administration, so it would at least show consistency. Though, only being consistent in their on favor in more true to the point.
Sure ans leftys deny any responsibility for anything done in bidens administration so 🤷‍♀️
And still, nobody knows how the gallows got there. Wasn't even a part of the investigation. Almost like they didn't care, or didn't want anyone to know.
Sure ans leftys deny any responsibility for anything done in bidens administration so 🤷‍♀️
A President, any President is like any other commander, ultimately responsible for any action taken by or under his command structure, whether he knows of it, or personally directed it, or not. I've been known to have to take abuse, of responsibility for actions below my lever, it coming with the territory. But, that is different than saying White 6 just did such and such. Same with Presidents, the difference being, at my lowly level, I could possibly have been held legally responsible or financially responsible, and due to Supreme Court, this summer, the President really cannot. So is Biden or any president responsible? Yes, but that linear responsibilty (whether doing or even knowing) cut both ways, across all Presidents. So, If the theory were that Trump's FBI committed acts against the country, the Republicans or anybody else, he is ultimately responsible for failing to control departments, supposedly under his control. That is pure military linear lines of responsibility logic. Do, I think for one minute, that reflects reality? No. I do know, I have had to answer inquiry of how I one of my sub-commands could have allowed private Joe Blow do something stupid, that had negative consequences? Absolutely, and had to specify what would be done as far at training or supervision to make sure there was no repeat, as shit rolled downhill. It is much the same in any command structure. Of course, on OER's got a measure of credit for the training and operational achievements attained by those under my command, so it more than balanced out, taking the good with the bad.
These dipshits aren’t in prison for “questioning election results”, dope.
That's what they're told.

Ashli Babbitt was just standing there, minding her own business. No cops were attacked. The video of the violence was actually a Hollywood production. Donald Trump did everything he could to stop it. Everyone was protesting in an orderly fashion. The only people who were violent were Antifa and the FBI. Nancy Pelosi and George Soros orchestrated the whole thing.

We're in a fuckin' zombie movie.
That's what they're told.

Ashli Babbitt was just standing there, minding her own business. No cops were attacked. The video of the violence was actually a Hollywood production. Donald Trump did everything he could to stop it. Everyone was protesting in an orderly fashion. The only people who were violent were Antifa and the FBI. Nancy Pelosi and George Soros orchestrated the whole thing.

We're in a fuckin' zombie movie.

While at the same time, China created this horrible bioweapon that they unleashed on us, but we definitely should not wear masks or take vaccines to protect ourselves from it!
On January 6th, 2021, Donald Trump was still the president. So then the story is that Donald Trump ordered the FBI to put on a false flag operation using assets to attack the capital to overturn an election and to possibly harm his VP if he did not comply with Trump's orders. This is the only way the right-wing story could be possible since Trump was the president. The FBI was run by a Trump appointee. The DOJ was stuffed by trump appointees.
well then if that's where you're going, it wasn't a coup since he was president right?

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