
  1. The Original Tree

    $30 Billion A Year Confiscated at The Mexican Border: More to come with More Wall

    The Walls and border defenses and security we already have pays for itself. The Wall we are going to build is a better investment than a toll road. The More we can control the border the more The Wall funds itself and generates revenue, REVENUE that is paid BY MEXICO right now. Some short...
  2. The Original Tree

    Blood Money, Drug Cartels, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer

    So, apparently Chuck and Nancy accept political donations from Mexican and Columbian Shell Corporations here in America, owned by Drug Cartels. Is anyone shocked? A little bit of Heroin never hurt anyone right, Chuck, Nancy? Today drug cartels are playing the political activism game and are...
  3. deanrd

    Chuck and Nancy dismantled Donald. Imagine what Vladimir did?

    Donald Trump brought the press into a meeting where he thought he was going to run over Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. But no matter how much a liar tries, he can’t beat people telling the truth. Not in the long run. So if Donald Trump was easily manhandled by Nancy Pelosi, I can only...
  4. Cellblock2429

    Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) trashed the June jobs report —

    Nancy Pelosi Trashes June Jobs Report, Warns of 'Brewing Storm' of Wealth and Opportunity | Breitbart Nancy Pelosi Trashes June Jobs Report, Warns of ‘Brewing Storm’ of Wealth and Opportunity The report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that employers created 213,000 new jobs in...
  5. toobfreak

    Nancy Pelosi: Continuing To Be The GOP's Best Friend

    In 2011 the Obama Administration did a little "smoke and mirrors" with the payroll tax, adding (on average) about $40 per paycheck. Then House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi praised Obama and exclaiming "victory for all Americans," adding, "160 million Americans will continue to receive their...
  6. Papageorgio

    Pelosi Claims Mueller Was "Fired" In Bizzare Email to Raise Money From Donors

    So in an era of fake news, Pelosi tries to use her own fake news to con people out of their money. Her email amounts to fraud. Pelosi claims Mueller was ‘fired’ in bizarre email to donors Time for her and all career politicians to go, they are all shameless whores.
  7. HaShev

    Hey Pelosi, can you throw me some crumbs from your empire?

    I'll take the mere crumbs you keep in your penny jar marked "stupid things I say" jar. The workers can now afford to pay their Comcast illegally billed charges with those crumbs. You know the Company you leave alone, because they lined your Pockets with said "crumbs".
  8. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Pelosi shuts down talk of Trump impeachment for what it is: a distraction

    Pelosi moves to muzzle Trump impeachment talk House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi offered a forced smile recently when asked on MSNBC about a Tom Steyer-sponsored ad that calls for President Donald Trump’s impeachment. “That’s a great ad,” Pelosi said twice, before rushing to plug the...
  9. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Far left & illegal immigrants outraged at Pelosi/Schumer for allegedly making deal with Trump

    Pelosi, Schumer face ire from the left over Dreamer talks Democratic leaders are facing fresh trouble with their left flank after cutting their latest deal with President Donald Trump to protect Dreamers. Hispanic lawmakers were blindsided by the Wednesday night announcement from House...
  10. Cellblock2429

    Trump condemns Antifa - BAD Pelosi condemns Antifa GOOD

    Pelosi condemns Antifa violence in Berkeley after criticism As long as a Democrat condemns violence it's OK with the Left. But God forbid if a Republican says the exact same thing.
  11. The Original Tree

    The Media & Establishment Witch Hunt Of Donald Trump Trying To Brand Him A Racist

    What is it with these people? Month by month over the past two years, they have tried Numerous Smears, and Accusations. And No Man is Perfect, but digging up "locker room talk" nearly 20 years ago, trying to claim he was colluding with Russia, being too soft on North Korea, and claiming Donald...
  12. Cellblock2429

    Nancy Pelosi complains Trump not visiting countries in alphabetical order

    At first I thought this was an Onion article, but it's a true story about the smartest woman in the Democrat Congress.... SHARES2.5K Has Nancy Pelosi completely lost her mind? Or does she just have to complain about everything President Trump does? During a press briefing on Thursday, the House...
  13. Auld Phart

    Pelosi: Foot in Mouth

    Part 2 AP FACT CHECK: Pelosi lacks facts to back up Trump criticism "PELOSI: "Less than two weeks after walking into the White House, President Trump lifts sanctions on the Russian Security Service. Vladimir Putin's thugs meddle with an American election, and President Trump gives them a thank...
  14. Ridgerunner

    Biden considers himself, Obama, Pelosi and Schumer leaders of the Democratic Party...

    This is the best news since they started putting pockets on shirts... I hope they sell this to the lemmings with the all the gusto they can muster up... We all know what the definition of insanity is " Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Albert...
  15. American_Jihad

    Pelosi Becomes a Symbol of Democrats’ Losses

    "sorry my pantsuit is still at the cleaners" ... Pelosi Becomes a Symbol of Democrats’ Losses The New York Times By JONATHAN MARTIN and EMMARIE HUETTEMAN 51 mins ago WASHINGTON — In the aftermath of Democrats’ demoralizing election defeat, Representative Nancy Pelosi’s bid to return as...

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