
  1. Litwin

    " Russian" Minister of Finance SILUANOV " Russia" Goes to towardState Collapse (Like USSR in 80th)

    I do 100% agree with " Russian" Minister of Finance SILUANOV, my questions are 1) when? and 2) the world after " Russia"? use subtitles : [VIDEO] Anton Siluanov - Wikipedia
  2. Litwin

    "Russian" -trained mercenaries back Bosnia's Serb separatist

    When the Free world will grow some balls and start tocall Muscovy what it is, a terrorist state ? or Punia holds Trump short? "Russian-trained mercenaries are helping to establish a paramilitary unit serving the Serb separatist leader in Bosnia, it was reported in Sarajevo on Friday. The...
  3. Litwin

    Moldova seeks "billions of dollars" from "Russia" for occupation

    great MoldovaĀ“s move , Crimea, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Lugandia, UPR, BNR, etc. bill to khans of Muscovy is gonna be very looooonnng )) comments? by the way occupation Muscovite army is in a total isolation inside Moldova. locked , frustrated ) LOL " The Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament...
  4. Litwin

    Belarus Legalized Cryptocurrency to Become a Global Crypto Hub

    Belarus strikes again ,)) any plans to move to Belarus in order to create very own bitcoin mine there? Look like the hans already there Given this and the favorable environment in the country, Belarus has become a lucrative location. The entrepreneurs and the investors planning to make the...
  5. Litwin

    End of "Russia", KSA, etc._China is building solar roadways ā€“ ā€˜transparent concreteā€™ atop solar cell

    one for sure, days of the states- gas stations are counted ...comments? End of "Russia", KSA, etc./China is building solar roadways ā€“ ā€˜transparent concreteā€™ atop solar cells that charge driving cars
  6. Litwin

    End of "Russia", KSA, etc./China is building solar roadways ā€“ ā€˜transparent concreteā€™ atop solar cell

    one for sure, days of states- gas stations are counted ...comments? End of "Russia", KSA, etc./China is building solar roadways ā€“ ā€˜transparent concreteā€™ atop solar cells that charge driving cars China is building solar roadways ā€“ ā€˜transparent concreteā€™ atop solar cells that charge driving cars
  7. Litwin

    Putinā€™s proposal for Ukraine is another trap for Trump

    Will Trump and USA interests be used by Kremlin kleptocracy again? or The republican establishment will succeed to keep Trump away from this issue? " After playing into Russiaā€™s hands on Syria, the Trump administration now risks repeating the error in Ukraine, where diplomatic discussions...
  8. Litwin

    It is not the first time Russiaā€™s Ministry of Defence presents fake images

    " ā€œRussiaā€™s Ministry of Defence publishes irrefutable proof that the US provides cover for ISIS combat troops, using them for promoting American interests in the Middle Eastā€. This was the message of a Facebook update and a tweet published in English, Russian and Arabic by the Russian Ministry...
  9. Litwin

    "Auschwitz on wheels". Belarusians shocked by mobile zoo from Ulus of Juchi "Russia" (VIDEO)

    "Auschwitz on wheels". Belarusians shocked mobile zoo from Ulus of Juchi ("Rosia" ) Mongols once again shocked the Europeans, but Belarusians gave them a good lesson . why Juchi are such barbarians ? !!! "The mobile menagerie "Venus", who came to Miensk from the Russian Tula, risks not to...
  10. easyt65

    Snowflake Who Bought The Liberal Lie About Russian Collusion Throws Russian Flags At Trump

    Scary Moment: Protester Breaches Security At Capitol Building During Trump's Visit "The protester, who some reporters have identified as Ryan Clayton ā€” the president of Americans Take Action ā€” began yelling from within the press gaggle before throwing Russian flags on the floor as Trump passed...
  11. Litwin

    Raqqa: US coalition 'wiped city off Earth', "Russia" says/compared it to Dresden in WW2

    Putin keeps on his asymmetric attacks on The USA/Free world. Can Trump stop PutinĀ“s anti- American lies, and how ? " Russia has accused the US-led coalition of bombing the Syrian city of Raqqa "off the face of the earth" during the fight against so-called Islamic State. ... ....Raqqa is in...
  12. Litwin

    Selfie Soldiers: "Russia" Checks in to Ukraine

    whats funny here most of them are people of color, look like Muscovy is very deep in a demographic hole . LOL)) comments ?
  13. Litwin

    Muscovite ("Russian" ) war on Ukraine

    what do you know about Muscovite war on Ukraine ? strategy, numbers , etc.? " The "Russian" Military Forum "Russia"'s Hybrid War Campaign Implications for Ukraine and Beyond"
  14. Litwin

    What should NATO do about Russian disinformation?

    ' "How should NATO, the US, and the EU respond to Russian disinformation and political warfare? Former US Ambassador to Russia and Deputy Secretary General of NATO Alexander Vershbow weighs in. Register for #STRATCOM -" what you do think have to be done in order to stop...
  15. Litwin

    It's Time For Trump To Call Ukraine's 'Pro-Russian Rebels' What They Are: "Russian" Invaders

    great article, today its clear for everyone - Putin will not use Western window of opportunity and to make his "sweet escape" from Ukraine without humiliation . whatĀ“s new ? when the western medias and governments grow some balls and begin to call so called 'Pro-"Russian" Rebels' for What...
  16. anotherlife

    Republic of northern Cyprus

    this Turkish enclave has terrorized Cypriots for decades and stole half the land of their country. When turkey was the most important NATO member against the Soviet Union, this injustice was logical. But what is the situation in the 21st century? Is there a merit to allow turkey to maintain...
  17. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Thanks to President Trump, NATO will start to pay more of its fair share of defense costs Europe and Canada will raise defense spending at the fastest pace for three years in 2017, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday, partly aimed at showing the United States they are committed to shouldering more costs. U.S...
  18. defcon4

    EU Votes To Limit US Visa Access

    Isn't it interesting? Those idiots want to antagonize the U.S. All it takes to pull out of NATO and let them pay for their own fucking defense. Would it change their minds quickly? Pull out the missile defense system, pull out U.S Marines from Poland for start. Lets see what kind of balls the EU...
  19. Eloy

    Europe needs to "fend for itself"--Angela Merkel

    The Europeans are stunned by president-elect Donald Trump's statements about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and his cosying-up to Russia. In response, although Donald Trump is not yet the Commander-in-Chief of American armed forces, German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that...
  20. MindWars

    Russian Ambassador's assassination in Turkey was organized by NATO secret services

    Russian ambassador's assassination in Turkey organised by 'NATO secret services' | Daily Mail Online The secret services of a NATO country is 'highly likely' to have been behind the assassination of ambassador Andrey Karlov, claimed a top ally of Vladimir Putin...
  21. Eloy

    Russia readies for Trump takeover

    In a move likely to test how supine Donald Trump and his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, will be once Russia attacks a NATO member state, last week, Russia deployed short-range Iskander-M ballistic missiles to Kaliningrad (formerly Kƶnigsberg, East Prussia). The NATO countries of...
  22. MindWars

    Nato puts 300,000 troops on high alert for a confrontation with Russia

    Nato chiefs, thrown into a panic by fears that Russian President Vladimir Putin might attack the West, are scrambling to put together a force of 300,000 troops which they can put on 'high alert'. NATO puts troops on 'high alert' in readiness for a confrontation with Russia | Daily Mail Online...
  23. H

    Montenegro goes NATO

    Montenegro just signed the NATO treaty and russia goes balistic, remember montenegro is a tiny nation of about 3 million people on the shores of the mediteranian, they got about 8000 people in their armed forces ... 8000 is so dangerouse. theres at least 1000 miles and 3 nations some not NATO...
  24. American_Jihad

    Contemplating War in Europe

    Wonder what the obongo would do... Contemplating War in Europe Are the Europeans any match for a Russian assault? May 5, 2016 Dr. Craig Luther During one of my recent research trips to Germany, among a small discussion group, a colonel in the German Bundeswehr raised a few eyebrows with...
  25. Maggdy

    Really, we need to flaunt more with the muscle?

    American convoy arrived to Hungary yesterday. There are people who did not say: "hallelujah". (This Slovakia) Video: 'Brave Warrior' NATO Military Exercise In Hungary, 14-21 Sept. Video: 'Brave Warrior' NATO Military Exercise In Hungary, 14-21 Sept. - - Expat Life In Budapest...

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