
  1. HaShev

    Nancy Pelosi gives Democrats an F- for health care

    Inadvertently she gave her own party an F- while deflecting a grade on Trump as an F- on The health care issue that 1) is an issue cause Dems partisan Obama care failed miserably 2) no Dem intended to vote for tweeking it and necessary changes thus sabotaged any passing bill=F- grade is actually...
  2. P@triot


    While I'm still disgusted with the federal government involving themselves in something they have no constitutional authority to involve themselves in - this is a beautiful solution if they are going to act illegally. Literally infinitely better than Obamacare (which, like all things left-wing...
  3. P@triot

    Democrat Kamala Harris obliterated on Twitter...AGAIN

    This woman really needs to get off of Twitter. Every time she tweets something with the arrogant belief that she knows best - the American people obliterate her. Liberal senator says health care a ‘right’ not a ‘privilege’ — gets bold reality check from constituents
  4. P@triot

    If your sex life is none of my business, stop demanding that I finance it

    Another brilliant piece by Matt Walsh. If progressives don't want us involved in their sex lives, then they need to pay for their own damn sex lives. If I'm paying for it, you damn well better believe I will control it. Looks like you lazy progressives better get a damn job if you want to keep...
  5. P@triot

    The progressive panic

    So right now - progressives are all "panic-stricken" over their projections that 20 million will be without health insurance as a result of the repeal of Obamacare. They are doing their typical crying, throwing themselves on the floor, pretending the world is going to end, etc. But here is my...
  6. MindWars

    For years Infowars and others have warned the “Affordable Care Act” was unsustainable.

    For years Infowars and others have warned the “Affordable Care Act” was unsustainable. Now the Obama administration has confirmed health insurance premiums in 2017 will rise by an average of 25 percent across the country, with folks in some states set to see triple digit increases. Frustrated...
  7. MindWars

    Over 1 million Americans to become uninsured as Obamacare collapse accelerates

    Until we get rid of Obamacare this will continue to go up and up. HIllary will not make it affordable it will cost you even more by then she is not for the American ppl the rich get rich of dumb poor and middle class who keep voting in the same idiots with the same agenda. Americans were told...
  8. JD Case

    Who's better at dealing with the issues?

    I'm conducting a survey on the Presidential election and gauging which candidate is better at dealing with today's issues. If you have 5 minutes available, please follow the link below and share your opinion. You can also request to have the results emailed to you, if you'd like. Thanks...
  9. Andylusion

    Once again, Venezuela "Feeling the Bern" of socialism

    There is one really good aspect of the left-wing in Venezuela. Unlike here in a America, where they implement socialism in incremental steps, resulting in the boiled frog syndrome, they at least dived into socialism head first. Thus we can see the results of all the idiotic stupid policies...
  10. American_Jihad

    Future of Obamacare, Patients Left Without Care

    Thought you might want to know... Future of Obamacare? Britain's Doctors Strike Over Contracts, Patients Left Without Care "Risks the safety of many patients." 4.25.2016 News Trey Sanchez ... According to the BBC, the government believes the junior doctors are "trying to bring down the...
  11. midcan5

    Everything you always wanted to know about....

    'What is Meant by “Single-Payer” in the Current Discussion of Health Care Reforms During the Primaries?' By Vincent Navarro "The US is the only country that does not have a single-payer system. This is one reason why medical care is so expensive (the US spends $9,698 per capita in medical care...

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