
  1. expat_panama

    Mona Charen: Trump — The Anti-Business Businessman

    We've been instructed not to take our new president literally but instead seriously (in the felicitous phrasing of Salena Zito). As I write, there are hints that the inaugural address will focus on the theme of "America First." President-elect Trump may or may not be familiar with the historical...
  2. E

    Appreciation or Depreciation in 2017 - Can Trump Save The Day?

    This is one of the BEST economic collapse videos for 2017 (US & World) I’ve seen. I know not everyone will agree, as the stock market is at an all time high and businesses are growing. Unless the ISIS war expands, more developing countries collapse (Vens) or Trump actually does a trade war –...
  3. Slashsnake

    How to clean up the banking system...

    Anyone have any ideas on how/if America will ever clean up the banking system here? It's old,outdated, the least secure, slow... Does anyone agree with my points below? I think our economy would be better off with a modern banking system. We're charged for wire transfers, which are basically...
  4. E

    Economic Collapse or Market Downturn in 2017 - Discussion

    Hey Guys, I'm new to this forum. I strongly believe unless the "War on Terror", escalates the stock market will continue to rise in 2017. I do not see corporate profits falling and the dollar falling to much in 2017. What do you think about the video below? I like the 3rd reason but besides...
  5. keepitreal

    Obama, Congress, Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Recovery?

    Here are examples of how Obama, Congress and our elected officials saw fit to spend borrowed money intended to be injected into the economy, in the early years following the economic crisis. These are from 2011-2013 This one I find interesting, if not comical, considering. #12 During 2012...
  6. I

    Quick question!

    Hey guys, im new to stocks and everything I just have quick question that is burning through my head right now. I feel like what created the housing bubble from the early 2000s to 2008 started from reagan. Reagan and Greenspan deregulated the economy making it easier for the finance industry...
  7. MindWars

    Wishful thinking is not an economic solution

    Can't solve the decline of the traditional work model with more "education" People were poor by today’s standards, so why do people remember the plantation life fondly? The answer is simple: community, purpose, sacrifice and meaning. Allow me to connect two apparently unconnected dots. Dot...
  8. MindWars

    Brandon Smith warns the system is crashing: prepare for bank confiscations, shortages, insurgency

    Brandon Smith Warns the System Is Crashing: “Prepare for Bank Confiscations, Shortages, Insurgency” What is the anatomy of a breakdown? The past eight years have been extremely difficult for the real economy. Central bank intervention has propped up the stock market at the expense of the main...
  9. P@triot

    Trump has already accomplished more than Obama

    The stories that have been coming out are truly astounding. Just on the news of his election, in less than two weeks, the markets have skyrocketed. World leaders have talked about peace and their confidence in Donald Trump. And now this. This. Apple will be making the iPhone in America. The...
  10. MindWars

    Trump is already having an enormous impact on the economy

    The Election Of Donald Trump Is Already Having An Enormous Impact On The Economy
  11. MindWars

    Shadow banking is back, and this time there is no hope

    Shadow Banking Is Back, And This Time There Is No Hope Consumer confidence continues to decline. Twitter will be laying off 8% of its workforce. Credit card deliquencies are on the rise. According to Case Shiller, home prices have it the highs of 2006. Shadow banking is back and this time it is...
  12. MindWars

    Wikileaks: Hillary Plans To Implode US Economy

    Completing the destabilization of the west, the globalists pawn Hillary Clinton will detonate the economic bubble set up by Obama and usher in the New Liberal World Order. Alex Breaks it all down. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach...
  13. MindWars

    IMF announces that the world debt has hit a staggering $152,000,000,000,000 trillion dollars

    IMF Announces That World Debt Has Hit A Staggering $152,000,000,000,000 (152 Trillion Dollars) If anyone ever asks you how much debt there is in the world, now you will know the answer. According to the IMF, the total amount of debt around the globe has now hit a staggering 152 trillion dollars...
  14. MindWars

    Drowning In Debt: 35 Percent Of All Americans Have Debt That Is At Least 180 Days Past Due

    Drowning In Debt: 35 Percent Of All Americans Have Debt That Is At Least 180 Days Past Due More than a third of all Americans can’t pay their debts. I don’t know about you, but to me that is a shocking figure. As you will see below, 35 percent of the people living in this country have debt in...
  15. MindWars

    5 Urgent Warnings From Big Banks That the “Economy Has Gone Suicidal”

    The economy has gone suicidal. It is working against the very people who need its energy to survive. It is collapsing on its own weight, and the weight of literally incalculable levels of toxic debt. And it is going to create the greatest disaster of our time, if the warnings from the world’s...
  16. MindWars

    Deutsche Bank Collapse – Struggling Bank Could Be Told To Sell Its US Business

    The bank is engaged in an ongoing dispute with the US Justice Department which is likely to not just result in a huge fine but in the banking giant sacrificing its American business. An insider told German media: “Before an agreement about the amount of the penalty can be made with the...
  17. B

    We Do Not Need a New President To Restore the Economy

    I wrote these about 8 years ago. I want to create a new set based on creating new industries that are very low risk, like electric car conversions from used cars, planting more fruit and nut trees in people's yards, helping seniors get into music by creating more old style turntables (there was...
  18. JD Case

    Who's better at dealing with the issues?

    I'm conducting a survey on the Presidential election and gauging which candidate is better at dealing with today's issues. If you have 5 minutes available, please follow the link below and share your opinion. You can also request to have the results emailed to you, if you'd like. Thanks...
  19. AaronR.Lema

    The Two Issues Mucking Up Our Economy

    Two issues are mucking up our economy. What two issues? People may be either emotional or rational about economic issues. Unfortunately, those people who are primarily emotional about economic issues view the people who are primarily rational about economic issues as narrow minded and uncaring...
  20. phoenyx

    Theories on how to efficiently run an economy

    Before I begin, I'd like to say that while I've posted in many online forums over the years, I've never started a thread of this nature anywhere. It was something that definitely interested me, but not to the extent that I thought I should start a thread about it. That has now changed. I began...
  21. P@triot

    Former Secret Service Agent Issues ‘Challenge’ to Liberals

    I'm not even going to attempt to influence the responses by commenting with my own thoughts on the questions. You have the floor liberals... 1. Do you believe in the rule of law? 2. What is the safe limit for government debt? 3. What special knowledge do government bureaucrats have about the...
  22. P@triot

    Economics 101

    This should be a mandatory class for every liberal in America. There is not one thing here in the video that could even be remotely disputed. Not one. Milton Friedman Part I: Economics 101
  23. Slade3200

    Liberal and Conservative, we need them both!

    I'd like to throw a few points out there for you to chew on and get your feedback. Please keep the shallow one liner partisan comments off this thread: It is essential for our government to implement policies from both the left and the right. Both sides should work together to present ideas...
  24. Slade3200

    Is now the time to spend?

    Our economy has been stagnant and is in desperate need of spending to give it a boost. Our two contrasting ideologies would propose; cut taxes to induce private sector spending, or invest in public programs. Question: what initiatives do you support to grow our economy? My opinion, there is...
  25. D

    I want Bill Gates to be richer

    I want Bill Gates, and all people who have gotten rich legally off of business, to get richer. The fact that Gates is worth Billions, doesn't negatively effect me at all. In fact, it helps. Let's look at it. Whoever buys software from Mircrosoft gave them $300 or so to make their life easier...
  26. Slade3200

    Bernie Supporters... Please explain!

    I must admit, the more I listen to Mr. Sanders the more I feel the burn! Problem is, I have fiscally conservative viewpoints and while I love his ideas, I'm very worried about our economy. Realistically speaking, I do not see how he is going to be able to rally enough support in congress to...
  27. Andylusion

    CDZ RCC Podcast: Failing to Compare

    Greetings! :) This particular post is going to be a bit different, and more of a multi-topic, because it's about people who compare the US to other countries. Now in generally, I think we should compare the US to other countries, and we should be able to glean insight and learn from the...

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