
  1. J

    Biden gives communist Cuban delegation tour of high security areas at Miami airport

    . See: 'Insult to injury': Florida lawmakers erupt over Cuban officials touring secure parts of top airport May 22, 2024 "Florida lawmakers in Congress are demanding answers from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) about Cuban officials touring secure areas of the Miami International...
  2. D

    The United Nations General Assembly has called on the United States to end its longstanding trade embargo against Cuba

    "Let Cuba live without the blockade!" For the 31st consecutive time, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has called on the United States to end its longstanding trade embargo against Cuba. The vote on the resolution in the 193-member General Assembly set a record of support for the...
  3. The Original Tree

    How Comrade Sanders will destroy The Working Class and Our Economy

    His planned $200 Trillion in Soviet Union styled Spending when we only have a $20 Trillion Dollar GDP alone would destroy America. So will the $93 Trillion in Green New Scam Soending do the same. No wonder he will need to confiscate The Wealth of Billionaires and throw them in Gulags, and...
  4. The Original Tree

    Why America should do Weapons Drops and Food Drops for The Venezuelan People

    If Obama can sell weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, Interfere in Israel's Elections, Inerfere in The Ukraine's Elections, Provide money and weapons to Al Queda in Libya to launch a COUP and ASSASSINATE Qaddafi, give millions in cash and weapons to The Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow Egypt. Give...
  5. Dan Stubbs

    Cubans want to return to Cuba.

    Since the Cuban government introduced reforms five years ago that broaden the ability for Cubans living abroad to seek permanent residency on the island, more than 40,000 Cuban nationals from around the world have applied for “repatriation” to the island, Cuban diplomat Ernesto Soberón said over...
  6. AsianTrumpSupporter

    What do you think will be the biggest bombshell in the classified JFK assassination files?

    In light of the remaining 3,000 or so classified documents on JFK's assassination being released soon, what do you think will be the biggest bombshell in those files?
  7. zjjonathanjacobson

    Research: THE GUNS OF AUGUST

    I am a Cold War historian in the middle of a research project. I am looking for veterans of the American military, any service, any arena who served any time between 1962-64. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My question is a bit obscure. I was...
  8. zjjonathanjacobson

    Hello, research...

    I am a Cold War historian in the middle of a research project. I am looking for veterans of the American military, any service, any arena who served any time between 1962-64. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My question is a bit obscure. I was...
  9. cnelsen

    In praise of a monster, hagged-out yenta overlooks inmates shitting 6" parasites

    Fidel Castro is dead, so that’s cool. Born to wealth and privilege and educated in exclusive private schools—which seems to be the case with all communist fanatics I’ve ever heard of or have had the supreme displeasure to know in my personal life—the bearded revolutionary finally gave up the...
  10. Anonymous1977

    Assata Shakur's Political Asylum in Cuba

    I tried this topic in another forum but no one seemed to want to participate in the might have been better suited for this forum anyhow but people who don't know who Assata Shakur is can look her up online. She's a woman who has been declared a "WANTED terrorist" by our federal...
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