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  • Seriously Allen Dulles grandson,how much does your boss at Langley pay you to troll sites all the time,,must suck to be you,someone so desperate fir attention he talks to himself,what a sad life Allen. :rofl: Have fun talking to yourself as always thinking I read your babble you post from Langley paid shill.:auiqs.jpg::no_text11::itsok:
    If I were talking to my self you would not be posting here

    Why are you not sucking dick and bringing me the spare chaning from that job. you are a worthlelss whore who loses every argument and I am your pimp

    Do as you are told
    Hey Allen,the whole board knows you are a paid shill for the cia and thst you beg your boss at Langley for tons of raises for all the major ass beatings you have suffered over the years oswald was innocent.you belong in a rubber room,you talk to people in the first person who have you on ignore,talk about an attention seeker,lol
    No they do not know that.
    No one knows that even you.

    I have suffered no ass beatings boy. Everyone including you knows you are outclassed crushed and defeated every time you try to cross swords with me

    Oswald acted alone and I have proven that.

    I talk to you and you always respond proving I am not on ignoe and you whine like a total bitch as I own you every time
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