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  • While we seldom agree, I've corrected a mistake I made in giving you a couple "fake news" ratings in the thread on IDF and civilian deaths during current conflict. Impulse out of habit, sorry.
    Thank you. Nobody is perfect. It takes some measure if integrity to admit mistakes.
    "New Stranger in Town" Silver Blooded is only a two day old member and is already shouting like a lunatic, instructing you that you can't have an opinion about her state unless you live in state X. Priceless. I think she needs a case of Midol not just a bottle of it.
    Yep. Nothing new with that one.
    Yeah, the welcome forum for me is a good place for laughs once folks let their hair down and stop with the niceties. Anyway, I'll have that case of Midol FedExed to her overnight. She's gonna need it.
    goofy shit people say....my father died right at christmas.....everyone kept saying what an terrible time to die....i kept wanting to ask when a good time to die was or is
    i always wondered why old people get up so early...now i know...i am not good on these profile things...i never know where to answer and they are public view and you must be careful.....blah blah blah blah lol......
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