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  • keep living in your fantasyland you live in Reagan along with thatcher brought down Russia and it was not Gorby that ended it all by himself,comedy gold from you as always.:auiqs.jpg:your an embarrassment to trump supporters.
    I see you're still upset by that Reagan brought the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact down. If you haven't gotten over it by now, you never will.
    This is a friendly reminder to not post inflammatory material. Please don't make me upgrade it to a warning.
    Dull, my Finnish flop, is posting completely irrelevant stuff and then being to much of a coward to deal with being called on its stupidity. Trying to take the high road and change the subject is pretty feeble. I never called you an asshole btw, but I did say you were disingenuous and of course stupid. I don't get into that 'asshole' stuff either, but I do call out abject stupidity and cowardice when I come across it.
    No offense, meathead, but I find all of the testosterone here a bit dull. It doesn't bother me, but it's just not my thing. I enjoy satarising posts sometimes, but I rarely get into all of this "You're an asshole" stuff.
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