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  • Did you have a good time?
    We looked through old report cards. Bad grades in classes everyone passes. Doesn't get along with others. I'm the kind of guy who was always happy and making jokes. Assholes don't like my jovial sense of humor. And I love pushing buttons on assholes. But nice people seem to like me. Even conservative nice people. They are rare. LOL
    Honestly I don't get why fellow Republicans make baseless claims against you. You are a nice Liberal. You are like when Liberals and Conservatives got along. This country is divided so bad that friendships across party lines like ours are rare.
    • Love
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    I have had hate from both sides of the political spectrum. For Republicans, for saying not to force religion doen other's throats. From Democrats, telling them to stop anti Israel hate.
    I find it a coincidence that you joined when I turned 7.
    • Thanks
    Reactions: sealybobo
    A young member? I love it! If you asked me I thought I was here in the 1990s when Clinton as president. This site stopped me from talking politics with friends and on Facebook. Anonymous. I love it. Welcome.
    Hey paid shill fir the dnc,I saw somebody talking about you in the politics section,you are the biggest joke poster here,everybody laughs at you shill.your fairytale land you live in that bush stole the election but Biden did not proves you are a paid shill fir the dnc and a hypocrite who hates America.
    • Fake News
    Reactions: DakotaKai_fan20
    The majority of posters are GOP. What about all the likes, brilliants, winners, thumbs ups and thanks I get? Trump is a Republican so you are too. I really wish he would have won and been a moderate president who didn't play games and break laws constantly. You have always been a conspiracy theorist. Did you tell Dakota that you believe all NFL games are rigged? Like WWE? He would find that interesting.
    The last time LA Ram Fan got any trophies was 2022. That was when he was all about THE NFL IS RIGGED. CHEATREOTS. Belecheck cheats. Pete Carroll cheats. The commissioner cheats. We all made fun of him to know end. He gets very angry with you if you disagree with him. It was funny when it was sports. But now this conspiracy theorist has found politics and the Republicans love him SHILLING for the RNC. LOL.
    The last trophy for my Atlanta Braves was three years ago. Also the first and only trophy for my Texas Rangers was last year.
    God said shame on you he gave you freedom of choice and you chose to burn in hell
    • Fact
    Reactions: LA RAM FAN
    What if I told you something unbelievable and said if you don’t believe it you’re going to hell? You aren’t choosing hell. You’re simply telling me you don’t believe it.
    Froggy told the truth about you shill,sad that you think money can buy you happiness taking payoffs from the dnc,can’t take money with you when you die and he is right,you will burn in hell.
    Must suck for you and your gay lesbian wife penelope to deny reality that dead people got Biden elected,that there is 10 times more evidence of vote fraud against trump than there was against bush,a
    And then the REAL major depressor for you that the entire country hates Biden and has the lowest approval of any president,thst nfl stadiums are chanting fuck joe biden,oh wait,you tell us thsts not happening,that they are really chanting let’s go Brandon.your boss sure pays you well to troll trollboy. :rofl:
    Oh so suddenly you agree with the majority of citizens? Normally you don't believe what the majority believes. Suddenly you want to brag because the majority agrees with you? What will you say the next time the majority disagrees with you? Will you then admit you are wrong? I didn't thinks so, stupid.
    Show me some evidence that Dominion Machines were shady. I can show you Diebold machines were. Bet you got nothing on Dominion.
    I am flabbaergasted you rated that as informative on your HERO Obama since I exposed what a murderer he is .lol
    one more thing, whats with you and your obsession looking at all these old dead threads of mine from years back? weird.
    I now have put it together why you blatantly ignore the evidence and wont look at it on how evil and corrupt clinton and obama are the same way bush dupes wont look at the facts on 9/11,you work for the DNC,they obviously pay you to troll these boards the fact you never look at facts and wont address them when they prove in spades clinton and obamas corruption,had me fooled a long time but i finally pegged you.
    50% of all murders are committed by blacks. This is based on fbi data.

    I'd like to see you refute anything without bringing blind emotion into it.
    • Thanks
    Reactions: mga138
    Poor people in general.
    how bout poor areas? don't think it's overly racial, just concentrations of poor people lol.
    Even black people admit their communities are messed up. They blame whites. While I don't completely disagree we put them there they have embraced a thug life and baby mamas.
    i'm glad you're back.

    no idea why.
    • Thanks
    Reactions: sealybobo
    Where you been? Haven't seen you around lately
    You're a gentleman and a scholar. There aren't many of us left. lol. I see you're back. Good. God bless the rust belt.
    Theses californians are a little woozy...Ha
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