Zorin OS 16.2, Best Alternative to Windows?


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
I checked out Zorin OS 15.3 quite a few years ago and wasn't all that impressed. This one released March 2022 is a huge improvement when it comes to user friendly Linux distributions. It will even allow the easy install of native Windows apps for new Linux users, like in Windows it pretty much does everything for the average user. This means it just might be a viable alternative for those with Win 10 computers that are not compatible with Win 11 or just don't want Win 11. I'm actually pretty impressed this time.
Note for those who want to try it out: There are 3 Zorin OS "flavors", the Pro version which is $40, the Core version which is free and the Lite version for computers that are over 15 years old.
Most average users will NOT need the Pro version.

I can provide links and/or instructions to easily download the OS, downloading Rufus to "burn" the OS (iso image) to a thumb drive or DVD and how to get your Windows machine to boot from these two sources. It's really not that hard.
Thank you for this. I would be grateful for links, or instructions, on getting this OS, and the software to burn the iso into a flash drive.

It occurs to me that since you know what you're talking about re. this alternative OS, you might also have useful things to say about other free or low-cost software which provide alterntives to Microsoft. For instance, I use a text editor called Notetab, which I like a lot. But it's just the first one I came across, years ago.
Thank you for this. I would be grateful for links, or instructions, on getting this OS, and the software to burn the iso into a flash drive.

It occurs to me that since you know what you're talking about re. this alternative OS, you might also have useful things to say about other free or low-cost software which provide alterntives to Microsoft. For instance, I use a text editor called Notetab, which I like a lot. But it's just the first one I came across, years ago.
I'm not a coder and have only on a couple of occasions used a text editor while copying and pasting from a how-to website. So obviously I only used what came with the Linux distro I was using.

As for downloading the OS:

Download - Zorin OS

Scroll down until you see the Zorin OS 16.2 Core and download that.

To burn it to a flash drive download Rufus.

Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way

Scroll down until you see Download and below it (highlighted) Rufus 3.22 (1.3 MB) and click on that.
Once you've done that you will launch Rufus from wherever you downloaded it to (it does not install on your system). Read the instructions on the download page then toss in your flash drive and we'll go from there.
Ok, that Windows software support was interesting but a quick look revealed it just uses wine and PlayOnLinux. It means there is no guarantee that Windows programs will run fine or at all. This is basically no difference to other Linux distributions, albeit Zorin offers some convenience features like what thy call "Windows App Support layer".
It is in no way an alternative to Windows but to other Linux distributions at the most. Also, Zorin tries to monetize free stuff, so it restricts the choice of desktop environments in the core edition and offers additional free tools and stuff in the "pro" edition.

Ok, that Windows software support was interesting but a quick look revealed it just uses wine and PlayOnLinux. It means there is no guarantee that Windows programs will run fine or at all. This is basically no difference to other Linux distributions, albeit Zorin offers some convenience features like what thy call "Windows App Support layer".
It is in no way an alternative to Windows but to other Linux distributions at the most. Also, Zorin tries to monetize free stuff, so it restricts the choice of desktop environments in the core edition and offers additional free tools and stuff in the "pro" edition.

Any Linux or Mac is an alternative to Windows unless you're trying to redefine the meaning of 'alternative'........... Just like bicycles and motorcycles are alternatives to cars. Now whether it's a "viable" alternative is dependent on each individual user. Yes it uses Wine and PlayOnLinux but it does everything for the user so it eliminates most of the work the user has to learn and do. Basically it does the heavy lifting for the user.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! Someone tries to monetize a product!!!! GOD FORBID!!!!!!!! Linus Torvalds and his purist Linux acolytes must be incensed!!!

But don't worry, I'm pretty sure your Microsoft stock is safe for the time being.
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Any Linux or Mac is an alternative to Windows unless you're trying to redefine the meaning of 'alternative'........... Just like bicycles and motorcycles are alternatives to cars. Now whether it's a "viable" alternative is dependent on each individual user. Yes it uses Wine and PlayOnLinux but it does everything for the user so it eliminates most of the work the user has to learn and do. Basically it does the heavy lifting for the user.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! Someone tries to monetize a product!!!! GOD FORBID!!!!!!!! Linus Torvalds and his purist Linux acolytes must be incensed!!!

But don't worry, I'm pretty sure your Microsoft stock is safe for the time being.
Actually they sell software made by others for free. That is the point. Like taking the food bank´s stuff and selling it. As for alternatives they have to work. Mac is an alternative, they have enough software. Linux not so much, everything there comes with a compromise.
Actually they sell software made by others for free. That is the point. Like taking the food bank´s stuff and selling it. As for alternatives they have to work. Mac is an alternative, they have enough software. Linux not so much, everything there comes with a compromise.
Looks like you're still trying to redefine the word 'alternative'........... And you still have issues with people making money. Someone else created it and it's free everywhere else. Is Zorin's monetizing approach here a "viable" alternative? Uummmmm, maybe, maybe not, only time will tell.

Psst! I didn't buy the pro version.........
Looks like you're still trying to redefine the word 'alternative'........... And you still have issues with people making money. Someone else created it and it's free everywhere else. Is Zorin's monetizing approach here a "viable" alternative? Uummmmm, maybe, maybe not, only time will tell.

Psst! I didn't buy the pro version.........
You can just look up the tools the "pro" edition offers and install them for free on the core version.
You can just look up the tools the "pro" edition offers and install them for free on the core version.
Are you just figuring that out for yourself or did you have help? Of course one can get the Core version then load the free packages later but then again the typical user will not have need for the free packages that are on the paid version. This is why I stated most people will have no need for the paid version. Just because Zorin is offering a paid version doesn't mean one has to chose it. Going with the paid version or not is a personal choice that you and I have no say over except for ourselves.........
Remember, the typical user is "plug and play", they know how to turn a computer on, use some of it's features and that's it. Some users may be willing to pay for free stuff so they don't have to be bothered with learning how to install it. Such is life.
Are you just figuring that out for yourself or did you have help? Of course one can get the Core version then load the free packages later but then again the typical user will not have need for the free packages that are on the paid version. This is why I stated most people will have no need for the paid version. Just because Zorin is offering a paid version doesn't mean one has to chose it. Going with the paid version or not is a personal choice that you and I have no say over except for ourselves.........
Remember, the typical user is "plug and play", they know how to turn a computer on, use some of it's features and that's it. Some users may be willing to pay for free stuff so they don't have to be bothered with learning how to install it. Such is life.
It should be clear that typical users will never install an operating system. They will do their amazon and porn stuff and never waste a thought on operating systems. This is why all the Windows like distros are pointless.
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It should be clear that typical users will never install an operating system. They will do their amazon and porn stuff and never waste a thought on operating systems. This is why all the Windows like distros are pointless.
Guess you haven't yet realized that the rest of the world doesn't stop at the end of your nose.......... The "vast majority" of typical users will never install an OS but this is for the small minority who for whatever reason decides they want to. I used to be a typical user who made that decision long ago, odds are I'm not alone.........
As for paying what is known in the commercial world as "value added" it happens all the time. One example is grocery delivery, one can pay a monthly or annual fee to have their groceries delivered for whatever reason they choose to. That's their decision regardless of what we may think of it, whether we think it's a good idea or bad.
Guess you haven't yet realized that the rest of the world doesn't stop at the end of your nose.......... The "vast majority" of typical users will never install an OS but this is for the small minority who for whatever reason decides they want to. I used to be a typical user who made that decision long ago, odds are I'm not alone.........
As for paying what is known in the commercial world as "value added" it happens all the time. One example is grocery delivery, one can pay a monthly or annual fee to have their groceries delivered for whatever reason they choose to. That's their decision regardless of what we may think of it, whether we think it's a good idea or bad.
I just mentioned that Zorin sells free stuff. I didn´t ask Wagner to storm their office.
I just mentioned that Zorin sells free stuff. I didn´t ask Wagner to storm their office.
Considering you bolded the monetized aspect you appeared to come across as primarily against it. Especially as your post was an exercise in pushing your personal negative opinion and then you doubled down in your defense of that negativity........ Maybe that wasn't your intent, maybe it was, I took it as the latter based on how you presented it.
Look, my intent was to provide an alternative to anyone who might decide to go that direction, not to convince them one way or another. If you have issues with it then you have issues with it. Is it a direct equivalent of Windows? No, of course not but is it designed to be more user friendly (for Windows users) than all the other Linux distros out there? It appears so.
Personally I let people choose for themselves and offer what help I can to any interested parties regardless of what OS they choose. Ya might want to consider that approach.
Considering you bolded the monetized aspect you appeared to come across as primarily against it. Especially as your post was an exercise in pushing your personal negative opinion and then you doubled down in your defense of that negativity........ Maybe that wasn't your intent, maybe it was, I took it as the latter based on how you presented it.
Look, my intent was to provide an alternative to anyone who might decide to go that direction, not to convince them one way or another. If you have issues with it then you have issues with it. Is it a direct equivalent of Windows? No, of course not but is it designed to be more user friendly (for Windows users) than all the other Linux distros out there? It appears so.
Personally I let people choose for themselves and offer what help I can to any interested parties regardless of what OS they choose. Ya might want to consider that approach.
Yes, I bolded several aspects that appeared to be important to know. Your OP is more or less promising that replacing Windows with Zorin is just without any problems and hardships. I just wanted to make sure people think twice before they give up on their computer. Linux disciples will not be available when the user finds out there is literally nothing you can do with "Zorin" and wants Windows back.
Yes, I bolded several aspects that appeared to be important to know. Your OP is more or less promising that replacing Windows with Zorin is just without any problems and hardships. I just wanted to make sure people think twice before they give up on their computer. Linux disciples will not be available when the user finds out there is literally nothing you can do with "Zorin" and wants Windows back.
If that's the way you read it then I should have been more clear as to avoid this type of misinterpretation by the reader/responder. Mia culpa. I should have anticipated this given the nature of message boards and their denizens...........
I'll have to check it on a spare laptop but in the end, I will always return back to Windows. Heck, I even taught a college class on Linux.
Maybe I can play around with this by installing MS-SQL on it.
You know, for fun.

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