Linux for Windows users


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
This is for those who would like to try Linux but have used Windows all their lives. Linux is not Windows and there's not only a slight learning curve with these I will be presenting there's also a bit of an unlearning curve. Sooooo, given that which version of Linux is better for Windows users.
As with every other preference in life it's usually subjective so we have choices. I will attempt to show those that are closer to the Windows user experience, more or less. I'm trying to find relatively short videos to give more of an overview than an in depth presentation of each distro (distribution).

We'll start out with one of the top Linux distributions, Ubuntu and not just the Ubuntu flagship distribution but one of the most popular as well as Linux Mint also known as the Gateway to Linux.

Ubuntu Mate (Pronounced Mah-tay)

Linux Mint

Now we come to the two that are considered most Windows like in appearance and usage. The first is ZorinOS which was introduced in 2008 then we'll look at the newcomer, ChaletOS.


Now the newcomer, the one I think is the most Windows looking/feeling Linux disto available and don't let the fact it's a newcomer put you off, this is one solid operating system with lots of support.

One thing you'll notice is all of these are just as user friendly as Windows and are well put together operating systems, not like the very old "it takes a techie to use Linux".
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I didn't even think about it at the time but all of these distributions that aren't specifically Ubuntu are based off of Ubuntu.

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