ZOMG Now there's a mutant strain of COVID!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant

Wow, a shifting antigen virus shifted antigens? Who would have thought?

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant
If I were a Chinese Communist mastermind with the intent to create a worldwide pandemic hoax, to prevent Trump from winning a second term I would totally do at least two of them.
Wouldn't you?

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant
Simon says 6 more months of masking for you

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant

Wow, a shifting antigen virus shifted antigens? Who would have thought?

IKR!!! And the same time the vaccine is announced! It's as if the virus grew a brain at least as large and well functioning as yours

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant
Nothing new about a virus mutating. There have been at least two strains in the US almost since the beginning, one coming direct from China and another that mutated in Europe after leaving China.

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant
Simon says 6 more months of masking for you
Thankfully I wear my Frank Zappa mask

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant
thanks, obama.

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant
thanks, obama.

Yeah! Without Obama and Fauci paying the Wuhan Lad to develop Covid, none of this ever happens

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant
thanks, obama.

Yeah! Without Obama and Fauci paying the Wuhan Lad to develop Covid, none of this ever happens
exactly. Obama is the best.

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant
Nothing new about a virus mutating. There have been at least two strains in the US almost since the beginning, one coming direct from China and another that mutated in Europe after leaving China.

The people are mutating faster than the virus. You think the masks and SDNJ's (Social Distance Nut Jobs) will just disappear once President Trump gets all Americans vaccinated?

As if wasn't bad enough. As soon a vaccine is announced, suddenly, out of nowhere (Wuhan Lab) a new mutation of Covid appears, suddenly, out of nowhere, in different parts of the world at the same time with people who have had no contact with each other!

Mutant! Don't you get it? The virus hasnt mutated, you have! You have no hope of functioning in civil society again. You belong in a real fucking bubble

It's turned you into a Mutant
Nothing new about a virus mutating. There have been at least two strains in the US almost since the beginning, one coming direct from China and another that mutated in Europe after leaving China.

The people are mutating faster than the virus. You think the masks and SDNJ's (Social Distance Nut Jobs) will just disappear once President Trump gets all Americans vaccinated?
Since it will not happen in the next 21 days, I would say no. I do not know about most Americans, but suspect they are closer to my point of view than the people that look at the pandemic as a trick to get trump out of office, probably including folks like yourself. I will get vaccinated in late January or in February in accordance with availability to people in good health in my age group, per TN state guidelines. I am very conscientious about masking and distancing, to look out for my continued good health and support of community standards. I doubt I will be quite as conscientious a month after I have been vaccinated for the second time. I think the attention to detail required will ease and society will get back to normal. Some people will choose to continue to mask and distance. It will not bother me if they stand out at that time to continue the practice. When I first started masking and distance, it was unusual, unlike now, and I did not care that it drew looks from people that did not realize the risks or were opposed on political motivations, as I just did not care what they thought. I can afford this point of view, due to being retired, officially old, and planning to get a lot older.

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