Zogby: Trump Leading Among Millennials 3-1

His success lies in the failure of our political system. The system has been so broken since the 80s and people so divided based on fear and irrationality that he is tapping into that anger. We can argue who caused the anger and frustration but that is irrelevant becuase he is winning the anger over
Zogby: Trump Leading Among Millennials 3-1

Part of what he needs to win.Damn who knew bringing back jobs to America would make young folks support him.

The poll is a GOP only (nomination) poll. The sub group for the millenials is just 250 people.
In fact, the entire poll is only of this sub-group, which is just plain old bizarre.
Standard MoE (Margin of Error) for such a small group? +/-8.0 or more.
Zogby claims it is only +/-6.3, which is bullshit.

That is extremely high.
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WOW!! The Republicans will control THREE branches of government. Can you imagine the payback that's coming? Trump has already stated he will make null and void ALL of Obama's executive orders.
Zogby: Trump Leading Among Millennials 3-1

Part of what he needs to win.Damn who knew bringing back jobs to America would make young folks support him.

Trump supports tariffs, like the unions and other leftists.


This may be the most ridiculous poll I have ever seen in my life. And I am not surprised that it comes from Zogby.

To poll a miniscule sub-set and then to only publish those results is just fucking bizarre.
Oh stop being pissy because I am taking over the poll posting :D
WOW!! The Republicans will control THREE branches of government. Can you imagine the payback that's coming? Trump has already stated he will make null and void ALL of Obama's executive orders.

This poll has nothing to do with who will control the country.
Zogby: Trump Leading Among Millennials 3-1

Part of what he needs to win.Damn who knew bringing back jobs to America would make young folks support him.

Trump supports tariffs, like the unions and other leftists.


How did it feel when you realized you were a leftist?

About same time this guy did. We Need a Tariff, Not a Corporate Income Tax

Done being an idiot? If not I can continue whipping your ass.
Oh and Toro since you PROBABLY won't click on that link the author is Patrick Buchanan. Ya know American Nationalist.....sure ya heard of him.
Hillary's 2020 polling, assuming she's out early on good behavior, has her winning millenials 7 - 2

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