You're fired, UN!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
UN is a completely obsolete and corrupt organization which needs to be abolished. It serves only interests of Islam and Terrorists.

Personally, i don't feel American Taxpayers should be forced to fund it. It's a foreign institution that doesn't always have American Citizens' best interest in mind. For me, any institution not fully advancing American Citizen interests, is of no interest to me. I shouldn't be forced to fund it.
At least charge them rent and make them pay their parking tickets!
Personally, i don't feel American Taxpayers should be forced to fund it. It's a foreign institution that doesn't always have American Citizens' best interest in mind. For me, any institution not fully advancing American Citizen interests, is of no interest to me. I shouldn't be forced to fund it.

You should not be forced to fund it?

Where is your collectivist or globalist spirit?

It's socialism, everybody wins. :beer:
LOL Israel's dictator having a childish tantrum really gets you people fired up.
Personally, i don't feel American Taxpayers should be forced to fund it. It's a foreign institution that doesn't always have American Citizens' best interest in mind. For me, any institution not fully advancing American Citizen interests, is of no interest to me. I shouldn't be forced to fund it.

You should not be forced to fund it?

Where is your collectivist or globalist spirit?

It's socialism, everybody wins. :beer:

Ha. Yeah, at the very least, dramatically scale back our funding and involvement. I don't mind continuing to support humanitarian aspects such as UNICEF. But anything beyond that, i don't feel my tax dollars should be contributed. I don't support entities that don't solely advance American Citizen interests. I'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist.
LOL Israel's dictator having a childish tantrum really gets you people fired up.

He's more of an American patriot than Obama or Kerry are, suck it.
He's a right wing fascist fucktard who would already have the whole region in a war if everyone else had not already learned to ignore his constant whining and threats. Israel needs to grow the fuck up and quit testing our alliance with atrocity. Either they are an independent western democracy and a valid member of the family of nations or they are a militarily dependent protectorate of the US. They have had it both ways so long they think it's how it's supposed to be. They take billions in aid from us and then act all pissed off if we have any sort of criticism for their land snatching program.
There is no family of nations. Handing over their capital to Muslim terrorists can be likened to us giving half of Washington DC to ISIS. Leave that little sliver of land alone. It is Israel's.
Israel is dependent on the US like a child is dependent on a parent. We've been doting on them and feeding them candy so long that they are the spoiled hyperactive brat of the family of nations.
LOL Israel's dictator having a childish tantrum really gets you people fired up.

He's more of an American patriot than Obama or Kerry are, suck it.
He's a right wing fascist fucktard who would already have the whole region in a war if everyone else had not already learned to ignore his constant whining and threats. Israel needs to grow the fuck up and quit testing our alliance with atrocity. Either they are an independent western democracy and a valid member of the family of nations or they are a militarily dependent protectorate of the US. They have had it both ways so long they think it's how it's supposed to be. They take billions in aid from us and then act all pissed off if we have any sort of criticism for their land snatching program.

I just gave you an 'A' on your report titled "How to sound Stupid."

Plus Netanyahu is not a child (it's life and death for Israel, and decades of living with terrorists on every side for them), but Obama surely is. And so are snowflakes like you who are so gullible and ignorant that you are easily swayed by a mainstream media and a leftist government who depends on your naivete and votes.

Israel has fought five wars against 10 Arab nations or more with not one US or other foreign soldier ever at its side. Take away your 3 billion a year since you think you are such a great ally. But don't forget to charge Western Europe and Japan about a hundred billion for all the years of protecting them in their region. The fact you think this is about "settlements" shows just how little you understand anything about this conflict. You know nothing.
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There is no family of nations. Handing over their capital to Muslim terrorists can be likened to us giving half of Washington DC to ISIS. Leave that little sliver of land alone. It is Israel's.
Israel is dependent on the US like a child is dependent on a parent. We've been doting on them and feeding them candy so long that they are the spoiled hyperactive brat of the family of nations.

I can't completely disagree with your assessment. Israel does stir it up over there. It's not always 'Defensive' action. For instance, it's been involved with numerous assassinations all over the Middle East. Especially in Iran.

Personally, i feel Israel has been given too much power and influence over our Government. But i understand saying that, makes me a 'Racist' or 'Anti-Semite.' Because Lord knows, you're not allowed to disagree with Israel on anything.
Ha. Yeah, at the very least, dramatically scale back our funding and involvement. I don't mind continuing to support humanitarian aspects such as UNICEF. But anything beyond that, i don't feel my tax dollars should be contributed. I don't support entities that don't solely advance American Citizen interests. I'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist.

I'll be a "globalist" on one condition.

The bill of rights applies to every citizen of every country they were born in. Not as global citizens either, but citizens of every country. So we can't go to Somalia and vote, nor vice versa. Nor could a Somalian come here and buy an AR15 or vice versa.

The globalists aren't excited about leaving the Bill of Rights alone in the US, so fuck 'em.

I think an immediate 25% cut to US funding of the UN would be a great incentive to get them to focus on important parts of their agenda rather than to continue to expand their bloated bureaucracy.
LOL Israel's dictator having a childish tantrum really gets you people fired up.

He's more of an American patriot than Obama or Kerry are, suck it.
He's a right wing fascist fucktard who would already have the whole region in a war if everyone else had not already learned to ignore his constant whining and threats. Israel needs to grow the fuck up and quit testing our alliance with atrocity. Either they are an independent western democracy and a valid member of the family of nations or they are a militarily dependent protectorate of the US. They have had it both ways so long they think it's how it's supposed to be. They take billions in aid from us and then act all pissed off if we have any sort of criticism for their land snatching program.

I just gave you an 'A' on your report titled "How to sound Stupid."

Plus Netanyahu is not a child (it's life and death for Israel, and decades of living with terrorists on every side for them), but Obama surely is. And so are snowflakes like you who are so gullible and ignorant that you are easily swayed by a mainstream media and a leftist government who depends on your naivete and votes.
Israel has the highest potential to drag us into an unwanted war. We give them billions in military aid and yet they act like they should always dictate what America's Israel policy should be. We do not let any other country do this. They should either go out on their own or act as if their very survival depends on the US. Taking billions in aid while acting counter to our strategic interests is a conflict that needs to be resolved, not encouraged.
Ha. Yeah, at the very least, dramatically scale back our funding and involvement. I don't mind continuing to support humanitarian aspects such as UNICEF. But anything beyond that, i don't feel my tax dollars should be contributed. I don't support entities that don't solely advance American Citizen interests. I'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist.

I'll be a "globalist" on one condition.

The bill of rights applies to every citizen of every country they were born in. Not as global citizens either, but citizens of every country. So we can't go to Somalia and vote, nor vice versa. Nor could a Somalian come here and buy an AR15 or vice versa.

The globalists aren't excited about leaving the Bill of Rights alone in the US, so fuck 'em.

They have to crash the US economy before they can get rid of the Bill of Rights cuz personal freedom is just to darn dangerous in the modern world. After all, we have cell phones now.

Then it is the IMF and the UN to the rescue!!

Yippee, we will all be saved!
LOL Israel's dictator having a childish tantrum really gets you people fired up.

He's more of an American patriot than Obama or Kerry are, suck it.
He's a right wing fascist fucktard who would already have the whole region in a war if everyone else had not already learned to ignore his constant whining and threats. Israel needs to grow the fuck up and quit testing our alliance with atrocity. Either they are an independent western democracy and a valid member of the family of nations or they are a militarily dependent protectorate of the US. They have had it both ways so long they think it's how it's supposed to be. They take billions in aid from us and then act all pissed off if we have any sort of criticism for their land snatching program.

I just gave you an 'A' on your report titled "How to sound Stupid."

Plus Netanyahu is not a child (it's life and death for Israel, and decades of living with terrorists on every side for them), but Obama surely is. And so are snowflakes like you who are so gullible and ignorant that you are easily swayed by a mainstream media and a leftist government who depends on your naivete and votes.
Israel has the highest potential to drag us into an unwanted war. We give them billions in military aid and yet they act like they should always dictate what America's Israel policy should be. We do not let any other country do this. They should either go out on their own or act as if their very survival depends on the US. Taking billions in aid while acting counter to our strategic interests is a conflict that needs to be resolved, not encouraged.

Yeah, B.S. You and obama are stupid enough, or evil enough, to believe there is no peace in the middle east because of these settlements. Could anything be more insane?

Arab muslims hate Jews, especially those living in Israel. They want them all dead. They want them completely out of the middle east at a miminum. Has not 100 years of attacks, murders and LIES taught you anything? They reject all peace offerings and concessions. All of them!! Go read about Arafat and Baruk and Bill Clinton at the Camp David Summit. See what Israel offered right from the start, almost everything!, and see how Arafat and Arabs responded. They don't care! They don't want peace! Nor did they even bother with a counter offer.

Personally, I cannot stand even thinking about this. The West is full of themselves and think they know or care about israel or the middle east. They do not. They are more enemies to the solution than anything resembling assistance. Take your 3 billion a year from Israel, but don't forget to take Egypt's too. The Jews will survive. It's just unthinkable no Christian nation has a clue what is really taking place in the middle east. It is the devil vs. G-d, for all intents and purposes.

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