Your thoughts on impeachment?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
IMO it's a political stunt & circus as usual. I'd say a last-ditch effort to defeat Trump, but I know better, they know no boundaries. They'll claim they have something daily until long after Trump is re-elected, and at the end of the day it's 98% BS.

Shame they can't fucking govern instead. The left is even transparent, they're consistently & collectively fucked. I hope they collapse on themselves giving way to a party with some leadership & character, as opposed corruption, coup and lunacy. How's Epstein doin?
It’s not an impeachment.. it’s angry democrats pissed trump
Ignored there foreign policy suggestions
Not even really paying attention to the shenanigans.
Am I supposed to?

Still voting Trump out of pure spite for the democrats, fuck 'em.
IMO it's a political stunt & circus as usual. I'd say a last-ditch effort to defeat Trump, but I know better, they know no boundaries. They'll claim they have something daily until long after Trump is re-elected, and at the end of the day it's 98% BS.

Shame they can't fucking govern instead. The left is even transparent, they're consistently & collectively fucked. I hope they collapse on themselves giving way to a party with some leadership & character, as opposed corruption, coup and lunacy. How's Epstein doin?

Flat out theater mixed with a civil war in the democrats in congress. The power struggle has been going on since Trump got elected. Two years later the democrats got their majority, and along came the squad. Remember all the little stunts AOC pulled? Honestly, I think This impeachment was set in motion by Pelosi more to hurt the squad then Trump. It's stalled Trumps presidency and agenda. look how little he has gotten done, and in 2020 it will likely cost some of not all of the squad their seats in the house.
People outside the beltway couldn't give a rat's ass about Ukraine or its foreign aid or its corrupt prosecutors TBH. This just gives some form to free-floating TDS. Democrats will impeach; Senate will kill it inside two weeks and that will be the end of it. Democrats will then run on this mandate to drain the GOP swamp and lose.
After all, if the POTUS can't shake down any shithole country he likes in order to boost his domestic political position, what can he do?
IMO it's a political stunt & circus as usual. I'd say a last-ditch effort to defeat Trump, but I know better, they know no boundaries. They'll claim they have something daily until long after Trump is re-elected, and at the end of the day it's 98% BS.

Shame they can't fucking govern instead. The left is even transparent, they're consistently & collectively fucked. I hope they collapse on themselves giving way to a party with some leadership & character, as opposed corruption, coup and lunacy. How's Epstein doin?

It is all Kabuki theater. And at the end of each act both sides are told by their party masters that their side won the day and the minions spread out across the internet telling everyone how their side won the day.
This impeachment is Congress doing its job of oversight. With our two parties caterwauling at each other, conducting an investigation is taking a backseat to political theater. It’s not about finding the truth, it’s about selling the narrative that garners the most benefits. Personally, President Trump should be impeached for contacting a foreign country to solicit information to assist in an election. That said, anyone who thinks the Democratic Party is interested in justice here is embracing folly.
If the DEMS saw the 10 OOJ instances in the Mueller report and did nothing, it is highly dubious that the blob’s abuse of power is impeachable. The OOJ is much more serious in terms of downside.

so I’m a pass on impeachment knowing what we know at this moment.

from a tactical standpoint....sheer craziness. Why not see what happens after the 2020 election when you may have the Senate if you’re gonna go down this road?

the only thing the DEMS have going for them is that they are a few degrees more palletable than the Repugs.

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