your tax $$$ wasted = on racism/division


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
''''''Sesame Street has introduced two black muppet characters to talk to children about race.''''
--this is teaching kids DIVISION!!! not inclusion
...NPR is worse....
...Sesame Street was always over represented by blacks, anyway a comment said, these ''new''' black muppets need to teach them to follow police commands

..the kids never notice RACE!!!!!--NOW they will be thinking RACE RACE = thereby CREATING racism/division

..this is especially idiotic as the US is in HUGE debt..we don't need PBS or NPR ..they are propaganda of the left/etc
Last edited:
Not all laws are racist. Some laws are just and should be complied with. Just because you are a subject of scrutiny by the authorities for breaking those just laws does not imply anything other than the fact you have violated the law. It does not mean the cop is racist, nor does it mean the laws he is enforcing are racist.

We are taught at a very young age to follow the rules. One thing I guarantee we were never taught is who can be exempt from them and under what circumstances.
Tramp tried to defund them! I really don't mind funding them.

The White House has revealed its 2018 budget proposal and it calls for eliminating all funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which would be a devastating blow to public media stations all over the country. Public broadcasters, including WFYI, will be rallying support and making their case with federal legislators over the ensuing months until the 2018 FY budget is likely voted on in the fall.

How much funding is appropriated to the CPB?

Annual funding for the CPB has been level at $445 million for several years. That amounts to about $1.35 per American per year and that represents 0.01 percent (one one-hundredth of one percent) of the federal budget.

How much CPB funding does WFYI receive?

This year, approximately 13 percent of WFYI’s budgeted revenue will come from the CPB. We are fortunate to have a wide variety of revenue sources, which breaks down like this:

America's Public Television Stations' Pat Butler makes the case for continued federal funding.
Speech text online here.

  • Individuals – 36%
  • Local businesses – 21%
  • Grants and other support – 14%
  • Federal funding – 13%
  • Miscellaneous – 7%
  • State funding - 5%
  • Special events – 3%
  • 83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
Federal Funding For Public Broadcasting (
Tramp tried to defund them! I really don't mind funding them.

The White House has revealed its 2018 budget proposal and it calls for eliminating all funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which would be a devastating blow to public media stations all over the country. Public broadcasters, including WFYI, will be rallying support and making their case with federal legislators over the ensuing months until the 2018 FY budget is likely voted on in the fall.

How much funding is appropriated to the CPB?

Annual funding for the CPB has been level at $445 million for several years. That amounts to about $1.35 per American per year and that represents 0.01 percent (one one-hundredth of one percent) of the federal budget.

How much CPB funding does WFYI receive?

This year, approximately 13 percent of WFYI’s budgeted revenue will come from the CPB. We are fortunate to have a wide variety of revenue sources, which breaks down like this:

America's Public Television Stations' Pat Butler makes the case for continued federal funding.
Speech text online here.

  • Individuals – 36%
  • Local businesses – 21%
  • Grants and other support – 14%
  • Federal funding – 13%
  • Miscellaneous – 7%
  • State funding - 5%
  • Special events – 3%
  • 83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
Federal Funding For Public Broadcasting (
..then you don't know how to handle finances
.....EVERYTHING not needed to run the government needs to be chopped--plain and simple
----THIS is part of the reason we are in debt
O, people say, '''''it's not much compared to other things ''' == STUPID and wrong

---kids have tablets/phones/ROKU/etc etc to INFINITY--PBS is not needed--and not needed anymore
Tramp tried to defund them! I really don't mind funding them.

The White House has revealed its 2018 budget proposal and it calls for eliminating all funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which would be a devastating blow to public media stations all over the country. Public broadcasters, including WFYI, will be rallying support and making their case with federal legislators over the ensuing months until the 2018 FY budget is likely voted on in the fall.

How much funding is appropriated to the CPB?

Annual funding for the CPB has been level at $445 million for several years. That amounts to about $1.35 per American per year and that represents 0.01 percent (one one-hundredth of one percent) of the federal budget.

How much CPB funding does WFYI receive?

This year, approximately 13 percent of WFYI’s budgeted revenue will come from the CPB. We are fortunate to have a wide variety of revenue sources, which breaks down like this:

America's Public Television Stations' Pat Butler makes the case for continued federal funding.
Speech text online here.

  • Individuals – 36%
  • Local businesses – 21%
  • Grants and other support – 14%
  • Federal funding – 13%
  • Miscellaneous – 7%
  • State funding - 5%
  • Special events – 3%
  • 83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
Federal Funding For Public Broadcasting (
..then you don't know how to handle finances
.....EVERYTHING not needed to run the government needs to be chopped--plain and simple
----THIS is part of the reason we are in debt
O, people say, '''''it's not much compared to other things ''' == STUPID and wrong

---kids have tablets/phones/ROKU/etc etc to INFINITY--PBS is not needed--and not needed anymore

Not little kids. All good things would end if tramp was still president.

No we are in debt because republicans cut taxes down to nothing for the rich.
Tramp tried to defund them! I really don't mind funding them.

The White House has revealed its 2018 budget proposal and it calls for eliminating all funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which would be a devastating blow to public media stations all over the country. Public broadcasters, including WFYI, will be rallying support and making their case with federal legislators over the ensuing months until the 2018 FY budget is likely voted on in the fall.

How much funding is appropriated to the CPB?

Annual funding for the CPB has been level at $445 million for several years. That amounts to about $1.35 per American per year and that represents 0.01 percent (one one-hundredth of one percent) of the federal budget.

How much CPB funding does WFYI receive?

This year, approximately 13 percent of WFYI’s budgeted revenue will come from the CPB. We are fortunate to have a wide variety of revenue sources, which breaks down like this:

America's Public Television Stations' Pat Butler makes the case for continued federal funding.
Speech text online here.

  • Individuals – 36%
  • Local businesses – 21%
  • Grants and other support – 14%
  • Federal funding – 13%
  • Miscellaneous – 7%
  • State funding - 5%
  • Special events – 3%
  • 83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
Federal Funding For Public Broadcasting (
..then you don't know how to handle finances
.....EVERYTHING not needed to run the government needs to be chopped--plain and simple
----THIS is part of the reason we are in debt
O, people say, '''''it's not much compared to other things ''' == STUPID and wrong

---kids have tablets/phones/ROKU/etc etc to INFINITY--PBS is not needed--and not needed anymore

Not little kids. All good things would end if tramp was still president.
????? what????
Tramp tried to defund them! I really don't mind funding them.

The White House has revealed its 2018 budget proposal and it calls for eliminating all funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which would be a devastating blow to public media stations all over the country. Public broadcasters, including WFYI, will be rallying support and making their case with federal legislators over the ensuing months until the 2018 FY budget is likely voted on in the fall.

How much funding is appropriated to the CPB?

Annual funding for the CPB has been level at $445 million for several years. That amounts to about $1.35 per American per year and that represents 0.01 percent (one one-hundredth of one percent) of the federal budget.

How much CPB funding does WFYI receive?

This year, approximately 13 percent of WFYI’s budgeted revenue will come from the CPB. We are fortunate to have a wide variety of revenue sources, which breaks down like this:

America's Public Television Stations' Pat Butler makes the case for continued federal funding.
Speech text online here.

  • Individuals – 36%
  • Local businesses – 21%
  • Grants and other support – 14%
  • Federal funding – 13%
  • Miscellaneous – 7%
  • State funding - 5%
  • Special events – 3%
  • 83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
Federal Funding For Public Broadcasting (
..then you don't know how to handle finances
.....EVERYTHING not needed to run the government needs to be chopped--plain and simple
----THIS is part of the reason we are in debt
O, people say, '''''it's not much compared to other things ''' == STUPID and wrong

---kids have tablets/phones/ROKU/etc etc to INFINITY--PBS is not needed--and not needed anymore

Not little kids. All good things would end if tramp was still president.
????? what????
No we are in debt because republicans cut taxes down to nothing for the rich.
''''''Sesame Street has introduced two black muppet characters to talk to children about race.''''
--this is teaching kids DIVISION!!! not inclusion
...NPR is worse....
...Sesame Street was always over represented by blacks, anyway a comment said, these ''new''' black muppets need to teach them to follow police commands

..the kids never notice RACE!!!!!--NOW they will be thinking RACE RACE = thereby CREATING racism/division

..this is especially idiotic as the US is in HUGE debt..we don't need PBS or NPR ..they are propaganda of the left/etc
Being in front of the camera or on the stage is not the same as those who build the cameras and the stage. But this what we promote and for many years now. Our foreign competitors let us be in front of the cameras and on the stage. While they make the cameras and build the stage. Their standing of living is growing while ours is treading water and dropping in areas and subsidized by insane pensions and just plain payouts by government to make things look like we are are still superior. We can have wars like Viet Nam or Korea here in many areas of this nation using guerilla warfare tactics. In fact we are fertile territory and the Progressive Socialist Extremist Feminist Women and Beta Males will lead us to that and be nowhere to be found when it happens.
Tramp tried to defund them! I really don't mind funding them.

The White House has revealed its 2018 budget proposal and it calls for eliminating all funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which would be a devastating blow to public media stations all over the country. Public broadcasters, including WFYI, will be rallying support and making their case with federal legislators over the ensuing months until the 2018 FY budget is likely voted on in the fall.

How much funding is appropriated to the CPB?

Annual funding for the CPB has been level at $445 million for several years. That amounts to about $1.35 per American per year and that represents 0.01 percent (one one-hundredth of one percent) of the federal budget.

How much CPB funding does WFYI receive?

This year, approximately 13 percent of WFYI’s budgeted revenue will come from the CPB. We are fortunate to have a wide variety of revenue sources, which breaks down like this:

America's Public Television Stations' Pat Butler makes the case for continued federal funding.
Speech text online here.

  • Individuals – 36%
  • Local businesses – 21%
  • Grants and other support – 14%
  • Federal funding – 13%
  • Miscellaneous – 7%
  • State funding - 5%
  • Special events – 3%
  • 83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
Federal Funding For Public Broadcasting (
WTF should I spend one cent of my hard earned money to support an organization that I disagree with 100%. If you want it, YOU fund it unless you want to give a like amount to the NRA. Fair is fair.
Tramp tried to defund them! I really don't mind funding them.

The White House has revealed its 2018 budget proposal and it calls for eliminating all funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which would be a devastating blow to public media stations all over the country. Public broadcasters, including WFYI, will be rallying support and making their case with federal legislators over the ensuing months until the 2018 FY budget is likely voted on in the fall.

How much funding is appropriated to the CPB?

Annual funding for the CPB has been level at $445 million for several years. That amounts to about $1.35 per American per year and that represents 0.01 percent (one one-hundredth of one percent) of the federal budget.

How much CPB funding does WFYI receive?

This year, approximately 13 percent of WFYI’s budgeted revenue will come from the CPB. We are fortunate to have a wide variety of revenue sources, which breaks down like this:

America's Public Television Stations' Pat Butler makes the case for continued federal funding.
Speech text online here.

  • Individuals – 36%
  • Local businesses – 21%
  • Grants and other support – 14%
  • Federal funding – 13%
  • Miscellaneous – 7%
  • State funding - 5%
  • Special events – 3%
  • 83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
83% of voters (including 70% of Trump supporters) would tell their U.S. senator or congressperson to find savings somewhere other than public television funding
Federal Funding For Public Broadcasting (
..then you don't know how to handle finances
.....EVERYTHING not needed to run the government needs to be chopped--plain and simple
----THIS is part of the reason we are in debt
O, people say, '''''it's not much compared to other things ''' == STUPID and wrong

---kids have tablets/phones/ROKU/etc etc to INFINITY--PBS is not needed--and not needed anymore

Not little kids. All good things would end if tramp was still president.

No we are in debt because republicans cut taxes down to nothing for the rich.
Obama doubled the debt--$9T to $18T. Trump increased the debt from $18T to $21T by 2018 when the democrats took over the purse strings. Since that time, the debt is $28T and counting. So in 10 years the democrats increased the national debt by a whopping $16T and most of that was for giveaway programs. You are a moron, glad you don't run my budget.
Reverend MLK is weeping.

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