Your Papers Please - Coming soon to the US?


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2021
Vaccine Passports? Do you really think that once there are papers that the police or government can demand at any time with zero probable cause and without a warrant, those papers will ever go away?

Vaccine Passports? Do you really think that once there are papers that the police or government can demand at any time with zero probable cause and without a warrant, those papers will ever go away?

With photoshop your problems will be solved.

How will those without a digital device be able to have them?

This is discriminatory against those in extreme poverty who chose to budget on other things, and the homeless.

If a person has no need for a smartphone, and is philosophically opposed to electronic handheld devices, then such a paradigm does not work.
ON top of that, the COVID vaccine does not confer immunity, nor does it prevent the spread of the disease, so why folks should have to get inoculated to do anything, is completely beyond me.

The only thing this "vaccine" does is to lessen the severity of symptoms.
Vaccine Passports? Do you really think that once there are papers that the police or government can demand at any time with zero probable cause and without a warrant, those papers will ever go away?

With photoshop your problems will be solved.
If it is digital, Photoshop won't help you.
I remember when the folks I was reading and listening to were talking about this last year. . . everyone said it was conspiracy talk.

This is bullshit.

No; a year ago it was not BS but was far enough away that we ignored it. Today it's reality in some countries and coming to many more.


The Year Ahead – Part 2: Biosecurity

". . . No, this isn't about one particular mRNA vaccine. It's about the self-assembling protein nanoparticle vaccines and the edible GMO tomato vaccines and the remote-control implantable drug delivery devices and other novel injections that will be coming down the pike soon. It's about the military-funded implantable biosensors that “could be the future of pandemic detention” and the injectable nanobots that will be monitoring us on the inside and injecting drugs into our system directly. It's about (as Corbett Report member studiotwoseven has been pointing out in recent investigations) the pursuit of mind control through optogenetics and all the other future technologies that will be used to alter our bodies, our minds and even our DNA itself.

Yes, we have well and truly entered the age of biosecurity and the technologies of that age are just being unveiled to the public now. But these technologies will not all be foisted on the public at once. In fact, some of these invasive devices will not see the light of day for years now. The first step was to set the precedent with the rollout of the COVID “vaccines.” The next step will be to use these vaccines as the excuse to bring about the biometric surveillance state. And that step certainly will happen this year if the scammers get their way.

The Vaccine Passports Will Be Rolled Out This Year
Barring some minor miracle (where's Q when you need him?), the so-called “immunity passports” are one of these pieces of the biosecurity grid infrastructure that we know will be rolling out this year.

For those who haven't heard (oh, sweet innocent child!), immunity passports are certifications that will be used to identify those who have received the vaccine. Their first use will be in the most literal sense: as passports to enable travelers to cross into other countries. But once the public is acclimated to the idea that their immunity passport is required for international travel, it will not be long before these passes are rolled out for everyday life. Soon, you may be required to show proof of vaccination to enter public buildings, access public events, or even enter certain stores or businesses.

Of course, this was the stuff of tinfoil hat nuttery when conspiracy theorists like myself first started talking about this development in the early stages of the scamdemic, but it has since become mundane reality, touted in slick ads by the private companies that are working on the development of these COVID passes and by the national governments that are hoping to force them on their populations (oops! looks like the government of Ireland got scared of all the negative comments about their proposal and decided to take the video down!).

This passport will be digital, of course, to allow for people to carry it around on their slave devices and fondleslabs. So who is working to develop these passports? Why a consortium of Big Tech companies, medical-industrial complex cronies, and billionaire foundations, of course! Specifically, the “Vaccination Credential Initiative” is working on rolling out an international standard for these digital vaccination certificates, a coalition that includes Microsoft (of course), the Rockefeller Foundation (of course), MITRE (yes, that MITRE) and Oracle (yes, that Oracle). Go read the mealy-mouthed blather that they've spewed at the public via their latest press release:

“The goal of the Vaccination Credential Initiative is to empower individuals with digital access to their vaccination records so they can use tools like CommonPass to safely return to travel, work, school, and life, while protecting their data privacy,” said Paul Meyer, CEO of The Commons Project Foundation. “Open standards and interoperability are at the heart of VCI's efforts and we look forward to supporting the World Health Organization and other global stakeholders in implementing and scaling open global standards for health data interoperability.”

Translation: Buckle up, tax cattle. You're about to get branded by your globalist owners. . . "
I remember when the folks I was reading and listening to were talking about this last year. . . everyone said it was conspiracy talk.

This is bullshit.

No; a year ago it was not BS but was far enough away that we ignored it. Today it's reality in some countries and coming to many more.

Yeah, I know.

Folks better wake up, and soon, as the water is now starting to boil, and that dystopia is closing in.

More on immunity certificates:

Thanks for that article.

I have always trusted the EFF, they have always been one of my goto sources, it is nice that politico mentioned that source. It would have been nicer if they put that link in their piece.

They wrote so well what I was trying to articulate previously. Best damn article on this, stupid, dumb, asinine, freedom killing idea.

Immunity Passports Are a Threat to Our Privacy and Information Security

". . . Immunity passports are purportedly intended to help combat the spread of COVID-19. But there is little evidence that they would actually accomplish that.

On a practical level, there is currently no test for COVID-19 immunity; what we have are antibody tests. But we don’t know whether people with antibodies have immunity. Meanwhile, there has been a flood of flawed tests and fraudulent marketing schemes about antibody tests. Even when validated tests are widely available, they may not be 100 percent accurate. The system should be a non-starter unless it can guarantee due process for those who want to challenge their test results. This has often been a problem before; as we saw with the “no-fly” lists created after 9/11, it is very difficult to get off the list, even for those whose inclusion was a mistake.

The problem with immunity passports isn’t just medical—it’s ethical. Access to both COVID-19 testing and antibody testing is spotty. Reports abound of people who fear they have been infected desperately trying to get tested to no avail. Analysis has shown that African Americans are far less likely than white, Hispanic, or Asian patients to be tested before they end up in the emergency room. Mobile testing sites administered by Verily (a subsidiary of Google’s parent Alphabet) require people to have a smartphone and a Google account. Residents in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district, one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods, were turned away from testing sites because they didn’t have cell phones.

Requiring smartphone-based immunity verification to access public spaces like offices and schools would exacerbate existing inequities and reinforce a two-tiered system of the privileged, who can move about freely in society, and the vulnerable, who can’t work, shop, or attend school because they don’t have a cell phone or access to testing. We’ve been here before. When yellow fever struck the South in the 1850s, those thought to be “unacclimated” to the disease were unemployable. This burdened Black and lower-income people more than privileged members of society. . . . "
Vaccine Passports? Do you really think that once there are papers that the police or government can demand at any time with zero probable cause and without a warrant, those papers will ever go away?

With photoshop your problems will be solved.
If it is digital, Photoshop won't help you.

Then I guess you will have to take the bus.
Vaccine Passports? Do you really think that once there are papers that the police or government can demand at any time with zero probable cause and without a warrant, those papers will ever go away?

With photoshop your problems will be solved.
If it is digital, Photoshop won't help you.

Then I guess you will have to take the bus.
Maybe so.

How will those without a digital device be able to have them?

This is discriminatory against those in extreme poverty who chose to budget on other things, and the homeless.

If a person has no need for a smartphone, and is philosophically opposed to electronic handheld devices, then such a paradigm does not work.
So are passports--they cost $125 every 10 years. You wouldn't have to have anything more than a government approved ID, they would plug that info into their system and your file would appear. It is years away according to the article.

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