Your Future Dinner


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Yum, yum. There are a whole lot more of them than all the mammals on earth.


Now that you're drooling, check out the story @ Austrians start insect 'revolution' for the kitchen
I don't know. Once they're dried, ground into meal, and have a binder added, you don't see insects any more. With the right seasonings, who knows? If you think about it, we probably had to overcome some initial reluctance in order to eat a lot of things we enjoy today. Escargot, pickled pig's feet, Scrapple, sweetbreads, eggs, the list is long. When protein is expensive and hard to come by, you can learn to enjoy a lot.
I don't know. Once they're dried, ground into meal, and have a binder added, you don't see insects any more. With the right seasonings, who knows? If you think about it, we probably had to overcome some initial reluctance in order to eat a lot of things we enjoy today. Escargot, pickled pig's feet, Scrapple, sweetbreads, eggs, the list is long. When protein is expensive and hard to come by, you can learn to enjoy a lot.

Why would I eat that voluntarily when I have plenty of other foods to eat?
Insects are animals, even the tiny ones......You have just been eating the ones you have been used to..Did you know that the cockroach and the lobster are relatives?
The craze in the 1970's was chocolate covered ants...My step Dad always told me that the crunchy stuff in Chinese food was insects...
I don't know. Once they're dried, ground into meal, and have a binder added, you don't see insects any more. With the right seasonings, who knows? If you think about it, we probably had to overcome some initial reluctance in order to eat a lot of things we enjoy today. Escargot, pickled pig's feet, Scrapple, sweetbreads, eggs, the list is long. When protein is expensive and hard to come by, you can learn to enjoy a lot.

Why would I eat that voluntarily when I have plenty of other foods to eat?
You wouldn't. You would only do it if you were really hungry. That's what drove a lot of those things I mentioned before, simple hunger. If you slaughtered a pig, for example, you wouldn't waste any of it. Hence, pickled pig's feet and Scrapple. Somebody who was very hungry had to first eat a snail in order for us to have Escargot, etc. It's surprising how hunger can change a person's appreciation for food.
Insects are animals, even the tiny ones......You have just been eating the ones you have been used to..Did you know that the cockroach and the lobster are relatives?

So what? I'm still not eating bugs. Not unless I was starving to death, which I'm not. :)
You eat a couple per year when asleep..

That's not voluntarily though. I would not sit down to eat a bowl of meal worms, thanks.
I don't know. Once they're dried, ground into meal, and have a binder added, you don't see insects any more. With the right seasonings, who knows? If you think about it, we probably had to overcome some initial reluctance in order to eat a lot of things we enjoy today. Escargot, pickled pig's feet, Scrapple, sweetbreads, eggs, the list is long. When protein is expensive and hard to come by, you can learn to enjoy a lot.

Why would I eat that voluntarily when I have plenty of other foods to eat?
You wouldn't. You would only do it if you were really hungry. That's what drove a lot of those things I mentioned before, simple hunger. If you slaughtered a pig, for example, you wouldn't waste any of it. Hence, pickled pig's feet and Scrapple. Somebody who was very hungry had to first eat a snail in order for us to have Escargot, etc. It's surprising how hunger can change a person's appreciation for food.

Sure, if I was starving, I'm sure I'd eat a lot of things I wouldn't normally touch. Lol. :D I'm just saying, why would anyone WANT to eat that, like as shown in the picture in the OP.
I remember having to eat bugs at survival school. They called it anti aversion training. Most instructors were sadists and had their students chew them up. Our instructor was really cool. He taught us to pull off the legs and wings to turn the bug into a nice pill shaped morsel then throw it to the back of your throat and swallow it without chewing. Wasn't bad at all.

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