Your Chance to Meet William Joyce

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
No, I'm not a public figure. But I am not, as some have accused me, someone who never leaves the house in pursuit of the issues I care about. If you would like to meet me, I will be at this conference:

I am happy to arrange a lobby meeting of some kind if you'll be there. You will have to be registered at the conference before I can talk to you, but believe me, it will be a great conference. Hope to see you there!
No, I'm not a public figure. But I am not, as some have accused me, someone who never leaves the house in pursuit of the issues I care about. If you would like to meet me, I will be at this conference:

I am happy to arrange a lobby meeting of some kind if you'll be there. You will have to be registered at the conference before I can talk to you, but believe me, it will be a great conference. Hope to see you there!

What do you want to bet that the people who accuse you of not leaving the house in pursuit of your issues, don't leave the house in pursuit of their issues THEMSELVES?
What do you want to bet that the people who accuse you of not leaving the house in pursuit of your issues, don't leave the house in pursuit of their issues THEMSELVES?

Recently a USMB poster was daring me to reveal my real name, address, etc., and that I was a "coward" for not doing so. The irony of one anonymous poster doing this to another was kind of like seeing a buddy at the whorehouse and saying, "You pervert!"
No, I'm not a public figure. But I am not, as some have accused me, someone who never leaves the house in pursuit of the issues I care about. If you would like to meet me, I will be at this conference:

I am happy to arrange a lobby meeting of some kind if you'll be there. You will have to be registered at the conference before I can talk to you, but believe me, it will be a great conference. Hope to see you there!

A cheap trick to get people to come to and be registered at one of your racist conventions.
I wonder if this falls under an advertisement? Wouldn't it be against board policy then?

That's a bit of a reach, RGS. Posting a link to a political event, on a message board dedicated to politics, is hardly the kind of advertising that you're alluding to. It's no different than posting a link to a candidate's fundraising event.

Where it becomes "advertisement", is when the poster is soliciting for personal profit or personal gain.

I can completely see how an admitted Authoritarian such as yourself would see this as a golden opportunity to push for censorship, though.
Then come along, hear what he has to say, and talk to him afterward. You can... but since you don't have an argument, you won't.

If you really want to do something about your cause then do this:

Contact Kwame Anthony Appiah and ask him to come to your convention. He is a philosopher and one of the most respected in all of academia.
If you really want to do something about your cause then do this:

Contact Kwame Anthony Appiah and ask him to come to your convention. He is a philosopher and one of the most respected in all of academia.

This creates a couple questions in my mind about this event.

Would other races be willing to provide a representative of their own to attend this conference? And would the conference organizers, and the attendees, be willing to ACCEPT such a thing with an open mind?

That would definitely make things interesting.
RGS and MM are stretching it. Just because you show up at an event does not mean that you agree with the people at the event. You are not guilty merely due to association. I’ve been to anti-abortion rallies just out of curiosity. I’ve visited Planned Parenthood events. I’ve seen Republican rallies and Democrat rallies.

I have a copy of the Communist Manifesto. That does not mean that I’m a communist. If someone that I know sees me at an anti-abortion meeting and concludes that I’m anti-abortion, then that is his erroneous conclusion (fallacious leap in logic). I would not know what he thinks of my being there unless he brings it up. If he were to do so, then I might explain why I was there. It is as simple as that.

I think that you know my sentiment on the issue. Yet, if the event were held further south, I might be interested in seeing what they have to say.
If you really want to do something about your cause then do this:

Contact Kwame Anthony Appiah and ask him to come to your convention. He is a philosopher and one of the most respected in all of academia.

Don't know this brother, but as Jared Taylor says, the conference is open to anyone who wants to attend. And, journalists and "hostiles" do attend, like the SPLC. Some mainstream journos have actually covered the conferences semi-fairly.
you know who I hate is people who support hate crime bills . there are criminal laws in place to deal with criminal acts..and so called hate laws are just a veiled attempt at government censorship

B.C. man found guilty of promoting hatred
Canwest News Service
Published: Tuesday, February 05, 2008
PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. - A Fort St. John, B.C., man has been sentenced to four months in jail after being found guilty of hate crimes.

Keith Noble, 31, was convicted Monday of wilfully promoting hatred against identifiable groups, namely Jews, blacks, homosexuals, non-whites and persons of mixed race or ethnic origin. The verdict came in B.C. Supreme Court in Prince George following a two-week trial.

RCMP said the investigation into Noble's activities began on Dec. 21, 2004, when the force's B.C. Hate Crime Team received a complaint about a website that allegedly targeted several identifiable groups.

The team, which was established in 1997 to combat hate crimes in B.C., conducted an extensive investigation. Noble's home was searched and his computer seized.

Font:****The Canadian Jewish Congress reacted warmly to the verdict on Tuesday.
"The content of Mr. Noble's Internet postings made it clear that he is motivated by anti-semitism," said the CJC's Len Rudner, who provided expert testimony at Noble's trial.

"Noble's hatred was not limited to the Jewish people," he added. "He promoted not only racist views but also made available messages that supported racist violence."

Fort St. John is about 450 kilometres northeast of Prince George

I HEARD ON A RADIO PROGRAM...this was not even a personal web site it was postings on a message board !
Anyone dumb enough to attend a racist convention and pretend they are not aiding and abetting those concepts, organizers and the effort to portray hatred and racism as somehow acceptable are sorely mistaken.

Unless your there in an official capacity in some job or as a counter to their hate and racism you are part of the problem. Requiring you to sign up is nothing more than a scam to inflate their "followers" or " believers" numbers at the next or future events and for the press.

Unless the event allows you to "sign" up as opposed to them and there to oppose them it is no more than a scam.
That's a bit of a reach, RGS. Posting a link to a political event, on a message board dedicated to politics, is hardly the kind of advertising that you're alluding to. It's no different than posting a link to a candidate's fundraising event.

Where it becomes "advertisement", is when the poster is soliciting for personal profit or personal gain.

I can completely see how an admitted Authoritarian such as yourself would see this as a golden opportunity to push for censorship, though.

So if someone wants to link to NAMBLA and claim a political agenda you do not mind? How about White supremists sites that are "getting out" the vote? The KKK?

Separation of races is Unconstitutional and ILLEGAL when forced. This group is all about JUST that. Their "politics" are about how they can force non whites and unacceptable whites into enclaves while they ensure the correct white man runs the Country and only white men are in high office. No Representation for anyone not of the right color or proper breeding. Their ultimate goal being to cleanse the country of all non whites and all whites that are not of the proper breeding.

All illegal activities, unconstitutional and repugnant to any sane person.

Excuse me if I do not appreciate advertising this garbage as if it were above board and mainstream. Forgive me if I made the mistake of thinking this board had some standards of right and wrong.

That you think it is ok for him to openly recruit on this board is unbelievable.
Anyone dumb enough to attend a racist convention and pretend they are not aiding and abetting those concepts, organizers and the effort to portray hatred and racism as somehow acceptable are sorely mistaken.

Unless your there in an official capacity in some job or as a counter to their hate and racism you are part of the problem. Requiring you to sign up is nothing more than a scam to inflate their "followers" or " believers" numbers at the next or future events and for the press.

Unless the event allows you to "sign" up as opposed to them and there to oppose them it is no more than a scam.

Oh well. I completely disagree with your perspective. I have attended meetings and stood silently watching and listening to what was happening. I did not applaud or do anything to draw attention to myself. When asked by an activist what I was doing, I would explain that I was just curious. It does not mean that I support the activity or that I am opposed to the activity.
Ya Canada is our Country alright.

September 27, 2007

Senator Clinton Calls on President to Sign Children's Health Insurance Bill into Law

Praises Senate Passage of Hate Crimes Bill

Washington, DC - Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today spoke on the floor of the Senate, urging the President to sign into law the Children’s Health Insurance bill the Senate is expected to approve today. The bill also includes the Support for Injured Servicemembers Act of 2007, legislation Senator Clinton introduced along with Senator Dodd to provide up to six months of job-protected leave for spouses, children, parents or next of kin of service members who suffer from a combat-related injury or illness, enacting a key recommendation of the Dole-Shalala Commission on Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors. In her remarks, Senator Clinton also praised passage today by the Senate of the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

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