Young people vote far-right in Europe


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Lefts are angry, european youth want not to be slaughtered by 'muslim' refuges or to work the entirely life for left welfare parasites. European youth want their countries back, therefore they vote for patriots, not for corrupt thieves and morons.Soon Europa will have many Donalds and all commies will have not chances to continue their devils work.

In the European Union, which was founded upon ideals of democracy and inclusion, more and more young people are turning to far-right parties that lure them in with simple messages. Some experts see democracy in danger.

Young people vote far-right in Europe | Europe | DW.COM | 14.12.2015
It'd troubling in a way. Unfortunate.

If you study cycles of human history this is very predictable.

We haven't had a truly devastating global war in almost a century. We're overdue. It's coming.

WW2. WW1. Napoleonic Wars. Revolutionary War. French Revolution. All the massive Asian empire wars. The Crusades.

Sadly....humans are war animals. Tribal animals. Much of humanity has evolved out of it. But Muslims havent. Many poor masses haven't. And they want war with the rich.
It'd troubling in a way. Unfortunate.

If you study cycles of human history this is very predictable.

We haven't had a truly devastating global war in almost a century. We're overdue. It's coming.

WW2. WW1. Napoleonic Wars. Revolutionary War. French Revolution. All the massive Asian empire wars. The Crusades.

Sadly....humans are war animals. Tribal animals. Much of humanity has evolved out of it. But Muslims havent. Many poor masses haven't. And they want war with the rich.

wake up--------the war has already started. You are confused by the ARYAN LOVERS on this board-------the ARYANS have started it -------it is raging on the YEMENI-SAUDI border. Like most misery created on the globe for the past
several thousand years------THE ARYANS ARE DOING IT. (for those history
challenged-----the Aryans imposed the Nazi caste system on the innocent
people of the indus valley
Right wing backlash against freedom and liberal ideas exists everywhere, nothing new here. Consider our own nation and the corporate control of the right. Add big money and you have the tea party and other right wing un-American types. Look only at all the conservative think tanks that do anything but think. It is curious how prosperity often brings with it isolation and insecurity.

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey

"Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." Government is Good - The Anti-Government Campaign

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy'
"Young people vote far-right in Europe"

Yes, young people are just as capable of being hateful, ignorant, and stupid as older people.

so true. hateful, ignorant, stupid and vengeful. -----pay attention here to the
justifications offered by the board Nazis. Hateful, ignorant, stupid and vengeful
has been CANONIZED
Right wing backlash against freedom and liberal ideas exists everywhere, nothing new here. Consider our own nation and the corporate control of the right. Add big money and you have the tea party and other right wing un-American types. Look only at all the conservative think tanks that do anything but think. It is curious how prosperity often brings with it isolation and insecurity.

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey

"Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." Government is Good - The Anti-Government Campaign

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy'

ALL TRUE------where right meets left and left meets right-------the outcome is
It'd troubling in a way. Unfortunate.

If you study cycles of human history this is very predictable.

We haven't had a truly devastating global war in almost a century. We're overdue. It's coming.

WW2. WW1. Napoleonic Wars. Revolutionary War. French Revolution. All the massive Asian empire wars. The Crusades.

Sadly....humans are war animals. Tribal animals. Much of humanity has evolved out of it. But Muslims havent. Many poor masses haven't. And they want war with the rich.

And it can't evolve out of it. Its fundamental tenants are anti-advancement.
The far right: ignorant, hateful, stupid.

Ignorant: they know nothing about the people they despise, Muslims in particular.

Hateful: as a consequence of their ignorance and unwarranted fear of immigrants, most on the far right exhibit hatred toward those whom they fear.

Stupid: to condemn an entire class of persons for the acts of the non-representative few is stupid, it fails as a composition/hasty generalization fallacy.

That young people in Europe practice this hate is sad, we can only hope they grow out of it as they mature.
The far right: ignorant, hateful, stupid.

Ignorant: they know nothing about the people they despise, Muslims in particular.

Hateful: as a consequence of their ignorance and unwarranted fear of immigrants, most on the far right exhibit hatred toward those whom they fear.

Stupid: to condemn an entire class of persons for the acts of the non-representative few is stupid, it fails as a composition/hasty generalization fallacy.

That young people in Europe practice this hate is sad, we can only hope they grow out of it as they mature.
Interesting, they've been compared to the "Know Nothing Party" of the 1850s.
It's funny how the left can only repeat the same thing over and over, that anyone who wishes to preserve European culture is a "fascist" or a Nazi. They have absolutely no counter arguments for the problem of Muslims infesting Europe. Absolutely no solution for the Islamic terrorist problem or refugee problem. Other than of course, to just lay down and let them enter every country at will and obtain citizenship and welfare, because that will magically turn them from their batshit crazy religion into good, big government loving atheists.
Europeans are more and more longing for their own identity. They see their homelands slowly but surely being taken away. They have made critical mistakes, especially like allowing their birthrate to drop to the point that if they do nothing, they'll be replaced in another generation by Muslim immigrants.
Maybe they are finally waking up and will work to save themselves, and frankly help save the civilized world.
The far right: ignorant, hateful, stupid.

Ignorant: they know nothing about the people they despise, Muslims in particular.

Hateful: as a consequence of their ignorance and unwarranted fear of immigrants, most on the far right exhibit hatred toward those whom they fear.

Stupid: to condemn an entire class of persons for the acts of the non-representative few is stupid, it fails as a composition/hasty generalization fallacy.

That young people in Europe practice this hate is sad, we can only hope they grow out of it as they mature.

Idiots like you are the pied piper encouraging Europeans to step off the cliff.
If your kind get their way, the future is doomed.
It's funny how the left can only repeat the same thing over and over, that anyone who wishes to preserve European culture is a "fascist" or a Nazi. They have absolutely no counter arguments for the problem of Muslims infesting Europe. Absolutely no solution for the Islamic terrorist problem or refugee problem. Other than of course, to just lay down and let them enter every country at will and obtain citizenship and welfare, because that will magically turn them from their batshit crazy religion into good, big government loving atheists.

Why is it that all the peoples on the globe have the right to freedom and self determination and the protection of their own cultures EXCEPT FOR EUROPEAN POPULATIONS?

Why is it that these white populations are being demographically driven into genocide?
It's funny how the left can only repeat the same thing over and over, that anyone who wishes to preserve European culture is a "fascist" or a Nazi. They have absolutely no counter arguments for the problem of Muslims infesting Europe. Absolutely no solution for the Islamic terrorist problem or refugee problem. Other than of course, to just lay down and let them enter every country at will and obtain citizenship and welfare, because that will magically turn them from their batshit crazy religion into good, big government loving atheists.

Why is it that all the peoples on the globe have the right to freedom and self determination and the protection of their own cultures EXCEPT FOR EUROPEAN POPULATIONS?

Why is it that these white populations are being demographically driven into genocide?

Because the eradication of white Christians is "progress" in the eyes of progressives.
If the LIBs in the US who claim how we should all welcome tens of thousands of muslims into the country, who will never assimilate, could be transported to any muslim ghetto enclave shithole in any city in Europe and have to walk the streets for a day they would change their opinion.
One of the favorite pastimes for young muslim men roaming the streets in these shitholes is to walk past a 'Western woman' and as she walks past they turn and spite on her. I've seen it dozens of times.
When these rag heads need to take a shit they do it on the front door steps of 'Western' run businesses.
They are filthy animals.

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